6.15 AnnotationIncreasing the durational residence requirement under sub. (1) from ten days to 28 days did not violate the U.S. Constitution. The 28-day window is close to the national norm and less than the 30-day window that is subject to a safe harbor for federal elections. States have valid and sufficient interests in providing for some period of time—prior to an election—in order to prepare adequate voter records and protect its electoral process from possible fraud. Luft v. Evers, 963 F.3d 665 (2020).
6.186.18Former residents. If ineligible to qualify as an elector in the state to which the elector has moved, any former qualified Wisconsin elector may vote an absentee ballot in the ward of the elector’s prior residence in any presidential election occurring within 24 months after leaving Wisconsin by requesting an application form and returning it, properly executed, to the municipal clerk of the elector’s prior Wisconsin residence. When requesting an application form for an absentee ballot, the applicant shall specify the applicant’s eligibility for only the presidential ballot. Unless the applicant is exempted from providing proof of identification under s. 6.87 (4) (b) 2. or 3., or the applicant is a military or overseas elector, the elector shall enclose a copy of his or her proof of identification or any authorized substitute document with his or her application. The municipal clerk shall verify that the name on the proof of identification conforms to the name on the application. The clerk shall not issue a ballot to an elector who is required to enclose a copy of proof of identification or an authorized substitute document with his or her application unless the copy is enclosed and the proof is verified by the clerk. The application form shall require the following information and be in substantially the following form:
This form shall be returned to the municipal clerk’s office. Application must be received in sufficient time for ballots to be mailed and returned prior to any presidential election at which applicant wishes to vote. Complete all statements in full.
(To be voted at the Presidential Election
on November ...., .... (year)
I, .... hereby swear or affirm that I am a citizen of the United States, formerly residing at .... in the .... ward .... aldermanic district (city, town, village) of ...., County of .... for 28 consecutive days prior to leaving the State of Wisconsin. I, .... do solemnly swear or affirm that I do not qualify to register or vote under the laws of the State of ....(State you now reside in) where I am presently residing. A citizen must be a resident of: State ....(Insert time) County ....(Insert time) City, Town or Village ....(Insert time), in order to be eligible to register or vote therein. I further swear or affirm that my legal residence was established in the State of ....(the State where you now reside) on .... Month .... Day .... Year.
Signed ....
Address ....(Present address)
....(City) ....(State)
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of .... .... (year)
....(Notary Public, or other officer authorized to administer oaths.)
My Commission expires
NAME ....
CITY .... STATE .... ZIP CODE ....
Penalties for Violations. Whoever swears falsely to any absent elector affidavit under this section may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both. Whoever intentionally votes more than once in an election may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 3 years and 6 months or both.
....(Municipal Clerk)
6.18 Annotation2011 Wis. Act 23, which created requirements that voters present photo identification in order to vote at a polling place or obtain an absentee ballot, does not violate either section 2 of the federal Voting Rights Act, 52 USC 10301, or the U.S. Constitution. Frank v. Walker, 768 F.3d 744 (2014).
6.206.20Absent electors. Any qualified elector of this state who registers may vote by absentee ballot under ss. 6.84 to 6.89.
6.20 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 304; 2003 a. 265.
6.216.21Deceased electors. When by due proof it appears to the inspectors or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, when by due proof it appears to the board of absentee ballot canvassers that a person casting an absentee ballot at an election has died before the date of the election, the inspectors or board of absentee ballot canvassers shall return the ballot with defective ballots to the issuing official. The casting of the ballot of a deceased elector does not invalidate the election.
6.21 HistoryHistory: 1985 a. 304; 2005 a. 451.
6.226.22Absentee voting for military electors.
6.22(1)(1)Definitions. In this section, except as otherwise provided:
6.22(1)(a)(a) “Member of the merchant marine” means an individual, other than a member of a uniformed service or an individual employed, enrolled or maintained on the Great Lakes or the inland waterways, who is any of the following:
6.22(1)(a)1.1. Employed as an officer or crew member of a vessel documented under the laws of the United States, or a vessel owned by the United States, or a vessel of foreign-flag registry under charter to or control of the United States.
6.22(1)(a)2.2. Enrolled with the United States for employment or training for employment, or maintained by the United States for emergency relief service, as an officer or crew member of any such vessel.
6.22(1)(b)(b) “Military elector” means any of the following:
6.22(1)(b)1.1. Members of a uniformed service.
6.22(1)(b)2.2. Members of the merchant marine of the United States.
6.22(1)(b)3.3. Civilian employees of the United States and civilians officially attached to a uniformed service who are serving outside the United States.
6.22(1)(b)4.4. Peace corps volunteers.
6.22(1)(b)5.5. Spouses and dependents of those listed in the above categories residing with or accompanying them.
6.22(1)(c)(c) “Uniformed service” means the U.S. army, navy, air force, marine corps or coast guard, the commissioned corps of the federal public health service or the commissioned corps of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration.
6.22(2)(2)Application and voting procedure.
6.22(2)(a)(a) A military elector shall vote in the ward or election district for the address of his or her residence prior to becoming a military elector, except that:
6.22(2)(a)1.1. A military elector voting in this state who is the spouse of another military elector and who did not maintain a residence in this state prior to becoming a military elector shall vote in the ward or election district for the address of his or her spouse.
6.22(2)(a)2.2. A military elector voting in this state who is the dependent of another military elector and who did not maintain a residence in this state prior to becoming a military elector shall vote in the ward or election district for the address of the individual providing his or her support.
6.22(2)(a)3.3. A military elector who is the spouse of another military elector and whose most recent residence in this state was different than the residence of his or her spouse prior to becoming a military elector may vote in the ward or election district for the address of his or her former residence or the ward or election district for the address of his or her spouse.
6.22(2)(a)4.4. A military elector who is the dependent of another military elector and whose most recent residence in this state was different than the residence of the individual providing his or her support prior to becoming a military elector may vote in the ward or election district for the address of his or her former residence or the ward or election district for the address of the individual providing his or her support.
6.22(2)(b)(b) A military elector shall make and subscribe to the certification under s. 6.87 (2) before a witness who is an adult.
6.22(2)(c)(c) A federal postcard registration and absentee ballot request form may be used to apply for an absentee ballot under this section if the form is completed in such a manner that the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners with whom it is filed is able to determine all of the following:
6.22(2)(c)1.1. That the applicant is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where he or she seeks to vote under par. (a).
6.22(2)(c)2.2. That the applicant qualifies to receive an absentee ballot under this section.
6.22(2)(d)(d) If an applicant uses a federal form under par. (c) to request an absentee ballot for all elections, the application shall so state.
6.22(2)(e)(e) A military elector may file an application for an absentee ballot by means of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s. 6.86 (1) (ac). Upon receipt of a valid application, the municipal clerk shall send the elector an absentee ballot or, if the elector is a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1), and the elector so requests, shall transmit an absentee ballot to the elector by means of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s. 6.87 (3) (d).
6.22(3)(3)Registration exempt. Military electors are not required to register as a prerequisite to voting in any election.
6.22(4)(4)Instructions and handling.
6.22(4)(a)(a) Upon receiving a timely request for an absentee ballot under par. (b) by an individual who qualifies as a military elector, the municipal clerk shall send or, if the individual is a military elector as defined in s. 6.34 (1), shall transmit to the elector upon the elector’s request an absentee ballot for all elections that occur in the municipality or portion thereof where the elector resides in the same calendar year in which the request is received, unless the individual otherwise requests.
6.22(4)(b)(b) A military elector’s application may be received at any time. The municipal clerk shall not send or transmit a ballot for an election if the application is received later than 5 p.m. on the Friday preceding that election. The municipal clerk shall send or transmit a ballot, as soon as available, to each military elector who files a timely request for a ballot.
6.22(4)(c)(c) A military elector may indicate an alternate address on his or her absentee ballot application. If the elector’s ballot is returned as undeliverable prior to the deadline for return of absentee ballots under s. 6.87 (6), and the elector remains eligible to receive absentee ballots under this section, the municipal clerk shall immediately send or, if the elector is a military elector as defined in s. 6.34 (1), transmit an absentee ballot to the elector at the alternate address.
6.22(4)(d)(d) The commission shall prescribe the instructions for marking and returning ballots and the municipal clerk shall enclose instructions with each ballot and shall also enclose supplemental instructions for local elections. The envelope, return envelope and instructions may not contain the name of any candidate appearing on the enclosed ballots other than that of the municipal clerk affixed in the fulfillment of his or her duties.
6.22(4)(e)(e) Whenever the material is mailed, the material shall be prepared and mailed to make use of the federal free postage laws. If the material does not qualify for mailing without postage under federal free postage laws, the municipal clerk shall pay the postage required for mailing to the military elector. If the return envelope qualifies for mailing free of postage under federal free postage laws, the clerk shall affix the appropriate legend required by U.S. postal regulations. Otherwise the municipal clerk shall pay the postage required for return when the ballot is mailed from within the United States. If the ballot is not mailed by the military elector from within the United States the military elector shall provide return postage.
6.22(4)(f)(f) If the municipal clerk is reliably informed that an individual who requests an absentee ballot under this section is no longer a military elector or no longer resides in the municipality, or if the elector so requests, the clerk shall discontinue sending or transmitting absentee ballots to the elector under this subsection. If a military elector who has requested an absentee ballot changes his or her residence from the municipality where a request is filed to another municipality in this state, the municipal clerk of the municipality who received the request shall notify the clerk of the municipality to which the elector’s residence is changed of the date of the request. The municipal clerk who is so notified shall treat the request as having been made to him or her.
6.22(4)(h)(h) The municipal clerk shall notify a military elector of any action under par. (f) that is not taken at the elector’s request within 5 days of taking that action, if possible.
6.22(5)(5)Voting procedure. Except as authorized in s. 6.25, the ballot shall be marked and returned, deposited and recorded in the same manner as other absentee ballots. In addition, the certification under s. 6.87 (2) shall have a statement of the elector’s birth date. Failure to return any unused ballots in a primary election does not invalidate the ballot on which the elector casts his or her votes.
6.22(6)(6)Military elector list. Each municipal clerk shall keep an up-to-date list of all eligible military electors who reside in the municipality in the format prescribed by the commission. The list shall contain the name, latest-known military residence and military mailing address of each military elector. The list shall indicate whether each elector whose name appears on the list is a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1), and has so certified under s. 6.865 (3m). All persons over 18 years of age or who will be 18 years old prior to an election shall be listed and remain on the list for the duration of their tour of duty. The list shall be kept current through all possible means. Each clerk shall exercise reasonable care to avoid duplication of names or listing anyone who is not eligible to vote. Each clerk shall distribute one copy of the list to the each polling place in the municipality for use on election day.
6.22(7)(7)Extension of privilege. This section applies to all military electors for 28 days after the date of discharge from a uniformed service or termination of services or employment of individuals specified in sub. (1) (b) 1. to 4.
6.246.24Federal overseas voting.
6.24(1)(1)Definition. In this section, except as otherwise provided, “overseas elector” means a U.S. citizen who is not disqualified from voting under s. 6.03, who has attained or will attain the age of 18 by the date of an election at which the citizen proposes to vote and who does not qualify as a resident of this state under s. 6.10, but who was last domiciled in this state or whose parent was last domiciled in this state immediately prior to the parent’s departure from the United States, and who is not registered to vote or voting in any other state, territory or possession.
6.24(2)(2)Eligibility. An overseas elector may vote in any election for national office, including the partisan primary and presidential preference primary and any special primary or election. Such elector may not vote in an election for state or local office unless the elector qualifies as a resident of this state under s. 6.10. An overseas elector shall vote in the ward or election district in which the elector was last domiciled or in which the elector’s parent was last domiciled prior to departure from the United States.
6.24(3)(3)Registration. The overseas elector shall register in the municipality where he or she was last domiciled or where the overseas elector’s parent was last domiciled on a form prescribed by the commission designed to ascertain the elector’s qualifications under this section. The commission shall ensure that the form is substantially similar to the original form under s. 6.33 (1), insofar as applicable. Registration shall be accomplished in accordance with s. 6.30 (4) or (5).
6.24(4)(a)(a) An overseas elector who is properly registered may request an absentee ballot in writing under ss. 6.86 to 6.89.
6.24(4)(b)(b) A federal postcard registration and absentee ballot request form may be used to apply for an absentee ballot under par. (a) if the form is completed in such manner that the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners with whom it is filed is able to determine all of the following:
6.24(4)(b)1.1. That the applicant is an overseas elector under sub. (1).
6.24(4)(b)2.2. That the applicant qualifies to vote in the ward or election district where he or she seeks to vote under sub. (2).
6.24(4)(c)(c) Upon receipt of a timely application from an individual who qualifies as an overseas elector and who has registered to vote in a municipality under sub. (3), the municipal clerk of the municipality shall send, or if the individual is an overseas elector, shall transmit, an absentee ballot to the individual upon the individual’s request for all subsequent elections for national office to be held during the year in which the ballot is requested, except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, unless the individual otherwise requests or until the individual no longer qualifies as an overseas elector of the municipality. The clerk shall not send an absentee ballot for an election if the overseas elector’s name appeared on the registration list in eligible status for a previous election following the date of the application but no longer appears on the list in eligible status. The municipal clerk shall ensure that the envelope containing the absentee ballot is clearly marked as not forwardable. If an overseas elector who files an application under this subsection no longer resides at the same address that is indicated on the application form, the elector shall so notify the municipal clerk.
6.24(4)(d)(d) An overseas elector, regardless of whether the elector qualifies as a resident of this state under s. 6.10, who is not registered may request both a registration form and an absentee ballot at the same time, and the municipal clerk shall send or transmit the ballot automatically if the registration form is received within the time prescribed in s. 6.28 (1). The commission shall prescribe a special certificate form for the envelope in which the absentee ballot for such overseas electors is contained, which shall be substantially similar to that provided under s. 6.87 (2). The overseas elector shall make and subscribe to the special certificate form before a witness who is an adult.
6.24(4)(e)(e) An overseas elector, regardless of whether the elector qualifies as a resident of this state under s. 6.10, may file an application for an absentee ballot by means of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s. 6.86 (1) (ac). Upon receipt of a valid application, the municipal clerk shall send the elector an absentee ballot or, if the elector so requests, shall transmit an absentee ballot to the elector by means of electronic mail or facsimile transmission in the manner prescribed in s. 6.87 (3) (d).
6.24(5)(5)Ballots. The commission shall prescribe a special ballot for use under this section whenever necessary. Official ballots prescribed for use in the presidential preference primary may also be used. The ballot shall be designed to comply with the requirements prescribed under ss. 5.60 (8), 5.62, and 5.64 (1) insofar as applicable. All ballots shall be limited to national offices only.
6.24(6)(6)Instructions and handling. The municipal clerk shall send a ballot, as soon as available, to each overseas elector by whom a request has been made. The commission shall prescribe the instructions for marking and returning ballots and the municipal clerk shall enclose such instructions with each ballot. The envelope, return envelope and instructions may not contain the name of any candidate appearing on the enclosed ballots other than that of the municipal clerk affixed in the fulfillment of his or her duties. Except as authorized in s. 6.87 (3), the municipal clerk shall mail the material, with sufficient postage to ensure that the elector receives the ballot, unless the material qualifies for mailing free of postage under federal free postage laws. If the return envelope qualifies for mailing free of postage under federal free postage laws, the clerk shall affix the appropriate legend required by U.S. postal regulations. Otherwise, the municipal clerk shall pay the postage required for return when the ballot is mailed from within the United States. If the ballot is not mailed by the overseas elector from within the United States, the overseas elector shall provide return postage.
6.24(7)(7)Voting procedure. Except as authorized under s. 6.25, the ballot shall be marked and returned, deposited and recorded in the same manner as other absentee ballots. In addition, the certificate shall have a statement of the elector’s birth date. Failure to return the unused ballots in a primary election does not invalidate the ballot on which the elector casts his or her votes.
6.256.25Write-in absentee ballot.
6.25(1)(a)(a) Any individual who qualifies as a military elector under s. 6.22 (1) (b) and who transmits an application for an official absentee ballot for any election, including a primary election, no later than the latest time specified for the elector in s. 6.86 (1) (b) may, in lieu of the official ballot, cast a federal write-in absentee ballot prescribed under 42 USC 1973ff-2 for any candidate for an office listed on the official ballot or for all of the candidates of any recognized political party for the offices listed on the official ballot at that election if the federal write-in absentee ballot is received by the appropriate municipal clerk no later than the applicable time prescribed in s. 6.87 (6).
6.25(1)(b)(b) Any individual who qualifies as an overseas elector, regardless of whether the elector qualifies as a resident of this state under s. 6.10, and who transmits an application for an official absentee ballot for an election, including a primary election, no later than the latest time specified for an elector in s. 6.86 (1) (b) may, in lieu of the official ballot, cast a federal write-in absentee ballot prescribed under 42 USC 1973ff-2 for any candidate or for all candidates of any recognized political party listed on the official ballot at that election, if the federal write-in absentee ballot is received by the appropriate municipal clerk no later than the applicable time prescribed in s. 6.87 (6).
6.25(1)(c)(c) A completed and signed federal write-in absentee ballot submitted by a qualified elector under par. (a) serves as an application for an absentee ballot and need not be accompanied by a separate application.
6.25(4)(4)A write-in absentee ballot issued under sub. (1) is valid only if the elector submitting the ballot does not submit an official ballot within the time prescribed in s. 6.87 (6) and, if the elector is an overseas elector, the elector resides outside the United States.
subch. II of ch. 6SUBCHAPTER II
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)