5.25(3)(b)(b) Under no circumstance may a municipality close more than one-half of its polling places within 30 days before an election, except as provided in par. (a) 5.
5.25(3)(c)(c) After an election and more than 30 days before the next election, the location of a polling place in a municipality may not be discontinued without the approval of the municipality’s governing body after a public hearing at which the public has an opportunity to present testimony on the proposed discontinuation.
5.25(3)(d)(d) Nothing in this subsection alters the authority of the election inspectors to adjourn to another location for voting on election day under s. 7.37 (1).
5.25(4)(a)(a) Each polling place shall be accessible to all individuals with disabilities. The commission shall ensure that the voting system used at each polling place will permit all individuals with disabilities to vote without the need for assistance and with the same degree of privacy that is accorded to nondisabled electors voting at the same polling place. This paragraph does not apply to any individual who is disqualified from voting under s. 6.03 (1) (a).
5.25(4)(b)(b) In any jurisdiction that is subject to the requirement under 42 USC 1973aa-1a to provide voting materials in any language other than English, the commission shall ensure that the voting system used at each polling place in that jurisdiction is in compliance with 42 USC 1973aa-1a.
5.25(4)(d)(d) No later than June 30 of each odd-numbered year, the commission shall submit a report on impediments to voting faced by elderly and handicapped individuals to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3). In preparing its report under this paragraph, the commission shall consult with appropriate advocacy groups representing the elderly and handicapped populations.
5.25(5)(a)(a) Except as authorized in par. (b), all electors within a ward shall vote at the same polling place.
5.25(5)(b)(b) The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of a municipality in which an elderly or handicapped elector resides may reassign the elector to a polling place within the municipality other than the polling place serving the elector’s residence in order to permit the elector to utilize a polling place that is accessible to elderly or handicapped individuals.
5.25(5)(c)(c) The electors of more than one ward in the same municipality may vote at a single polling place.
5.355.35Polling place requirements.
5.35(1)(1)National flag. On election days, every polling place shall properly display the national flag during all hours the polls are open.
5.35(2)(2)Voting booths. There shall be one voting booth for every 200 electors who voted at the last general election. The booths shall have a surface on which to write or work and be sufficiently enclosed to assure privacy for the elector and anyone lawfully assisting the elector while marking the elector’s ballot.
5.35(3)(3)Ballot boxes. Where the voting procedure makes it necessary, there shall be a separate ballot box for each form of ballot at each polling place. There shall be a suitable lock and key for each, and an opening no larger than is sufficient to receive a single ballot or a single folded ballot if the box is used for deposit of paper ballots. If the electors of more than one ward use the same polling place, there shall be separate ballot boxes provided for the electors of each ward, unless combined ballot boxes are authorized in accordance with s. 5.15 (6) (b).
5.35(4)(4)Layout; organization. All voting booths and machines shall be placed apart from other activities in the polling place, with their exteriors in full view of the election officials. Only the proper election officials, persons observing the proceedings under s. 7.41, persons assisting voters under s. 6.82 (2) and electors receiving, preparing or depositing their ballots or casting their votes on the machines are permitted in the voting area. Except where assistance is authorized, only one elector at a time is permitted in a voting booth or machine.
5.35(5)(5)Activities restricted. No polling place may be situated so as to interfere with or distract election officials from carrying out their duties. The municipal clerk and election inspectors shall prevent interference with and distraction of electors at polling places.
5.35(6)(6)Posting requirements.
5.35(6)(a)(a) At each polling place in the state, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall post the following materials, positioned so that they may be readily observed by electors entering the polling place or waiting in line to vote:
5.35(6)(a)1.1. The relevant portions of the voting instructions in the type B notice for the election as specified in s. 10.02 (3) and, for each referendum on the ballot, the text of the type C notice specified in s. 10.01 (2) (c).
5.35(6)(a)2.2. A copy of the election fraud laws provided in s. 12.13 (1) and (3) (intro), (d), (f), (g), (k), (L), (o), (q), (r), (u), and (x), together with the applicable penalties provided in s. 12.60 (1).
5.35(6)(a)2m.2m. General information prescribed by the commission on federal laws relating to election fraud and misrepresentation in federal elections.
5.35(6)(a)3.3. Two sample ballots prepared under s. 5.66 (2).
5.35(6)(a)4.4. The date of the election and the hours during which the polling place is open.
5.35(6)(a)4a.4a. Instructions prescribed by the commission for electors for whom proof of identification is required under s. 6.79 (2) or for whom proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required under s. 6.55 (2).
5.35(6)(a)4b.4b. General information prescribed by the commission concerning voting rights under applicable state and federal laws, including the method of redress for any alleged violations of those rights.
5.35(6)(a)5.5. Any other voting information directed to be posted by the commission.
5.35(6)(b)(b) At each polling place in the state where a consolidated ballot under s. 5.655 is used or an electronic voting system is utilized at a partisan primary election incorporating a ballot upon which electors may mark votes for candidates of more than one recognized political party, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall prominently post a sign in the form prescribed by the commission warning electors in substance that on any ballot with votes cast for candidates of more than one recognized political party, no votes cast for any candidates for partisan office will be counted unless a preference for a party is made. If the elector designates a preference, only votes cast for candidates of that preference will be counted.
5.35(6)(c)(c) At each polling place located in a municipality that is served by more than one polling place for an election, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall prominently post a map of the geographic area served by the polling place for that election. The posting shall clearly show the boundaries of the ward or wards served by the polling place for that election.
5.365.36Notice of voting by individuals with disabilities. Any individual with a disability may notify a municipal clerk that he or she intends to vote at a polling place on election day and may request that a specific type of accommodation be provided that will facilitate his or her voting.
5.36 HistoryHistory: 2003 a. 265.
5.375.37Voting machine requirements.
5.37(1)(1)Voting machines shall give every elector a reasonable opportunity to vote for any person for any office and on any proposition the elector is entitled to vote on, assure privacy to the elector so no one will know how the elector is voting or has voted, preclude the electors from voting for persons or propositions upon which they are not entitled to vote and from voting more than once for the same office or on the same proposition. Voting machines shall be constructed to lock so they cannot be manipulated, tampered with, or show the number of votes registered for any candidate or proposition while voting is in progress. The machines shall permit voting a split ticket and shall record each vote cast.
5.37(2)(2)When 2 or more wards or aldermanic districts are joined to use a voting machine, under s. 5.15 (6) (b), the machine shall be constructed to allow the electors to vote for all nominated candidates and issues for their aldermanic district or ward, but for no other.
5.37(3)(3)For presidential electors one device shall be provided to vote for all of one party’s electoral candidates at the same time. The device shall be opposite or adjacent to the names of the party’s candidates for president and vice president.
5.37(4)(4)Voting machines may be used at primary elections when they comply with subs. (1) and (2) and the following provisions: All candidates’ names entitled to appear on the ballots at the primary shall appear on the machine; the elector cannot vote for candidates of more than one party, whenever the restriction applies; the elector may secretly select the party for which he or she wishes to vote; the elector may vote for as many candidates for each office as he or she is lawfully entitled to vote for, but no more.
5.37(5)(5)Polling places may have more than one voting machine.
5.405.40Use of voting machines or systems.
5.40(1)(1)Except as permitted in sub. (3) or as required in subs. (4) to (6), the governing body or board of election commissioners of every municipality with a population of 10,000 or more before July 1, 1995, or of 7,500 or more thereafter shall require the use of voting machines or electronic voting systems in every ward in the municipality at every election. Any other governing body or board of election commissioners may adopt and purchase voting machines or electronic voting systems for use in any ward in the municipality at any election.
5.40(2)(2)Only voting machines complying with s. 5.37 or electronic voting systems approved under s. 5.91 may be used in an election in this state.
5.40(3)(3)Notwithstanding sub. (1), any municipality may elect to utilize paper ballots and voting booths instead of voting machines or an electronic voting system:
5.40(3)(a)(a) For any territory which is included in a portion of a congressional district, legislative district, county supervisory district, school district, technical college district, sewerage district or sanitary district contained within the municipality for so long as the number of electors residing in the territory does not exceed 100.
5.40(3)(b)(b) Whenever the municipality is precluded under s. 7.23 (2) from clearing the recorders on a sufficient number of voting machines to serve the electors at the election.
5.40(3)(c)(c) Whenever such action is authorized under s. 7.15 (6).
5.40(3)(d)(d) Whenever the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners reassigns an elector to a polling place other than the one serving the elector’s residence under s. 5.25 (5) (b).
5.40(4)(4)Notwithstanding sub. (1), a municipality which utilizes voting machines at a polling place shall not utilize a voting machine to receive the ballot of an elector who receives assistance under s. 6.82 (1) (a) or whose vote is challenged under ss. 6.92 to 6.94.
5.40(5)(5)A municipality which utilizes voting machines at a polling place shall not utilize the machines to receive the vote of an elector who declares to the chief inspector that, due to physical disability, the elector is unable to depress a button or lever on a machine.
5.40(5m)(5m)Notwithstanding sub. (1), the governing body of a municipality which uses voting machines or an electronic voting system may petition the commission for permission to use paper ballots and voting booths for a specific election, and the commission may grant such a request.
5.40(6)(6)A municipality which utilizes voting machines or an electronic voting system at a polling place may permit use of the machines or system by electors voting under s. 6.15 only as authorized under s. 6.15 (3).
5.40(7)(7)Whenever a municipality adopts and purchases voting machines or an electronic voting system, or adopts and purchases a different type of voting machine or electronic voting system from the type it was previously using, the municipal clerk or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners shall promptly notify the county clerk or executive director of the county board of election commissioners and the administrator of the elections commission in writing.
subch. II of ch. 5SUBCHAPTER II
5.515.51General provisions.
5.51(1)(1)The type face used on all paper ballots shall be easy to read.
5.51(2)(2)The paper used for ballots shall be 35 pounds per ream for sheets 24 inches by 36 inches. If a different size sheet is used, the weight per ream shall be proportioned accordingly, but shall meet this standard. This subsection does not apply to ballots used with electronic voting systems.
5.51(3)(3)All paper ballots shall be of sufficient width and length to provide space for all matter required to be printed on them. Except on ballots used with electronic voting systems, all ballot columns shall be separated by lines at least one-eighth inch in width.
5.51(4)(4)No stickers may be placed on a ballot by election officials except under s. 7.37 (6). Any other stickers applied by them shall not be counted.
5.51(5)(5)Each official ballot shall be printed on paper of uniform color. Different colors shall be used to distinguish office and referendum ballots and different colors may be used to distinguish separate ballots for different offices. Sample ballots shall be printed on a different color paper than the official ballots, and need not have the endorsement and certificate.
5.51(6)(6)All candidates’ names for the same office shall be placed, projected or composed on the ballot in the same size, style and color of type. The style and size of type shall conform substantially to the official ballot forms prescribed by the commission under s. 7.08 (1) (a).
5.51(7)(7)In partisan primary elections, all ballots shall be of uniform color and size, and the same type of paper shall be used for all ballots.
5.51(8)(8)Unless otherwise specifically provided, the form of all ballots shall conform to the ballot forms prescribed by the commission under s. 7.08 (1) (a).
5.525.52Multi-candidate elections. If more than one individual is to be elected to the same office from the same jurisdiction or district, the ballot shall provide at the top of the column or to the right of the row for that office: “Vote for not more than .... candidates.”.
5.52 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 304.
5.535.53Voting machine ballots.
5.53(1)(1)Voting machine ballots shall be placed, projected or composed on a board or screen inside the machine, under s. 5.64 and may be arranged in either columns or rows. The type face shall be easy to read, and the type size may be no smaller than 8 point.
5.53(2)(2)Where separate ballots are provided for, the names or questions shall be placed in separate columns or rows upon the machines so they are voted on separately, except as otherwise provided for referenda under s. 5.64 (2) (c).
5.53 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 260, 311; 1981 c. 377 ss. 4, 5; 1999 a. 182.
5.545.54Notice to electors. Every ballot, except a voting machine ballot, shall bear substantially the following information on the face: “Notice to electors: This ballot may be invalid unless initialed by 2 election inspectors. If cast as an absentee ballot, the ballot must bear the initials of the municipal clerk or deputy clerk.”
5.555.55Information. On every ballot, except a voting machine ballot, shall be printed “Official .... Ballot” or “Official .... Ballot for ....” followed by the designation of the polling place for which the ballot has been prepared, the date of the election, and the official endorsement and blank certificates. The number of the ward or wards or aldermanic district, if any, and the name of the municipality may be omitted in printing and stamped or written on the ballots at any location which is clearly visible at the option of the county clerk. Printed information and initials shall appear on the back and outside of the ballot.
5.565.56Multiple columns and rows. Whenever the number of candidates for any office requires the use of more than one row or column on a voting machine or whenever the official or agency having the responsibility to determine ballot positions determines that the number of candidates for an office requires the use of more than one column on a ballot, the official or agency having such responsibility shall require that the rows or columns be rotated in such a manner that all rows are positioned on top, or all columns are positioned to the left, in an equal number of wards or election districts. If the number of wards and election districts in which voting for an office is conducted is not equally divisible, the position of the rows or columns in the remaining wards or election districts shall be determined by the official or agency by the drawing of lots. The number of columns or rows shall be determined at the same time that the positions of the candidates’ names are determined for each primary and election.
5.56 HistoryHistory: 1981 c. 377 s. 5.
5.585.58Spring primary ballots.
5.58(1a)(1a)Generally. At spring primary elections the ballots under subs. (1b) to (2m), when necessary, shall be provided for each ward, except as authorized in s. 5.655. Only nonpartisan candidates nominated for office by nomination papers shall have their names placed on the official spring primary ballot under the proper office designation, but the ballots shall allow room for write-in candidates.
5.58(1b)(1b)Municipal; county supervisor ballots.
5.58(1b)(am)(am) There shall be separate ballots for municipal and county primaries, except as authorized in s. 5.655.
5.58(1b)(bm)(bm) For all cities the official spring primary ballot shall be arranged by the municipal clerk, using the same method as that used by the commission under s. 5.60 (1) (b).
5.58(1b)(cm)(cm) Towns and villages holding a primary under s. 8.05 shall arrange the ballot in accordance with the form prescribed by the commission under s. 7.08 (1) (a), which shall be the same form as provided in s. 5.60 (5) and (6), insofar as possible.
5.58(1c)(1c)Municipal judge. There shall be a separate ballot for municipal judges if they are elected under s. 755.01 (4), except as authorized in s. 5.655. Arrangement of the names on the ballot shall be determined by the county clerk or the executive director of the county board of election commissioners of the county having the largest portion of the population in the jurisdiction served by the judge.
5.58(1g)(1g)School district.
5.58(1g)(a)(a) There shall be a separate ballot for school district officers when so required, except as authorized in s. 5.655.
5.58(1g)(b)(b) In 1st class cities, the names of the candidates for the seat of the member elected at-large to the board of school directors shall be placed on the official city primary ballot and, except as authorized in s. 5.655, there shall be a separate ballot giving the names of the candidates for any seat to be filled on the board of school directors from any election district. All names of candidates for the at-large seat shall be placed in one or more separate columns or rows on the ballot.
5.58(1g)(c)(c) The arrangement of candidates for school board seats shall be determined by the school district clerk or the executive director of the city board of election commissioners by the drawing of lots not later than the 2nd Tuesday in January, or the next day if the first Tuesday is a holiday. The method of determining arrangement shall be the same as provided in s. 5.60 (1) (b). Sufficient space shall be provided on the ballot for write-in candidates.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)