48.988(1)(d)(d) Appropriate jurisdictional arrangements for the care of children will be promoted.
48.988(2)(2)Article II — Definitions. As used in this compact:
48.988(2)(a)(a) “Child” means a person who, by reason of minority, is legally subject to parental, guardianship or similar control.
48.988(2)(b)(b) “Placement” means the arrangement for the care of a child in a family free or boarding home, in a child-caring agency, or in a residential care center for children and youth, but does not include any institution caring for the mentally ill, mentally defective, or epileptic, any institution primarily educational in character, or any hospital or other medical facility.
48.988(2)(c)(c) “Receiving state” means the state to which a child is sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought, whether by public authorities or private persons or agencies, and whether for placement with state or local public authorities or for placement with private agencies or persons.
48.988(2)(d)(d) “Sending agency” means a party state, officer or employee thereof; a subdivision of a party state, or officer or employee thereof; a court of a party state; a person, corporation, association, charitable agency or other entity which sends, brings or causes to be sent or brought any child to another party state.
48.988(3)(3)Article III — Conditions for Placement.
48.988(3)(a)(a) No sending agency shall send, bring or cause to be sent or brought into any other party state any child for placement in foster care or as a preliminary to a possible adoption unless the sending agency shall comply with each and every requirement set forth in this subsection and with the applicable laws of the receiving state governing the placement of children therein.
48.988(3)(b)(b) Prior to sending, bringing or causing any child to be sent or brought into a receiving state for placement in foster care or as a preliminary to a possible adoption the sending agency shall furnish the appropriate public authorities in the receiving state written notice of the intention to send, bring, or place the child in the receiving state. The notice shall contain:
48.988(3)(b)1.1. The name, date and place of birth of the child.
48.988(3)(b)2.2. The identity and address or addresses of the parents or legal guardian.
48.988(3)(b)3.3. The name and address of the person, agency or institution to or with which the sending agency proposes to send, bring or place the child.
48.988(3)(b)4.4. A full statement of the reasons for such proposed action and evidence of the authority pursuant to which the placement is proposed to be made.
48.988(3)(c)(c) Any public officer or agency in a receiving state which is in receipt of a notice pursuant to par. (b) may request of the sending agency, or any other appropriate officer or agency of or in the sending agency’s state, and shall be entitled to receive therefrom, such supporting or additional information as it may deem necessary under the circumstances to carry out the purpose and policy of this compact.
48.988(3)(d)(d) The child shall not be sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought into the receiving state until the appropriate public authorities in the receiving state shall notify the sending agency, in writing, to the effect that the proposed placement does not appear to be contrary to the interests of the child.
48.988(4)(4)Article IV — Penalty for Illegal Placement. The sending, bringing, or causing to be sent or brought into any receiving state of a child in violation of the terms of this compact shall constitute a violation of the laws respecting the placement of children of both the state in which the sending agency is located or from which it sends or brings the child and of the receiving state. Such violation may be punished or subjected to penalty in either jurisdiction in accordance with its laws. In addition to liability for any such punishment or penalty, any such violation shall constitute full and sufficient grounds for the suspension or revocation of any license, permit, or other legal authorization held by the sending agency which empowers or allows it to place, or care for children.
48.988(5)(5)Article V — Retention of Jurisdiction.
48.988(5)(a)(a) The sending agency shall retain jurisdiction over the child sufficient to determine all matters in relation to the custody, supervision, care, treatment and disposition of the child which it would have had if the child had remained in the sending agency’s state, until the child is adopted, reaches majority, becomes self-supporting or is discharged with the concurrence of the appropriate authority in the receiving state. Such jurisdiction shall also include the power to effect or cause the return of the child or its transfer to another location and custody pursuant to law. The sending agency shall continue to have financial responsibility for support and maintenance of the child during the period of the placement. Nothing contained herein shall defeat a claim of jurisdiction by a receiving state sufficient to deal with an act of delinquency or crime committed therein.
48.988(5)(b)(b) When the sending agency is a public agency, it may enter into an agreement with an authorized public or private agency in the receiving state providing for the performance of one or more services in respect of such case by the latter as agent for the sending agency.
48.988(5)(c)(c) Nothing in this compact shall be construed to prevent a private charitable agency authorized to place children in the receiving state from performing services or acting as agent in that state for a private charitable agency of the sending state; nor to prevent the agency in the receiving state from discharging financial responsibility for the support and maintenance of a child who has been placed on behalf of the sending agency without relieving the responsibility set forth in par. (a).
48.988(6)(6)Article VI — Institutional Care of Delinquent Children. A child adjudicated delinquent may be placed in an institution in another party jurisdiction pursuant to this compact but no such placement shall be made unless the child is given a court hearing on notice to the parent or guardian with opportunity to be heard, prior to being sent to such other party jurisdiction for institutional care and the court finds that:
48.988(6)(a)(a) Equivalent facilities for the child are not available in the sending agency’s jurisdiction; and
48.988(6)(b)(b) Institutional care in the other jurisdiction is in the best interest of the child and will not produce undue hardship.
48.988(7)(7)Article VII — Compact Administrator. The executive head of each jurisdiction party to this compact shall designate an officer who shall be general coordinator of activities under this compact in his or her jurisdiction and who, acting jointly with like officers of other party jurisdictions, shall have power to promulgate rules and regulations to carry out more effectively the terms and provisions of this compact.
48.988(8)(8)Article VIII — Limitations. This compact shall not apply to:
48.988(8)(a)(a) The sending or bringing of a child into a receiving state by the child’s parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult brother or sister, adult uncle or aunt, or guardian and leaving the child with any such relative or non-agency guardian in the receiving state if the person who sends, brings, or causes a child to be sent or brought into a receiving state is a person whose full legal right to plan for the child has been established by law at a time prior to initiation of the placement arrangement and has not been voluntarily terminated or diminished or severed by the action or order of any court.
48.988(8)(b)(b) Any placement, sending or bringing of a child into a receiving state pursuant to any other interstate compact to which both the state from which the child is sent or brought and the receiving state are party, or to any other agreement between said states which has the force of law.
48.988(9)(9)Article IX — Enactment and Withdrawal. This compact shall be open to joinder by any state, territory or possession of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and, with the consent of Congress, the Government of Canada or any province thereof. It shall become effective with respect to any such jurisdiction when such jurisdiction has enacted the same into law. Withdrawal from this compact shall be by the enactment of a statute repealing the same, but shall not take effect until two years after the effective date of such statute and until written notice of the withdrawal has been given by the withdrawing state to the Governor of each other party jurisdiction. Withdrawal of a party state shall not affect the rights, duties and obligations under, this compact of any sending agency therein with respect to a placement made prior to the effective date of withdrawal.
48.988(10)(10)Article X — Construction and Severability. The provisions of this compact shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this compact shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state party thereto, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.
48.988(11)(11)Financial responsibility. Financial responsibility for any child placed under the interstate compact on the placement of children shall be determined in accordance with sub. (5) in the first instance. However, in the event of partial or complete default of performance thereunder, the provisions of s. 49.90, ch. 769, or any other applicable state law fixing responsibility for the support of children also may be invoked.
48.988(14)(14)Interstate agreements. The officers and agencies of this state and its subdivisions having authority to place children may enter into agreements with appropriate officers or agencies of or in other party states under sub. (5) (b). Any agreement which contains a financial commitment or imposes a financial obligation on this state or subdivision or agency thereof shall not be binding unless it has the approval in writing of the department in the case of the state.
48.988(15)(15)Requirements for visitation, inspection, and supervision. Any requirements for visitation, inspection or supervision of children, homes, institutions or other agencies in another party state which may apply under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be met if performed pursuant to an agreement entered into by appropriate officers or agencies of this state or a subdivision thereof as contemplated by sub. (5) (b).
48.988(16)(16)Court jurisdiction retained. Any court having jurisdiction to place delinquent children may place such a child in an institution or in another state under sub. (5) and shall retain jurisdiction as provided in sub. (5).
48.988 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 354; Stats. 1977 s. 48.99; 1977 c. 447; Stats. 1977 s. 48.988; 1981 c. 390; 1983 a. 189; 1985 a. 29 s. 3202 (23); 1987 a. 403; 1993 a. 326; 1997 a. 104; 1999 a. 32; 2001 a. 59; 2005 a. 443; 2007 a. 186; 2021 a. 240 s. 30.
48.98948.989Interstate compact on the placement of children: additional procedure.
48.989(1)(1)Definitions. In this section and in s. 48.988:
48.989(1)(a)(a) “Appropriate authority in the receiving state” means the department.
48.989(1)(b)(b) “Appropriate public authorities” means the department, which shall receive and act with reference to notices required by s. 48.988 (3).
48.989(1)(c)(c) “Executive head” means the governor.
48.989(2)(2)Financial responsibility. Financial responsibility for any child placed under the provisions of the interstate compact on the placement of children shall be determined in accordance with ss. 48.60 (4) (b) and 48.988 (5). In the event of partial or complete default of performance under the compact, the provisions of s. 49.90, ch. 769, or any other applicable state law fixing responsibility for the support of children may also be invoked.
48.989(3)(3)Interstate agreements. The officers and agencies of this state and its subdivisions having authority to place children may enter into agreements with appropriate officers or agencies of or in other party states under s. 48.988 (5) (b). Any agreement which contains a financial commitment or imposes a financial obligation on this state or any subdivision or agency thereof shall not be binding unless it has the approval in writing of the department in matters involving the state and of the chief local fiscal officer in matters involving a subdivision of the state.
48.989(4)(4)Requirements. Any requirement for visitation, inspection or supervision of children, homes, institutions or other agencies in another party state which may apply under the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed to be met if performed under an agreement entered into by appropriate officers or agencies of this state or a subdivision thereof under s. 48.988 (5) (b).
48.989(5)(5)Court jurisdiction. Any court having jurisdiction to place delinquent children may place such a child in an institution or in another state under s. 48.988 (5). The court shall retain jurisdiction as provided in s. 48.988 (5).
48.989 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 354; Stats. 1977 s. 48.995; 1977 c. 447; Stats. 1977 s. 48.989; 1981 c. 390; 1985 a. 29 s. 3202 (23); 1989 a. 31; 1993 a. 326; 1995 a. 27 s. 9126 (19); 2005 a. 443; 2007 a. 20.
48.989548.9895Withdrawal from Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children. Sections 48.988 and 48.989 do not apply to a child from this state who is sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought into another state under s. 48.988 (3) or who is placed in an institution in another state under s. 48.988 (6), or to a child from another state who is sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought into this state under s. 48.988 (3) or who is placed in an institution in this state under s. 48.988 (6), if all of the following have occurred:
48.9895(1)(1)The Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children under s. 48.99 is in effect as provided in s. 48.99 (14) (b).
48.9895(2)(2)Both this state and the other state are parties to the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children under s. 48.99.
48.9895(3)(3)Both this state and the other state have withdrawn from the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children as provided in s. 48.988 (9).
48.9895 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 339.
48.9948.99Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children.
48.99(1)(1)Article I — Purpose. The purpose of this compact is to do all of the following:
48.99(1)(a)(a) Provide a process through which children who are subject to this compact are placed in safe and suitable homes in a timely manner.
48.99(1)(b)(b) Facilitate ongoing supervision of a placement, the delivery of services, and communication between the states.
48.99(1)(c)(c) Provide operating procedures that will ensure that children are placed in safe and suitable homes in a timely manner.
48.99(1)(d)(d) Provide for the promulgation and enforcement of administrative rules implementing the provisions of this compact and regulating the covered activities of the member states.
48.99(1)(e)(e) Provide for uniform data collection and information sharing between member states under this compact.
48.99(1)(f)(f) Promote coordination between this compact, the Interstate Compact for Juveniles, the Interstate Compact on Adoption and Medical Assistance, and other compacts that affect the placement of, and provide services to, children who are otherwise subject to this compact.
48.99(1)(g)(g) Provide for a state to retain the continuing legal jurisdiction and responsibility for placement and care of a child that the state would have had if the placement were intrastate.
48.99(1)(h)(h) Provide for the promulgation of guidelines, in collaboration with Indian tribes, for interstate cases involving Indian children as is or may be permitted by federal law.
48.99(2)(2)Article II — Definitions. As used in this compact:
48.99(2)(a)(a) “Approved placement” means a placement that the public child placing agency in the receiving state has determined to be both safe and suitable for the child.
48.99(2)(b)(b) “Assessment” means an evaluation of a prospective placement by the public child placing agency in the receiving state to determine if the placement meets the individualized needs of the child, including the child’s safety and stability, health and well-being, and mental, emotional, and physical development. An assessment is only applicable to a placement made by a public child placing agency.
48.99(2)(c)(c) “Child” means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years.
48.99(2)(d)(d) “Certification” means a statement attested, declared, or sworn to before a judge or notary public.
48.99(2)(e)(e) “Default” means the failure of a member state to perform the obligations or responsibilities imposed upon that state by this compact or by the bylaws or rules of the interstate commission.
48.99(2)(f)(f) “Home study” means an evaluation of a home environment conducted in accordance with the applicable requirements of the state in which the home is located that documents the preparation and suitability of the placement resource for placement of a child in accordance with the laws and requirements of that state.
48.99(2)(g)(g) “Indian tribe” means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians that is recognized as eligible for services provided to Indians by the U.S. secretary of the interior because of their status as Indians, including an Alaskan native village, as defined in 43 USC 1602 (c).
48.99(2)(h)(h) “Interstate commission” means the interstate commission for the placement of children established under sub. (8) (a).
48.99(2)(i)(i) “Jurisdiction” means the power and authority of a court to hear and decide matters.
48.99(2)(j)(j) “Legal risk placement” means a placement of a child made preliminary to an adoption in which the prospective adoptive parents acknowledge in writing that the child can be ordered to be returned to the sending state or the birth mother’s state of residence, if different from the sending state, and in which a final decree of adoption may not be entered in any jurisdiction until all required consents are obtained or are dispensed with in accordance with applicable law.
48.99(2)(k)(k) “Member state” means a state that has enacted the enabling legislation for this compact.
48.99(2)(L)(L) “Noncustodial parent” means a person who, at the time of the commencement of court proceedings in the sending state, does not have sole legal custody of the child or has joint legal custody of the child, and who is not the subject of allegations or findings of child abuse or neglect.
48.99(2)(m)(m) “Nonmember state” means a state that has not enacted the enabling legislation for this compact.
48.99(2)(n)(n) “Notice of residential placement” means information regarding a placement into a residential facility that is provided to the receiving state including the name, date, and place of birth of the child, the identity and address of the child’s parent or legal guardian, evidence of the authority to make the placement, and the name and address of the facility in which the child will be placed. Notice of residential placement also includes information regarding a discharge and any unauthorized absence from the facility.
48.99(2)(o)(o) “Placement” means the act by a public or private child placing agency that is intended to arrange for the care or custody of a child in another state.
48.99(2)(p)(p) “Private child placing agency” means any private corporation, agency, foundation, institution, or charitable organization, or any private person or attorney, that facilitates, causes, or is involved in the placement of a child from one state to another state and that is not an instrumentality of the state or acting under color of state law.
48.99(2)(q)(q) “Provisional placement” means a proposed placement that the public child placing agency in the receiving state has determined to be safe and suitable and with respect to which the receiving state, to the extent allowable, has temporarily waived its standards or requirements that are otherwise applicable to prospective foster or adoptive parents so as to not delay the placement. Completion of the receiving state’s requirements regarding training for prospective foster or adoptive parents shall not delay an otherwise safe and suitable placement.
48.99(2)(r)(r) “Public child placing agency” means any government child welfare agency or child protection agency or a private entity under contract with such an agency, regardless of whether the agency or entity acts on behalf of a state, county, municipality, or other governmental unit, that facilitates, causes, or is involved in the placement of a child from one state to another state.
48.99(2)(s)(s) “Receiving state” means the state to which a child is sent, brought, or caused to be sent or brought.
48.99(2)(t)(t) “Relative” means a person who is related to the child as a parent, stepparent, sibling by half or whole blood or by adoption, grandparent, aunt, uncle, or first cousin or a nonrelative with such significant ties to the child that the nonrelative may be regarded as a relative as determined by the court in the sending state.
48.99(2)(u)(u) “Residential facility” means a facility providing a level of care that is sufficient to substitute for parental responsibility or foster care and that is beyond what is needed for assessment or treatment of an acute condition. For purposes of this compact, residential facilities do not include institutions that are primarily educational in character, hospitals, or other medical facilities.
48.99(2)(v)(v) Except as provided in sub. (11) (g), “rule” means a written directive, mandate, standard, or principle issued by the interstate commission and promulgated under sub. (11) that is of general applicability; that implements, interprets, or prescribes a policy or provision of the compact; and that has the force and effect of an administrative rule in a member state. “Rule” includes the amendment, repeal, or suspension of an existing rule.
48.99(2)(w)(w) “Sending state” means the state from which the placement of a child is initiated.
48.99(2)(x)(x) “Service member’s permanent duty station” means the military installation where an active duty U.S. armed services member is currently assigned and is physically located under competent orders that do not specify the duty as temporary.
48.99(2)(y)(y) “Service member’s declared state of legal residence” means the state in which an active duty U.S. armed services member is considered a resident for tax and voting purposes.
48.99(2)(z)(z) “State” means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States Virgin Islands, Guam, American Samoa, the Northern Marianas Islands, or any other territorial possession of the United States.
48.99(2)(zg)(zg) “State court” means a judicial body of a state that is vested by law with responsibility for adjudicating cases involving abuse, neglect, deprivation, delinquency, or status offenses of children.
48.99(2)(zr)(zr) “Supervision” means monitoring provided by a receiving state once a child has been placed in the receiving state under this compact.
48.99(3)(3)Article III — Applicability.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)