49.45(6x)(a)(a) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gm), (o), and (w), the department shall distribute all of the following, except that the department may not allocate funds to a hospital to the extent that the allocation would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3):
49.45(6x)(a)1.1. Not more than $2,997,700 in fiscal year 2011-12 and not more than $2,988,700 in each fiscal year after fiscal year 2011-12 to an essential access city hospital that has previously received the supplemental payment for being an essential access city hospital.
49.45(6x)(a)2.2. Not more than $999,200 in fiscal year 2011-12 and not more than $996,200 in each fiscal year after fiscal year 2011-12 to a hospital that would qualify for an essential access city hospital supplemental payment, under the criteria described in the 2010-11 inpatient hospital state plan, except that the hospital did not meet the criteria to be an essential access city hospital during fiscal year 1995-96.
49.45(6x)(a)3.3. If the federal department of health and human services allows the payment, $300,000 from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (b) annually to a hospital that meets all of the following criteria:
49.45(6x)(a)3.a.a. The hospital is located in a city that has a municipal border that is also a state border.
49.45(6x)(a)3.b.b. The hospital has a Medical Assistance recipient patient mix that consists of at least 25 percent of residents from a state that borders this state.
49.45(6x)(a)3.c.c. The hospital is located in a city with a poverty level, as determined from the 2000 U.S. census, that is greater than 5 percent.
49.45(6x)(a)3.d.d. The hospital is located in a city with a population of less than 15,000 people.
49.45(6x)(b)(b) The department shall develop procedures for solicitation and review of requests for funds and a method to distribute the funds under par. (a) to an individual hospital that shall include establishment of criteria for the designation as an essential access city hospital.
49.45(6x)(c)(c) Except as provided in par. (d), the department shall distribute the funds under par. (a) under the distribution method that is developed under par. (b).
49.45(6x)(d)(d) If the federal department of health and human services approves for state expenditure in any state fiscal year amounts under s. 20.435 (4) (o) that result in a lesser distribution amount than that distributed under this subsection or disallows use of federal medicaid funds under par. (a), the department of health services shall reduce the distributions under this subsection.
49.45(6x)(e)(e) The department need not promulgate as rules under ch. 227 the procedures, method of distribution and criteria required for distribution under this subsection.
49.45(6y)(6y)Supplemental funding for certain hospitals.
49.45(6y)(a)(a) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gm), (o), and (w), the department may distribute funding in each fiscal year to provide supplemental payment to hospitals that enter into a contract under s. 49.02 (2) to provide health care services funded by a relief block grant, as determined by the department, for hospital services that are not in excess of the hospitals’ customary charges for the services, as limited under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3). If no relief block grant is awarded under this chapter or if the allocation of funds to such hospitals would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3), the department may distribute funds to hospitals that have not entered into a contract under s. 49.02 (2).
49.45(6y)(ap)(ap) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (o) and (xc), the department shall distribute not more than $8,000,000 in each fiscal year as supplemental payments to hospitals that satisfy the criteria established by the American College of Surgeons for classification as a Level I adult trauma center, except that the department may not make payments that exceed limitations based on customary charges under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3).
49.45(6y)(ar)(ar) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), the department may, from the appropriation account under s. 20.435 (4) (xc), make supplemental payments to hospitals based on hospital performance, in accordance with a payment methodology developed by the department, except that the department may not make payments that exceed limitations based on customary charges under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3).
49.45(6y)(b)(b) The department need not promulgate as rules under ch. 227 the procedures, methods of distribution, and criteria required for distribution under par. (a).
49.45(6z)(6z)Supplemental funding for certain hospitals serving low-income patients.
49.45(6z)(a)(a) Notwithstanding sub. (3) (e), from the appropriation accounts under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gm), (o), and (w), the department may distribute funding in each fiscal year to supplement payment for services to hospitals that enter into indigent care agreements, in accordance with the approved state plan for services under 42 USC 1396a, with relief agencies that administer the medical relief block grant under this chapter, if the department determines that the hospitals serve a disproportionate number of low-income patients with special needs. If no medical relief block grant under this chapter is awarded or if the allocation of funds to such hospitals would exceed any limitation under 42 USC 1396b (i) (3), the department may distribute funds to hospitals that have not entered into indigent care agreements. The department may not distribute funds under this subsection to the extent that the distribution would do any of the following:
49.45(6z)(a)1.1. Be inconsistent with 42 USC 1396r-4 (c) (3).
49.45(6z)(a)2.2. Exceed the limitation on payment under 42 USC 1396r-4 (f) (B) in any fiscal year.
49.45(6z)(b)(b) The department need not promulgate as rules under ch. 227 the procedures, methods of distribution and criteria required for distribution under par. (a).
49.45(7)(7)Personal funds.
49.45(7)(a)(a) Before July 1, 2024, a recipient who is a patient in a public medical institution or an accommodated person and has a monthly income exceeding the payment rates established under 42 USC 1382 (e) may retain $45 unearned income or the amount of any pension paid under 38 USC 5503 (d), whichever is greater, per month for personal needs. Beginning on July 1, 2024, the maximum amount of unearned income a recipient may retain per month under this paragraph is $55. Except as provided in s. 49.455 (4) (a), the recipient shall apply income in excess of the amount of any pension paid under 38 USC 5503 (d) or $55, whichever is greater, less any amount deducted under rules promulgated by the department, toward the cost of care in the facility.
49.45(7)(b)(b) Where a facility participating in the medical assistance program has been delegated in writing by a resident within that facility to manage and control the personal funds of the resident including but not limited to those funds identified in par. (a) the facility shall establish for the resident a personal fund account. All deposits and withdrawals of funds shall be documented by the facility to indicate the amount and date of deposit and amount, date and purpose of withdrawal. Such documentation shall be maintained in the resident’s records.
49.45(7)(c)(c) Upon the removal of a resident from the facility as a result of death or permanent transfer, the facility shall transfer the balance of the resident’s trust account to the personal representative of the resident’s estate, the legal guardian of the resident or if appropriate to the resident personally. A copy of the trust account records shall be transferred with the funds. No facility or any of its employees or representatives may benefit from the distribution of a deceased resident’s personal funds unless they are specifically named in the resident’s will or constitute an heir at law.
49.45(7)(d)1.1. The department shall accept from any person a verified complaint concerning any violation of this subsection. The department shall forward to the accused within 10 days a copy of such complaint. The department, upon such investigation as it deems necessary, may dismiss the complaint or may find probable cause to believe that a violation of this subsection has occurred.
49.45(7)(d)2.2. If the department finds probable cause to believe that a violation of this subsection has occurred, it may assess a forfeiture of not less than $25 nor more than $500 for each occurrence, and in addition may order that any amount illegally charged against a resident’s account be restored. The department shall immediately inform the complainant and respondent of any such decision and the amount of forfeiture or repayment, if any. If the department is not notified in writing that a party wishes to contest a decision within 15 working days after the parties are informed of such decision, the department’s determination shall be deemed final and may not be appealed to a court.
49.45(7)(d)3.3. The department shall inform the nursing home administrators examining board of all decisions made under this paragraph.
49.45(7)(d)4.4. The department’s determination of serious misconduct under this subsection shall be cause for terminating the facility’s participation in the state-funded portion of the medical assistance program under this subchapter.
49.45(7)(e)(e) Nursing homes shall adopt a uniform accounting system prescribed by the department for purposes of managing residents personal fund accounts.
49.45(8)(8)Per-visit limits on home health services reimbursement.
49.45(8)(a)(a) In this subsection:
49.45(8)(a)2.2. “Licensed practical nurse” has the meaning given in s. 146.40 (1) (c).
49.45(8)(a)2m.2m. “Nurse aide” has the meaning given in s. 146.40 (1) (d).
49.45(8)(a)3.3. “Occupational therapist” has the meaning given in s. 448.96 (4).
49.45(8)(a)4.4. “Patient care visit” means a personal contact with a patient that is made by a registered nurse, licensed practical nurse, nurse aide, physical therapist, occupational therapist, or speech-language pathologist who is on the staff of or under contract or arrangement with a home health agency, or by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse practicing independently, to provide a service that is covered under s. 49.46, 49.47, or 49.471. “Patient care visit” does not include time spent by a nurse, therapist, or nurse aide on case management, care coordination, travel, record keeping, or supervision that is related to the patient care visit.
49.45(8)(a)5.5. “Physical therapist” has the meaning given in s. 448.50 (3).
49.45(8)(a)6.6. “Registered nurse” has the meaning given in s. 146.40 (1) (f).
49.45(8)(a)7.7. “Speech-language pathologist” means an individual engaged in the practice of speech-language pathology, as regulated under ch. 459.
49.45(8)(b)(b) Reimbursement under s. 20.435 (4) (b), (gm), (o), and (w) for home health services provided by a certified home health agency or independent nurse shall be made at the home health agency’s or nurse’s usual and customary fee per patient care visit, subject to a maximum allowable fee per patient care visit that is established under par. (c).
49.45(8)(c)(c) The department shall establish a maximum statewide allowable fee per patient care visit, for each type of visit with respect to provider, that may be no greater than the cost per patient care visit, as determined by the department from cost reports of home health agencies, adjusted for costs related to case management, care coordination, travel, record keeping and supervision.
49.45(8r)(8r)Payment for certain obstetric and gynecological care. The rate of payment for obstetric and gynecological care provided in primary care shortage areas, as defined in s. 36.60 (1) (cm), or provided to recipients of medical assistance who reside in primary care shortage areas, that is equal to 125 percent of the rates paid under this section to primary care physicians in primary care shortage areas, shall be paid to all certified primary care providers who provide obstetric or gynecological care to those recipients.
49.45(8v)(8v)Incentive-based pharmacy payment system. The department shall establish a system of payment to pharmacies for legend and over-the-counter drugs provided to recipients of medical assistance that has financial incentives for pharmacists who perform services that result in savings to the medical assistance program. Under this system, the department shall establish a schedule of fees that is designed to ensure that any incentive payments made are equal to or less than the documented savings. The department may discontinue the system established under this subsection if the department determines, after performance of a study, that payments to pharmacists under the system exceed the documented savings under the system.
49.45(9)(9)Free choice. Any person eligible for medical assistance under s. 49.46, 49.468, 49.47, or 49.471 may use the physician, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist, podiatrist, hospital, skilled nursing home, health maintenance organization, limited service health organization, preferred provider plan or other licensed, registered or certified provider of health care of his or her choice, except that free choice of a provider may be limited by the department if the department’s alternate arrangements are economical and the recipient has reasonable access to health care of adequate quality. The department may also require a recipient to designate, in any or all categories of health care providers, a primary health care provider of his or her choice. After such a designation is made, the recipient may not receive services from other health care providers in the same category as the primary health care provider unless such service is rendered in an emergency or through written referral by the primary health care provider. Alternate designations by the recipient may be made in accordance with guidelines established by the department. Nothing in this subsection shall vitiate the legal responsibility of the physician, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist, podiatrist, skilled nursing home, hospital, health maintenance organization, limited service health organization, preferred provider plan or other licensed, registered or certified provider of health care to patients. All contract and tort relationships with patients shall remain, notwithstanding a written referral under this section, as though dealings are direct between the physician, chiropractor, dentist, pharmacist, podiatrist, skilled nursing home, hospital, health maintenance organization, limited service health organization, preferred provider plan or other licensed, registered or certified provider of health care and the patient. No physician, chiropractor, pharmacist, podiatrist, or dentist may be required to practice exclusively in the medical assistance program.
49.45(9m)(9m)Referrals. The department may, consistent with sub. (9), specify services for which reimbursement will be made only if the services are provided in accordance with a referral, in writing, which specifies the services to be rendered and the duration of such services. The referral form shall describe the referred services as required by the department.
49.45(9p)(9p)Prior authorization prohibited for wheelchair repairs.
49.45(9p)(a)(a) In this subsection, “recipient of medical assistance” means an individual who receives medical assistance under any of the following:
49.45(9p)(a)1.1. A program operated under this subchapter.
49.45(9p)(a)2.2. A demonstration program operated under 42 USC 1315.
49.45(9p)(a)3.3. A program operated under a waiver of federal law relating to medical assistance that is granted by the federal department of health and human services.
49.45(9p)(b)(b) The department may not require any person to obtain prior authorization from the department for a repair to a wheelchair used by a recipient of medical assistance that satisfies the following criteria:
49.45(9p)(b)1.1. If the repair is to a power wheelchair, the cost of the repair is less than $300.
49.45(9p)(b)2.2. If the repair is to a manual wheelchair, the cost of the repair is less than $150.
49.45(9p)(b)3.3. The cost of the repair is a covered benefit under the program of which the individual is a recipient.
49.45(9r)(9r)Complex rehabilitation technology.
49.45(9r)(a)(a) In this subsection:
49.45(9r)(a)1.1. “Complex needs patient” means an individual with a diagnosis or medical condition that results in significant physical impairment or functional limitation.
49.45(9r)(a)2.2. “Complex rehabilitation technology” means items classified within Medicare as durable medical equipment that are individually configured for individuals to meet their specific and unique medical, physical, and functional needs and capacities for basic activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living identified as medically necessary. “Complex rehabilitation technology” includes complex rehabilitation manual and power wheelchairs, adaptive seating and positioning items, and other specialized equipment such as standing frames and gait trainers, power seat elevation or power standing components of power wheelchairs, as well as options and accessories related to any of these items.
49.45(9r)(a)3.3. “Individually configured” means having a combination of sizes, features, adjustments, or modifications that a qualified complex rehabilitation technology supplier can customize to the specific individual by measuring, fitting, programming, adjusting, or adapting as appropriate so that the device operates in accordance with an assessment or evaluation of the individual by a qualified health care professional and is consistent with the individual’s medical condition, physical and functional needs and capacities, body size, period of need, and intended use.
49.45(9r)(a)4.4. “Medicare” means coverage under Part A or Part B of Title XVIII of the federal social security act, 42 USC 1395 et seq.
49.45(9r)(a)5.5. “Qualified complex rehabilitation technology professional” means an individual who is certified as an assistive technology professional by the Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America.
49.45(9r)(a)6.6. “Qualified complex rehabilitation technology supplier” means a company or entity that meets all of the following criteria:
49.45(9r)(a)6.a.a. Is accredited by a recognized accrediting organization as a supplier of complex rehabilitation technology.
49.45(9r)(a)6.b.b. Is an employer of at least one qualified complex rehabilitation technology professional to analyze the needs and capacities of the complex needs patient in consultation with qualified health care professionals, to participate in the selection of appropriate complex rehabilitation technology for those needs and capacities of the complex needs patient, and to provide training in the proper use of the complex rehabilitation technology.
49.45(9r)(a)6.c.c. Requires a qualified complex rehabilitation technology professional to be physically present for the evaluation and determination of appropriate complex rehabilitation technology for a complex needs patient.
49.45(9r)(a)6.d.d. Has the capability to provide service and repair by qualified technicians for all complex rehabilitation technology it sells.
49.45(9r)(a)6.e.e. Provides written information at the time of delivery of the complex rehabilitation technology to the complex needs patient stating how the complex needs patient may receive service and repair for the complex rehabilitation technology.
49.45(9r)(a)7.7. “Qualified health care professional” means any of the following:
49.45(9r)(a)7.a.a. A physician licensed under subch. II of ch. 448.
49.45(9r)(a)7.b.b. A physical therapist who is licensed under subch. III of ch. 448 or who holds a compact privilege under subch. XI of ch. 448.
49.45 NoteNOTE: Subd. 7. b. is shown as affected by 2021 Wis. Acts 23 and 251 and as merged by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (2) (i). The cross-reference to subch. XI of ch. 448 was changed from subch. X of ch. 448 by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. to reflect the renumbering under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. of subch. X of ch. 448.
49.45(9r)(a)7.c.c. An occupational therapist who is licensed under subch. VII of ch. 448 or who holds a compact privilege under subch. XII of ch. 448.
49.45 NoteNOTE: The cross-reference to subch. XII of ch. 448 was changed from subch. XI of ch. 448 by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. to reflect the renumbering under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. of subch. XI of ch. 448.
49.45(9r)(a)7.d.d. A chiropractor licensed under ch. 446.
49.45(9r)(a)7.e.e. A physician assistant who is licensed under subch. IX of ch. 448 or who holds a compact privilege under subch. XIII of ch. 448.
49.45 NoteNOTE: The cross-reference to subch. IX of ch. 448 was changed from subch. VIII of ch. 448 by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. to reflect the renumbering under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) 2. of subch. VIII of ch. 448.
49.45(9r)(b)(b) The department shall promulgate rules and other policies for use of complex rehabilitation technology by recipients of Medical Assistance. The department shall include in the rules all of the following:
49.45(9r)(b)1.1. Designation of billing codes as complex rehabilitation technology including creation of new billing codes or modification of existing billing codes. The department shall include provisions allowing quarterly updates to the designations under this subdivision.
49.45(9r)(b)2.2. Establishment of specific supplier standards for companies or entities that provide complex rehabilitation technology and limiting reimbursement only to suppliers that are qualified complex rehabilitation technology suppliers.
49.45(9r)(b)3.3. A requirement that Medical Assistance recipients who need a complex rehabilitation manual wheelchair, complex rehabilitation power wheelchair, or other complex rehabilitation seating component to be evaluated by all of the following:
49.45(9r)(b)3.a.a. A qualified health care professional who does not have a financial relationship with a qualified complex rehabilitation technology supplier.
49.45(9r)(b)3.b.b. A qualified complex rehabilitation technology professional.
49.45(9r)(b)4.4. Establishment and maintenance of payment rates for complex rehabilitation technology that are adequate to ensure complex needs patients have access to complex rehabilitation technology, taking into account the significant resources, infrastructure, and staff needed to appropriately provide complex rehabilitation technology to meet the unique needs of complex needs patients.
49.45(9r)(b)5.5. A requirement for contracts with the department that managed care plans providing services to Medical Assistance recipients comply with this subsection and the rules promulgated under this subsection.
49.45(9r)(b)6.6. Protection of access to complex rehabilitation technology for complex needs patients.
49.45(9r)(c)(c) This subsection is not intended to affect coverage of speech generating devices, including healthcare common procedure coding system codes E2500, E2502, E2504, E2506, E2508, E2510, E2511, E2512, and E2599, under the Medical Assistance program.
49.45(9r)(d)(d) When reviewing prior authorization requests for complex rehabilitation technology items, the department and managed care plans shall act within 10 working days of receiving complete, clinically relevant written documentation necessary to make a determination.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)