51.45(13)(b)4.4. Set a time for a preliminary hearing under par. (d). If the person is taken into protective custody, such hearing shall be held not later than 72 hours after the person arrives at the approved public treatment facility, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays. If at that time the person is unable to assist in the defense because he or she is incapacitated by alcohol or another drug, an extension of not more than 48 hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, may be had upon motion of the person or the person’s attorney.
51.45(13)(c)(c) Effective and timely notice of the preliminary hearing, together with a copy of the petition and supporting affidavits under par. (a), shall be given to the person unless he or she has been taken into custody under par. (b), the legal guardian if the person is adjudicated incompetent, the person’s counsel, corporation counsel in the county in which the petition is filed, and the petitioner. The notice shall include a written statement of the person’s right to an attorney, the right to trial by jury, the right to be examined by a physician, and the standard under which he or she may be committed under this section. If the person is taken into custody under par. (b), upon arrival at the approved public treatment facility, the person shall be advised both orally and in writing of the right to counsel, the right to consult with counsel before a request is made to undergo voluntary treatment under sub. (10), the right not to converse with examining physicians, psychologists or other personnel, the fact that anything said to examining physicians, psychologists or other personnel may be used as evidence against him or her at subsequent hearings under this section, the right to refuse medication under s. 51.61 (6), the exact time and place of the preliminary hearing under par. (d), the right to trial by jury, the right to be examined by a physician and of the reasons for detention, and the standards under which he or she may be committed prior to all interviews with physicians, psychologists, or other personnel. Such notice of rights shall be provided to the person’s immediate family if they can be located and may be deferred until the person’s incapacitated condition, if any, has subsided to the point where the person is capable of understanding the notice. Under no circumstances may interviews with physicians, psychologists, or other personnel be conducted until such notice is given, except that the person may be questioned to determine immediate medical needs. The person may be detained at the facility to which he or she was admitted or, upon notice to the attorney and the court, transferred by the county department to another appropriate public or private treatment facility, until discharged under this subsection. A copy of the petition and all supporting affidavits shall be given to the person at the time notice of rights is given under this paragraph by the superintendent, who shall provide a reasonable opportunity for the patient to consult counsel.
51.45(13)(d)(d) Whenever it is desired to involuntarily commit a person, a preliminary hearing shall be held under this paragraph. The purpose of the preliminary hearing shall be to determine if there is probable cause for believing that the allegations of the petition under par. (a) are true. The court shall assure that the person is represented by counsel at the preliminary hearing by referring the person to the state public defender, who shall appoint counsel for the person without a determination of indigency, as provided in s. 51.60. Counsel shall have access to all reports and records, psychiatric and otherwise, which have been made prior to the preliminary hearing. The person shall be present in person or by videoconference under s. 51.20 (5) (c) at the preliminary hearing and shall be afforded a meaningful opportunity to be heard. Upon failure to make a finding of probable cause under this paragraph, the court shall dismiss the petition and discharge the person from the custody of the county department.
51.45(13)(dg)(dg) The court shall proceed as if a petition were filed under s. 51.20 (1) if all of the following conditions are met:
51.45(13)(dg)1.1. The petitioner’s counsel notifies all other parties and the court, within a reasonable time prior to the hearing, of his or her intent to request that the court proceed as if a petition were filed under s. 51.20 (1).
51.45(13)(dg)2.2. The court determines at the hearing that there is probable cause to believe that the subject individual is a fit subject for treatment under s. 51.20 (1).
51.45(13)(dm)(dm) For the purposes of this section, duties to be performed by a court shall be carried out by the judge of such court or a circuit court commissioner of such court who is designated by the chief judge to so act, in all matters prior to a final hearing under this subsection.
51.45(13)(e)(e) Upon a finding of probable cause under par. (d), the court shall fix a date for a full hearing to be held within 14 days. An extension of not more than 14 days may be granted upon motion of the person sought to be committed upon a showing of cause. Effective and timely notice of the full hearing, the right to counsel, the right to jury trial, and the standards under which the person may be committed shall be given to the person, the immediate family other than a petitioner under par. (a) or sub. (12) (b) if they can be located, the legal guardian if the person is adjudicated incompetent, the superintendent in charge of the appropriate approved public treatment facility if the person has been temporarily committed under par. (b) or sub. (12), the person’s counsel, unless waived, and to the petitioner under par. (a). Counsel, or the person if counsel is waived, shall have access to all reports and records, psychiatric and otherwise, which have been made prior to the full hearing on commitment, and shall be given the names of all persons who may testify in favor of commitment and a summary of their proposed testimony at least 96 hours before the full hearing, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays.
51.45(13)(f)(f) The hearing shall be open, unless the person sought to be committed or the person’s attorney moves that it be closed, in which case only persons in interest, including representatives of the county department in all cases, and their attorneys and witnesses may be present. At the hearing the jury, or, if trial by jury is waived, the court, shall consider all relevant evidence, including, if possible, the testimony of at least one licensed physician who has examined the person whose commitment is sought. Ordinary rules of evidence shall apply to any such proceeding. The person whose commitment is sought shall be present and shall be given an opportunity to be examined by a court-appointed licensed physician. If the person refuses and there is sufficient evidence to believe that the allegations of the petition are true, or if the court believes that more medical evidence is necessary, the court may make a temporary order committing the person to the county department for a period of not more than 5 days for purposes of diagnostic examination.
51.45(13)(g)1.1. The court shall make an order of commitment to the county department if, after hearing all relevant evidence, including the results of any diagnostic examination, the trier of fact finds all of the following:
51.45(13)(g)1.a.a. That the allegations of the petition under par. (a) have been established by clear and convincing evidence.
51.45(13)(g)1.b.b. That there is a relationship between the alcoholic or drug dependent condition and the pattern of conduct during the 12-month period immediately preceding the time of petition which is dangerous to the person or others and that this relationship has been established to a reasonable medical certainty.
51.45(13)(g)1.c.c. That there is an extreme likelihood that the pattern of conduct will continue or repeat itself without the intervention of involuntary treatment or institutionalization.
51.45(13)(g)2.2. The court may not order commitment of a person unless it is shown by clear and convincing evidence that there is no suitable alternative available for the person and that the county department is able to provide appropriate and effective treatment for the individual.
51.45(13)(h)(h) A person committed under this subsection shall remain in the custody of the county department for treatment for a period set by the court, but not to exceed 90 days. During this period of commitment the county department may transfer the person from one approved public treatment facility or program to another as provided in par. (k). If the person has served in the U.S. armed forces or forces incorporated as part of the U.S. armed forces, the county department shall contact the U.S. department of veterans affairs to determine if the person is eligible for treatment at a U.S. department of veterans affairs facility. If the person is eligible for that treatment, the county department may transfer the person to that facility if the U.S. department of veterans affairs approves that transfer. At the end of the period set by the court, the person shall be discharged automatically unless the county department before expiration of the period obtains a court order for recommitment upon the grounds set forth in par. (a) for a further period not to exceed 6 months. If after examination it is determined that the person is likely to inflict physical harm on himself or herself or on another, the county department shall apply for recommitment. Only one recommitment order under this paragraph is permitted.
51.45(13)(i)1.1. If a court orders commitment of a person under this subsection, the court shall determine if, under 18 USC 922 (g) (4), the person is prohibited from possessing a firearm. If the person is prohibited, the court shall order the person not to possess a firearm, order the seizure of any firearm owned by the person, and inform the person of the requirements and penalties under s. 941.29.
51.45(13)(i)2.a.a. If a court orders a person under subd. 1. not to possess a firearm, the person may petition that court or the court in the county where the person resides to cancel the order.
51.45(13)(i)2.b.b. The court considering the petition under subd. 2. a. shall grant the petition if the court determines that the circumstances regarding the commitment under this subsection and the person’s record and reputation indicate that the person is not likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety and that the granting of the petition would not be contrary to public interest.
51.45(13)(i)2.c.c. If the court grants the petition under subd. 2. b., the court shall cancel the order under subd. 1. and order the return of any firearm ordered seized under subd. 1.
51.45(13)(i)3.3. In lieu of ordering the seizure under subd. 1., the court may designate a person to store the firearm until the order under subd. 1. is canceled under subd. 2. c.
51.45(13)(i)4.4. If the court orders under subd. 1. a person not to possess a firearm or cancels under subd. 2. c. an order issued under subd. 1., the court clerk shall notify the department of justice of the order or cancellation and provide any information identifying the person that is necessary to permit an accurate firearms restrictions record search under s. 175.35 (2g) (c), a background check under s. 175.60 (9g) (a), or an accurate response under s. 165.63. No other information from the person’s court records may be disclosed to the department of justice except by order of the court. The department of justice may disclose information provided under this subdivision only to respond to a request under s. 165.63, as part of a firearms restrictions record search under s. 175.35 (2g) (c), under rules the department of justice promulgates under s. 175.35 (2g) (d), or as part of a background check under s. 175.60 (9g) (a).
51.45(13)(j)(j) Upon the filing of a petition for recommitment under par. (h), the court shall fix a date for a recommitment hearing within 10 days and assure that the person sought to be recommitted is represented by counsel by referring the person to the state public defender, who shall appoint counsel for the person without a determination of indigency, as provided in s. 51.60. The provisions of par. (e) relating to notice and to access to records, names of witnesses, and summaries of their testimony shall apply to recommitment hearings under this paragraph. At the recommitment hearing, the court shall proceed as provided under pars. (f) and (g).
51.45(13)(k)(k) The county department shall provide for adequate and appropriate treatment of a person committed to its custody. Any person committed or recommitted to custody may be transferred by the county department from one approved public treatment facility or program to another upon the written application to the county department from the facility or program treating the person. Such application shall state the reasons why transfer to another facility or program is necessary to meet the treatment needs of the person. Notice of such transfer and the reasons therefor shall be given to the court, the person’s attorney and the person’s immediate family, if they can be located.
51.45(13)(L)(L) If an approved private treatment facility agrees with the request of a competent patient or a parent, sibling, adult child, or guardian to accept the patient for treatment, the county department may transfer the person to the private treatment facility.
51.45(13)(m)(m) A person committed under this section may at any time seek to be discharged from commitment by habeas corpus proceedings.
51.45(13)(n)(n) The venue for proceedings under this subsection is the place in which the person to be committed resides or is present.
51.45(13)(o)(o) All fees and expenses incurred under this section which are required to be assumed by the county shall be governed by s. 51.20 (19).
51.45(13)(p)(p) A record shall be made of all proceedings held under this subsection. Transcripts shall be made available under SCR 71.04. The county department may in any case request a transcript.
51.45(14)(14)Confidentiality of records of patients.
51.45(14)(a)(a) Except as otherwise provided in s. 51.30, the registration and treatment records of alcoholism or drug dependence treatment programs and facilities shall remain confidential and are privileged to the patient. The application of s. 51.30 is limited by any rule promulgated under s. 51.30 (4) (c) for the purpose of protecting the confidentiality of alcoholism or drug dependence treatment records in conformity with federal requirements.
51.45(14)(b)(b) Any person who violates this subsection shall forfeit not more than $5,000.
51.45(15)(15)Civil rights and liberties.
51.45(15)(a)(a) Except as provided in s. 51.61 (2), a person being treated under this section does not thereby lose any legal rights.
51.45(15)(b)(b) No provisions of this section may be deemed to contradict any rules or regulations governing the conduct of any inmate of a state or county correctional institution who is being treated in an alcoholic treatment program within the institution.
51.45(15)(c)(c) A private or public general hospital may not refuse admission or treatment to a person in need of medical services solely because that person is an “alcoholic,” is “drug dependent,” is “incapacitated by alcohol,” is “incapacitated by another drug,” or is an “intoxicated person” as defined in sub. (2). This paragraph does not require a hospital to admit or treat the person if the hospital does not ordinarily provide the services required by the person. A private or public general hospital which violates this paragraph shall forfeit not more than $500.
51.45(16)(16)Payment for treatment.
51.45(16)(a)(a) Liability for payment for care, services and supplies provided under this section, the collection and enforcement of such payments, and the adjustment and settlement with the several counties for their proper share of all moneys collected under s. 46.10, shall be governed exclusively by s. 46.10.
51.45(16)(b)(b) Payment for treatment of persons treated under s. 302.38 shall be made under that section.
51.45(17)(17)Applicability of other laws; procedure.
51.45(17)(a)(a) Nothing in this section affects any law, ordinance or rule the violation of which is punishable by fine, forfeiture or imprisonment.
51.45(17)(b)(b) All administrative procedure followed by the secretary in the implementation of this section shall be in accordance with ch. 227.
51.45(18)(18)Construction. This section shall be so applied and construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law with respect to the subject of this section insofar as possible among states which enact similar laws.
51.45(19)(19)Short title. This section may be cited as the “Alcoholism, Drug Dependence, and Intoxication Treatment Act.”
51.45 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. DHS 75, Wis. adm. code.
51.45 NoteJudicial Council Note, 1981: Reference to a “writ” of habeas corpus in sub. (13) (m) has been removed because that remedy is now available in an ordinary action. See s. 781.01, stats., and the note thereto. [Bill 613-A]
51.45 AnnotationA one-person petition under sub. (12) is sufficient for commitment only until the preliminary hearing; a three-person petition under sub. (13) is required for commitment beyond that time period. State v. B.A.S., 134 Wis. 2d 291, 397 N.W.2d 114 (Ct. App. 1986).
51.45 AnnotationCriminal charges of bail jumping based solely on the consumption of alcohol do not violate this section. Sub. (1) is intended only to prevent prosecutions for public drunkenness. State ex rel. Jacobus v. State, 208 Wis. 2d 39, 559 N.W.2d 900 (1997), 94-2995.
51.45 AnnotationThe requirement under sub. (13) (e) that a person sought to be committed have access to records and reports does not require the county to file the specified records with the trial court prior to a final hearing. County of Dodge v. Michael J.K., 209 Wis. 2d 499, 564 N.W.2d 350 (Ct. App. 1997), 96-2250.
51.45 AnnotationPersons incapacitated by alcohol who engage in disorderly conduct in a treatment facility may be so charged, but not merely for the purpose of arranging for their confinement in jail for security during detoxification. 64 Atty. Gen. 161.
51.45 AnnotationThe Revision of Wisconsin’s Law of Alcoholism and Intoxication. Robb. 58 MLR 87 (1975).
51.4651.46Priority for pregnant women for private treatment for alcohol or other drug abuse. For inpatient or outpatient treatment for alcohol or other drug abuse, the first priority for services that are available in privately operated facilities, whether on a voluntary or involuntary basis, is for pregnant women who suffer from alcoholism, alcohol abuse or drug dependency.
51.46 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 292.
51.4751.47Alcohol and other drug abuse treatment for minors without parental consent.
51.47(1)(1)Except as provided in subs. (2) and (3), any physician or health care facility licensed, approved, or certified by the state for the provision of health services may render preventive, diagnostic, assessment, evaluation, or treatment services for the abuse of alcohol or other drugs to a minor 12 years of age or over without obtaining the consent of or notifying the minor’s parent or guardian and may render those services to a minor under 12 years of age without obtaining the consent of or notifying the minor’s parent or guardian, but only if a parent with legal custody or guardian of the minor under 12 years of age cannot be found or there is no parent with legal custody of the minor under 12 years of age. An assessment under this subsection shall conform to the criteria specified in s. 938.547 (4). Unless consent of the minor’s parent or guardian is required under sub. (2), the physician or health care facility shall obtain the minor’s consent prior to billing a 3rd party for services under this section. If the minor does not consent, the minor shall be solely responsible for paying for the services, which the department shall bill to the minor under s. 46.03 (18) (b).
51.47(2)(2)The physician or health care facility shall obtain the consent of the minor’s parent or guardian:
51.47(2)(a)(a) Before performing any surgical procedure on the minor, unless the procedure is essential to preserve the life or health of the minor and the consent of the minor’s parent or guardian is not readily obtainable.
51.47(2)(b)(b) Before administering any controlled substances to the minor, except to detoxify the minor under par. (c).
51.47(2)(c)(c) Before admitting the minor to an inpatient treatment facility, unless the admission is to detoxify the minor for ingestion of alcohol or other drugs.
51.47(2)(d)(d) If the period of detoxification of the minor under par. (c) extends beyond 72 hours after the minor’s admission as a patient.
51.47(3)(3)The physician or health care facility shall notify the minor’s parent or guardian of any services rendered under this section as soon as practicable.
51.47(4)(4)No physician or health care facility rendering services under sub. (1) is liable solely because of the lack of consent or notification of the minor’s parent or guardian.
51.47 HistoryHistory: 1979 c. 331; 1985 a. 281; 2001 a. 16.
51.47 AnnotationExcept for those services for which parental consent is necessary under sub. (2), a physician or health care facility may release outpatient or detoxification services information only with the consent of a minor patient, provided the minor is 12 years of age or over. 77 Atty. Gen. 187.
51.4851.48Alcohol and other drug testing, assessment, and treatment of minor without minor’s consent. A minor’s parent or guardian may consent to have the minor tested for the presence of alcohol or other drugs in the minor’s body or to have the minor assessed by an approved treatment facility for the minor’s abuse of alcohol or other drugs according to the criteria specified in s. 938.547 (4). If, based on the assessment, the approved treatment facility determines that the minor is in need of treatment for the abuse of alcohol or other drugs, the approved treatment facility shall recommend a plan of treatment that is appropriate for the minor’s needs and that provides for the least restrictive form of treatment consistent with the minor’s needs. That treatment may consist of outpatient treatment, day treatment, or, if the minor is admitted in accordance with s. 51.13, inpatient treatment. The parent or guardian of the minor may consent to the treatment recommended under this section. Consent of the minor for testing, assessment, or treatment under this section is not required.
51.48 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 9; 2001 a. 16.
51.4951.49Pretrial intoxicated driver intervention grant program.
51.49(1)(1)In this section:
51.49(1)(a)(a) “Defendant” means a person accused of or charged with a 2nd or subsequent violation of operating while intoxicated.
51.49(1)(b)(b) “Eligible applicant” means a city, village, town, county or private nonprofit organization.
51.49(1)(bg)(bg) “Hazardous inhalant” means a substance that is ingested, inhaled, or otherwise introduced into the human body in a manner that does not comply with any cautionary labeling that is required for the substance under s. 100.37 or under federal law, or in a manner that is not intended by the manufacturer of the substance, and that is intended to induce intoxication or elation, to stupefy the central nervous system, or to change the human audio, visual, or mental processes.
51.49(1)(c)(c) “Intoxicant” means any alcohol beverage, hazardous inhalant, controlled substance, controlled substance analog or other drug, or any combination thereof.
51.49(1)(d)(d) “Operating while intoxicated” means a violation of s. 346.63 (1) or (2m) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith or of s. 346.63 (2) or (6), 940.09 (1) or 940.25.
51.49(2)(2)The department shall administer the pretrial intoxicated driver intervention grant program. The program shall award grants to eligible applicants to administer a local pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program that, prior to the sentencing of a defendant for operating while intoxicated, does all of the following:
51.49(2)(a)(a) Identifies the defendant and notifies him or her of the availability and cost of the program and that, if the defendant is convicted, a court will consider the defendant’s participation in the program when imposing a sentence.
51.49(2)(b)(b) Monitors the defendant’s use of intoxicants to reduce the incidence of abuse.
51.49(2)(c)(c) Treats the defendant’s abuse of intoxicants to reduce the incidence of abuse.
51.49(2)(d)(d) Reports to the court on the defendant’s participation in the program.
51.49(2)(e)(e) Requires program participants to pay a reasonable fee to participate in the program. Such a fee may not exceed 20 percent of the actual per capita cost of the program.
51.49(3)(3)The amount of a grant under this section may not exceed 80 percent of the amount expended by an eligible applicant for services related to the program.
51.49(4)(a)(a) Not later than December 31 of each even-numbered year, the department shall submit a report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) that states the number of individuals arrested for a 2nd or subsequent offense of operating while intoxicated; the number of individuals who completed a local pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program; the percentage of successful completion of all individuals who commence such a program; the number of individuals who, after completing such a program, are arrested for a 3rd or subsequent offense of operating while intoxicated; and the number of individuals eligible to participate in a program who did not complete a program and who, after becoming eligible to participate in the program, are arrested for a 3rd or subsequent offense of operating while intoxicated.
51.49(4)(b)(b) An eligible applicant who receives a grant under sub. (2) shall, not later than December 31 of the year for which the grant was made, submit a report to the speaker of the assembly and to the president of the senate in the manner described in s. 13.172 (3) summarizing the results of the pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program administered by the eligible applicant and providing any additional information required by the department.
51.49(5)(5)Consent to participate in a local pretrial intoxicated driver intervention program funded under this section is not an admission of guilt and the consent may not be admitted in evidence in a trial for operating while intoxicated. No statement relating to operating while intoxicated, made by the defendant in connection with any discussions concerning the program or to any person involved in the program, is admissible in a trial for operating while intoxicated.
51.49 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 27; 1999 a. 9, 185; 2013 a. 83; 2015 a. 55 s. 2595; Stats. 2015 s. 51.49.
51.5951.59Incompetency not implied.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)