48.99(5)(b)2.2. The appropriate consents or relinquishments signed by the birth parents in accordance with the laws of the sending state or, where permitted, the laws of the state where the adoption will be finalized.
48.99(5)(b)3.3. Certification by a licensed attorney or authorized agent of a private adoption agency that the consent or relinquishment is in compliance with the applicable laws of the sending state or, where permitted, the laws of the state where the adoption will be finalized.
48.99(5)(b)4.4. A home study.
48.99(5)(b)5.5. An acknowledgment signed by the prospective adoptive parents that the placement is a legal risk placement.
48.99(5)(c)(c) The sending state and the receiving state may request additional information or documentation prior to finalization of an approved placement, but the sending state and receiving state may not delay travel by the prospective adoptive parents with the child if the required content under par. (b) 1. to 5. has been submitted, received, and reviewed by the public child placing agencies in both the sending state and the receiving state.
48.99(5)(d)(d) The approval of the public child placing agency in the receiving state for a provisional placement or an approved placement is required as provided for in the rules of the interstate commission.
48.99(5)(e)(e) The request for assessment shall contain all information and be in such form as provided for in the rules of the interstate commission and the procedures for making a request shall be as provided in those rules.
48.99(5)(f)(f) Upon receipt of a request from the public child placing agency of the sending state, the receiving state shall initiate an assessment of the proposed placement to determine the safety and suitability of that placement. If the proposed placement is a placement with a relative, the public child placing agency of the sending state may request a determination of whether the placement qualifies as a provisional placement.
48.99(5)(g)(g) The public child placing agency in the receiving state may request from the public child placing agency or the private child placing agency in the sending state, and shall be entitled to receive, supporting or additional information as necessary to complete the assessment or approve the placement.
48.99(5)(h)(h) The public child placing agency in the receiving state shall approve a provisional placement and complete or arrange for the completion of the assessment within the time frames established in rules promulgated by the interstate commission.
48.99(5)(i)(i) For a placement by a private child placing agency, the sending state may not impose any additional requirements with respect to completion of the home study that are not required by the receiving state, unless the adoption is finalized in the sending state.
48.99(5)(j)(j) The interstate commission may develop uniform standards for assessing the safety and suitability of interstate placements.
48.99(6)(6)Article VI — Placement Authority.
48.99(6)(a)(a) Except as otherwise provided in this compact, no child who is subject to this compact may be placed into a receiving state until approval for that placement is obtained from the public child placing agency in the receiving state.
48.99(6)(b)(b) If the public child placing agency in the receiving state does not approve the proposed placement, then the child may not be placed. The receiving state shall provide written documentation of any such determination in accordance with the rules promulgated by the interstate commission. That determination is not subject to judicial review in the sending state.
48.99(6)(c)1.1. If the proposed placement is not approved, any interested party or person shall have standing to seek an administrative review of the receiving state’s determination.
48.99(6)(c)2.2. The administrative review and any further judicial review associated with the determination shall be conducted in the receiving state under its applicable administrative procedures act.
48.99(6)(c)3.3. If a determination not to approve the placement of the child in the receiving state is overturned upon review, the placement shall be considered approved, so long as all administrative or judicial remedies have been exhausted or the time for seeking those remedies has passed.
48.99(7)(7)Article VII — Placing Agency Responsibility.
48.99(7)(a)(a) For the interstate placement of a child made by a public child placing agency or state court, financial responsibility shall be allocated as follows:
48.99(7)(a)1.1. The public child placing agency in the sending state shall be financially responsible for all of the following:
48.99(7)(a)1.a.a. Ongoing maintenance payments for the child during the period of the placement, unless otherwise provided for in the receiving state.
48.99(7)(a)1.b.b. Services for the child beyond the public services for which the child is eligible in the receiving state, as determined by the public child placing agency in the sending state.
48.99(7)(a)2.2. The receiving state shall only have financial responsibility for all of the following:
48.99(7)(a)2.a.a. Any assessment conducted by the receiving state.
48.99(7)(a)2.b.b. Supervision conducted by the receiving state at the level necessary to support the placement as agreed upon by the public child placing agencies of the receiving state and the sending state.
48.99(7)(b)(b) Nothing in par. (a) shall prohibit a public child placing agency in a sending state from entering into an agreement with a licensed agency or other person in a receiving state to conduct assessments and provide supervision.
48.99(7)(c)(c) For the placement of a child by a private child placing agency preliminary to a possible adoption, the private child placing agency shall be responsible as follows:
48.99(7)(c)1.1. Legally responsible for the child during the period of placement as provided for in the law of the sending state until the finalization of the adoption.
48.99(7)(c)2.2. Financially responsible for the child absent a contractual agreement to the contrary.
48.99(7)(d)(d) The public child placing agency in the receiving state shall provide timely assessments, as provided for in the rules of the interstate commission.
48.99(7)(e)(e) The public child placing agency in the receiving state shall provide, or arrange for the provision of, supervision and services for the child, including timely reports, during the period of the placement.
48.99(7)(f)(f) Nothing in this compact shall be construed so as to limit the authority of the public child placing agency in the receiving state from contracting with a licensed agency or person in the receiving state for an assessment or for the provision of supervision or services for the child or from otherwise authorizing the provision of supervision or services by a licensed agency or person during the period of placement.
48.99(7)(g)(g) Each member state shall provide for coordination among its branches of government concerning the state’s participation in, and compliance with, the compact and interstate commission activities, through the creation of an advisory council or the use of an existing body or board.
48.99(7)(h)(h) Each member state shall establish a central state compact office, which shall be responsible for state compliance with the compact and the rules of the interstate commission.
48.99(7)(i)(i) The public child placing agency in the sending state shall oversee compliance with the federal Indian Child Welfare Act, 25 USC 1901 to 1963, prior to a placement under this compact of an Indian child.
48.99(7)(j)(j) With the consent of the interstate commission, states may enter into limited agreements that facilitate the timely assessment and provision of services and supervision of placements under this compact.
48.99(8)(8)Article VIII — Interstate Commission for the Placement of Children.
48.99(8)(a)(a) There is created the interstate commission for the placement of children. The activities of the interstate commission are the formation of public policy and are a discretionary state function. The interstate commission shall be a joint commission of the member states and shall have all of the responsibilities, powers, and duties set forth in this section and such additional powers as may be conferred upon the interstate commission by subsequent concurrent action of the respective legislatures of the member states.
48.99(8)(b)1.1. The interstate commission shall consist of one commissioner from each member state who shall be appointed by the executive head of the state human services administration with ultimate responsibility for the state’s child welfare program. The appointed commissioner may vote on policy-related matters governed by this compact binding the state.
48.99(8)(b)2.2. Each member state represented at a meeting of the interstate commission is entitled to one vote.
48.99(8)(b)3.3. A majority of the member states shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, unless a larger quorum is required by the bylaws of the interstate commission.
48.99(8)(b)4.4. A commissioner may not delegate a vote to another member state.
48.99(8)(b)5.5. A commissioner may delegate voting authority to another person from the commissioner’s state for a specified meeting.
48.99(8)(c)(c) In addition to the commissioners of each member state, the interstate commission shall include persons who are members of interested organizations, as defined in the bylaws or rules of the interstate commission. Those members shall not be entitled to vote on any matter before the interstate commission.
48.99(8)(d)(d) The interstate commission shall establish an executive committee that shall have the authority to administer the day-to-day operations and administration of the interstate commission. The executive committee may not engage in rule making.
48.99(9)(9)Article IX — Powers of the Interstate Commission. The interstate commission shall have the power to do all of the following:
48.99(9)(a)(a) Promulgate rules and take all necessary actions to effect the goals, purposes, and obligations enumerated in this compact.
48.99(9)(b)(b) Provide for dispute resolution among member states.
48.99(9)(c)(c) Issue, upon request of a member state, advisory opinions concerning the meaning or interpretation of this compact or the bylaws, rules, or actions of the interstate commission.
48.99(9)(d)(d) Enforce compliance with this compact or the bylaws or rules of the interstate commission under sub. (12).
48.99(9)(e)(e) Collect standardized data concerning the interstate placement of children who are subject to this compact as directed by its rules, which rules shall specify the data to be collected, the means of collection, and data exchange and reporting requirements.
48.99(9)(f)(f) Establish and maintain offices as may be necessary for transacting the business of the interstate commission.
48.99(9)(g)(g) Purchase and maintain insurance and bonds.
48.99(9)(h)(h) Hire or contract for the services of personnel or consultants as may be necessary to carry out its functions under the compact and establish personnel qualification policies and rates of compensation.
48.99(9)(i)(i) Establish and appoint committees and officers including an executive committee as required by sub. (10).
48.99(9)(j)(j) Accept, receive, utilize, and dispose of donations and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services.
48.99(9)(k)(k) Lease, purchase, accept contributions or donations of, or otherwise own, hold, improve, or use any property, real, personal, or mixed.
48.99(9)(L)(L) Sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, abandon, or otherwise dispose of any property, real, personal, or mixed.
48.99(9)(m)(m) Establish a budget and make expenditures.
48.99(9)(n)(n) Adopt a seal and bylaws governing the management and operation of the interstate commission.
48.99(9)(o)(o) Report annually to the legislatures, governors, judiciary, and state advisory councils of the member states concerning the activities of the interstate commission during the preceding year. Those reports shall also include any recommendations that have been adopted by the interstate commission.
48.99(9)(p)(p) Coordinate and provide education, training, and public awareness regarding the interstate movement of children for officials who are involved in that activity.
48.99(9)(q)(q) Maintain books and records in accordance with the bylaws of the interstate commission.
48.99(9)(r)(r) Perform such functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this compact.
48.99(10)(10)Article X — Organization and Operation of the Interstate Commission.
48.99(10)(a)(a) Bylaws.
48.99(10)(a)1.1. Within 12 months after the first interstate commission meeting, the interstate commission shall adopt bylaws and rules to govern the conduct of the interstate commission as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the compact.
48.99(10)(a)2.2. The bylaws and rules of the interstate commission shall establish conditions and procedures under which the interstate commission shall make its information and official records available to the public for inspection or copying. The interstate commission may exempt from disclosure information or official records to the extent that disclosure of the information or official records would adversely affect personal privacy rights or proprietary interests.
48.99(10)(b)(b) Meetings.
48.99(10)(b)1.1. The interstate commission shall meet at least once each year. The chairperson may call additional meetings and, upon the request of a simple majority of the member states, shall call additional meetings.
48.99(10)(b)2.2. Public notice shall be given by the interstate commission of all meetings, and all meetings shall be open to the public, except as set forth in the rules or as otherwise provided in the compact. The interstate commission or any of its committees may close a meeting, or portion of a meeting, if the interstate commission or committee determines by a two-thirds vote that an open meeting would be likely to do any of the following:
48.99(10)(b)2.a.a. Relate solely to the interstate commission’s internal personnel practices and procedures.
48.99(10)(b)2.b.b. Disclose matters that are specifically exempted from disclosure by federal law.
48.99(10)(b)2.c.c. Disclose financial or commercial information that is privileged, proprietary, or confidential in nature.
48.99(10)(b)2.d.d. Involve accusing a person of a crime or formally censuring a person.
48.99(10)(b)2.e.e. Disclose information that is of a personal nature, if disclosure of the information would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy or would physically endanger one or more persons.
48.99(10)(b)2.f.f. Disclose investigative records that have been compiled for law enforcement purposes.
48.99(10)(b)2.g.g. Specifically relate to the interstate commission’s participation in a civil action or other legal proceeding.
48.99(10)(b)3.3. For a meeting, or portion of a meeting, that is closed under subd. 2., the interstate commission’s legal counsel or designee shall certify that the meeting may be closed and shall reference each provision under subd. 2. authorizing closure of the meeting. The interstate commission shall keep minutes that shall fully and clearly describe all matters discussed in a meeting and shall provide a full and accurate summary of actions taken and the reasons for those actions, including a description of the views expressed and the record of a roll call vote. All documents considered in connection with an action shall be identified in the minutes. All minutes and documents of a closed meeting shall remain under seal, subject to release by a majority vote of the interstate commission or by court order.
48.99(10)(b)4.4. The bylaws may provide for meetings of the interstate commission to be conducted by telecommunication or other electronic communication.
48.99(10)(c)(c) Officers and staff.
48.99(10)(c)1.1. The interstate commission may, through its executive committee, appoint or retain a staff director for such period, upon such terms and conditions, and for such compensation as the interstate commission may consider appropriate. The staff director shall serve as secretary to the interstate commission, but may not have a vote. The staff director may hire and supervise such other staff as may be authorized by the interstate commission.
48.99(10)(c)2.2. The interstate commission shall elect, from among its members, a chairperson and a vice chairperson of the executive committee and other necessary officers, each of whom shall have such authority and duties as may be specified in the bylaws.
48.99(10)(d)(d) Qualified immunity, defense, and indemnification.
48.99(10)(d)1.1. The staff director, employees, and representatives of the interstate commission shall be immune from suit and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for a claim for damage to or loss of property, personal injury, or other civil liability caused by, arising out of, or relating to an actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of interstate commission employment, duties, or responsibilities or that the person had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of interstate commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, except that this subdivision does not protect any person from suit or liability for any damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by a criminal act or the intentional or willful and wanton misconduct of that person.
48.99(10)(d)2.2. The liability of the staff director, employees, and representatives of the interstate commission, acting within the scope of that person’s employment, duties, or responsibilities, for any act, error, or omission occurring within that person’s state may not exceed the limits of liability set forth under the constitution and laws of that state for state officials, employees, and agents, except that this subdivision does not protect any person from suit or liability for any damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by a criminal act or the intentional or willful and wanton misconduct of that person. The interstate commission is considered to be an instrumentality of the state for the purposes of any such action.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)