51.437(7)(a)(a) Appointments.
51.437(7)(a)1.1. Except as provided under subd. 2., the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department of developmental disabilities services or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services shall, before qualification under this section, appoint a county developmental disabilities services board. A county developmental disabilities services board appointed under this subdivision shall govern the single-county or multicounty department of developmental disabilities services. A member of a county developmental disabilities services board appointed under this subdivision may be removed from office by a two-thirds vote of the appointing authority, on due notice in writing.
51.437(7)(a)2.2. In any county with a county executive or county administrator and which has established a single-county department of developmental disabilities services, the county executive or county administrator shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the county board of supervisors, the county developmental disabilities services board, which shall be only a policy-making body determining the broad outlines and principles governing the administration of programs under this section. A member of the county developmental disabilities services board appointed under this subdivision may be removed at pleasure by the county executive or county administrator.
51.437(7)(am)(am) Composition.
51.437(7)(am)1.1. In a single-county department of developmental disabilities services, the county developmental disabilities services board shall be composed of not less than 9 nor more than 15 persons of recognized ability and demonstrated interest in the problems of the developmentally disabled but not more than 3 members shall be appointed from the county board of supervisors.
51.437(7)(am)2.2. In a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services, the county developmental disabilities services board shall be composed of 11 members and with 2 additional members for each county in a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services in excess of 2. Appointments shall be made by the county boards of supervisors of the counties in a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services in a manner acceptable to the counties in the multicounty department of developmental disabilities services, but each of the counties in the multicounty department of developmental disabilities services may appoint only 2 members from its county board of supervisors.
51.437(7)(am)3.3. At least one-third of the members of every county developmental disabilities services board serving at any one time shall be appointed from the developmentally disabled citizens or their parents residing in a county with a single-county department of developmental disabilities services or in any of the counties with a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services.
51.437(7)(b)(b) Terms. Appointments to the county developmental disabilities services board shall be for staggered 3-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for the residue of the unexpired term in the manner that original appointments are made.
51.437(9)(9)Powers and duties of county developmental disabilities services board in certain counties. A county developmental disabilities services board appointed under sub. (7) (a) 1. shall do all of the following:
51.437(9)(a)(a) Appoint a county developmental disabilities services director, subject to the approval of each county board of supervisors which participated in the appointment of the county developmental disabilities services board, establish salaries and personnel policies for the county department of developmental disabilities services subject to the approval of each such county board of supervisors and arrange and promote local financial support for the program. Each county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department of developmental disabilities services or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services may delegate such appointing authority to the county developmental disabilities services board.
51.437(9)(am)(am) Prepare a local plan which includes an inventory of all existing resources, identifies needed new resources and services and contains a plan for meeting the needs of developmentally disabled individuals based upon the services designated under sub. (1). The plan shall also include the establishment of long-range goals and intermediate-range plans, detailing priorities and estimated costs and providing for coordination of local services and continuity of care.
51.437(9)(b)(b) Assist in arranging cooperative working agreements with other health, educational, vocational and welfare services, public or private, and with other related agencies.
51.437(9)(d)(d) Comply with the state requirements for the program.
51.437(9)(e)(e) Appoint committees consisting of residents of the county to advise the county developmental disabilities services board as it deems necessary.
51.437(9)(f)(f) Develop county developmental disabilities services board operating procedures.
51.437(9)(g)(g) Determine, subject to the approval of the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department of developmental disabilities services or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services and with the advice of the county developmental disabilities services director appointed under par. (a), whether services are to be provided directly by the county department of developmental disabilities services or contracted for with other providers and make such contracts. The county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department of developmental disabilities services or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services may elect to require the approval of any such contract by the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department of developmental disabilities services or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services.
51.437(9)(h)(h) Assume the powers and duties of the county department of developmental disabilities services under subs. (4m) and (4r).
51.437(9)(i)1.1. Annually identify brain-injured persons in need of services within the county.
51.437(9)(i)2.2. Annually, no later than January 30, report to the department the age and location of those brain-injured persons who are receiving treatment.
51.437(9b)(9b)Powers and duties of county developmental disabilities services board in certain counties with a county executive or a county administrator. The county developmental disabilities services board appointed under sub. (7) (a) 2. shall:
51.437(9b)(a)(a) Appoint committees consisting of residents of the county to advise the board as it deems necessary.
51.437(9b)(am)(am) Prepare a local plan which includes an inventory of all existing resources and services and contains a plan for meeting the needs of developmentally disabled individuals based upon the services designated under sub. (1).
51.437(9b)(b)(b) Recommend program priorities, identify unmet service needs and prepare short-term and long-term plans and budgets for meeting such priorities and needs.
51.437(9b)(c)(c) Prepare, with the assistance of the county developmental disabilities director appointed under sub. (10m), a proposed budget for submission to the county executive or county administrator and a final budget for submission to the department of health services under s. 46.031 (1) for authorized services.
51.437(9b)(d)(d) Advise the county developmental disabilities services director appointed under sub. (10m) regarding purchasing and providing services and the selection of purchase of service vendors, and make recommendations to the county executive or county administrator regarding modifications in such purchasing, providing and selection.
51.437(9b)(e)(e) Develop county developmental disabilities services board operating procedures.
51.437(9b)(f)(f) Comply with state requirements.
51.437(9b)(g)(g) Assist in arranging cooperative working agreements with persons providing health, education, vocational or welfare services related to services provided under this section.
51.437(9b)(h)(h) Advise the county developmental disabilities services director regarding coordination of local services and continuity of care.
51.437(10)(10)County developmental disabilities services director in certain counties. The county developmental disabilities services director appointed under sub. (9) (a) shall:
51.437(10)(am)(am) Operate, maintain and improve the county department of developmental disabilities services.
51.437(10)(ar)(ar) With the county developmental disabilities services board under sub. (9), prepare:
51.437(10)(ar)1.1. Annual proposed and final budgets of all funds necessary for the program and services authorized by this section.
51.437(10)(ar)2.2. An annual report of the operation of the program.
51.437(10)(ar)3.3. Such other reports as are required by the department of health services and the county board of supervisors in a county with a single-county department of developmental disabilities services or the county boards of supervisors in counties with a multicounty department of developmental disabilities services.
51.437(10)(b)(b) Make recommendations to the county developmental disabilities services board under sub. (9) for:
51.437(10)(b)1.1. Personnel and salaries.
51.437(10)(b)2.2. Changes in the program and services.
51.437(10)(c)(c) Evaluate service delivery.
51.437(10)(d)(d) After consultation with the county developmental disabilities services board administer the duties of the county department of disabilities services under sub. (4r) (a) 2.
51.437(10)(e)(e) Comply with state requirements.
51.437(10m)(10m)County developmental disabilities services director in certain counties with a county executive or county administrator. In any county with a county executive or a county administrator in which the county board of supervisors has established a single-county department of developmental disabilities services, the county executive or county administrator shall appoint and supervise the county developmental disabilities services director. In any county with a population of 750,000 or more, the county executive or county administrator shall appoint the director of the county department of human services under s. 46.21 as the county developmental disabilities services director. The appointment is subject to confirmation by the county board of supervisors unless the county board of supervisors, by ordinance, elects to waive confirmation or unless the appointment is made under a civil service system competitive examination procedure established under s. 59.52 (8) or ch. 63. The county developmental disabilities services director, subject only to the supervision of the county executive or county administrator, shall:
51.437(10m)(a)(a) Supervise and administer any program established under this section.
51.437(10m)(b)(b) Determine administrative and program procedures.
51.437(10m)(c)(c) Determine, subject to the approval of the county board of supervisors and with the advice of the county developmental disabilities services board under sub. (9b) (e), whether services are to be provided directly by the county department of developmental disabilities services or contracted for with other providers and make such contracts. The county board of supervisors may elect to require the approval of any such contract by the county board of supervisors.
51.437(10m)(e)(e) Assist the county developmental disabilities services board under sub. (9b) in the preparation of the budgets required under sub. (9b) (c).
51.437(10m)(f)(f) Make recommendations to the county executive or county administrator regarding modifications to the proposed budget prepared by the county developmental disabilities services board under sub. (9b) (c).
51.437(10m)(g)(g) Evaluate service delivery.
51.437(10m)(h)(h) After consultation with the county developmental disabilities services board administer the duties of the county department of disabilities services under sub. (4r) (a) 2.
51.437(10m)(i)(i) Establish salaries and personnel policies of the program subject to approval of the county executive or county administrator and county board of supervisors.
51.437(10m)(j)(j) Perform other functions necessary to manage, operate, maintain and improve programs.
51.437(10m)(k)(k) Comply with state requirements.
51.437(10m)(L)(L) Assist in arranging cooperative working agreements with other persons providing health, education, vocational or welfare services related to services provided under this section.
51.437(10m)(m)(m) Arrange and promote local financial support for the program.
51.437(10m)(n)(n) In consultation with the county developmental disabilities services board, prepare:
51.437(10m)(n)1.1. Intermediate-range plans and budget.
51.437(10m)(n)2.2. An annual report of the operation of the program.
51.437(10m)(n)3.3. Such other reports as are required by the department of health services and the county board of supervisors.
51.437(10m)(o)1.1. Annually identify brain-injured persons in need of services within the county.
51.437(10m)(o)2.2. Annually, no later than January 30, 1987, and January 30 of each year thereafter, report to the department the age and location of those brain-injured persons who are receiving treatment.
51.437(14)(14)Duties of the department of health services. The department of health services shall:
51.437(14)(a)(a) Review requests and certify county departments of developmental disabilities services to assure that the county departments of developmental disabilities services are in compliance with this section.
51.437(14)(c)(c) Periodically review and evaluate the program of each county department of developmental disabilities services.
51.437(14)(d)(d) Provide consultative staff services to communities to assist in ascertaining local needs and in planning, establishing and operating programs.
51.437(14)(e)(e) Develop and implement a uniform cost reporting system according to s. 46.18 (8), (9) and (10).
51.437(14)(g)(g) Ensure that any county department of developmental disabilities services which elects to provide special education programs to children aged 3 years and under complies with requirements established by the department of public instruction.
51.437(14)(h)(h) Organize and foster education and training programs for all persons engaged in treatment of brain-injured persons and keep a central record of the age and location of those persons treated.
51.437(14)(i)(i) Ensure that the matching-funds requirement for the state developmental disabilities councils grant, as received from the federal department of health and human services, is met by reporting to the federal department of health and human services expenditures made for the provision of developmental disabilities services under the basic county allocation distributed under s. 46.40 (2).
51.437(14m)(14m)Duties of the secretary. The secretary shall:
51.437(14m)(a)(a) Maintain a listing of present or potential resources for serving the needs of the developmentally disabled, including private and public persons, associations and agencies.
51.437(14m)(b)(b) Collect factual information concerning the problems.
51.437(14m)(c)(c) Provide information, advice and assistance to communities and try to coordinate their activities on behalf of the developmentally disabled.
51.437(14m)(d)(d) Assist counties in obtaining professional services on a shared-time basis.
51.437(14m)(e)(e) Establish and maintain liaison with all state and local agencies to establish a continuum of services, consultative and informational.
51.437(14r)(14r)Duties of the board for people with developmental disabilities.
51.437(14r)(a)(a) The board for people with developmental disabilities shall:
51.437(14r)(a)1.1. Designate appropriate state or local agencies for the administration of programs and fiscal resources made available to the board for people with developmental disabilities under federal legislation affecting the delivery of services to the developmentally disabled.
51.437(14r)(a)2.2. Perform the following responsibilities related to the state plan, for the delivery of services, that is required under 42 USC 6022, including the construction of facilities:
51.437(14r)(a)2.a.a. Develop, approve, and continue modification of the statewide plan.
51.437(14r)(a)2.b.b. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the statewide plan.
51.437(14r)(a)3.3. Review and advise the department of health services on community budgets and community plans for programs affecting persons with developmental disabilities.
51.437(14r)(a)4.4. Participate in the development of, review, comment on, and monitor all state plans in the state which relate to programs affecting persons with developmental disabilities.
51.437(14r)(a)5.5. Serve as an advocate for persons with developmental disabilities.
51.437(14r)(a)6.6. Provide continuing counsel to the governor and the legislature.
51.437(14r)(a)7.7. Notify the governor regarding membership requirements of the board and if vacancies on the board remain unfilled for a significant period of time.
51.437(14r)(b)(b) The board may establish such reasonable procedures as are essential to the conduct of the affairs of the board.
51.437(14r)(c)(c) The board for people with developmental disabilities may or, if requested by the governor, shall coordinate recommendations of the board and the public to the governor regarding board membership.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)