6.34(3)(a)4.4. An official identification card or license issued by an employer in the normal course of business that contains a photograph of the cardholder or license holder, but not including a business card.
6.34(3)(a)5.5. A real property tax bill or receipt for the current year or the year preceding the date of the election.
6.34(3)(a)6.6. Except as provided in sub. (2), a residential lease.
6.34(3)(a)7.7. Any of the following documents without the address specified in par. (b):
6.34(3)(a)7.a.a. A university, college, or technical college identification card that contains a photograph of the cardholder together with a fee payment receipt issued to the cardholder by the university, college, or technical college dated no earlier than 9 months before the date of the election at which the receipt is presented.
6.34(3)(a)7.b.b. An identification card issued by a university, college, or technical college that contains a photograph of the cardholder if the university, college, or technical college that issued the card provides a certified and current list of students who reside in housing sponsored by the university, college, or technical college and who are U.S. citizens to the municipal clerk prior to the election showing the current address of the students and if the municipal clerk, election registration official, or inspector verifies that the student presenting the card is included on the list.
6.34(3)(a)8.8. A utility bill for the period commencing not earlier than 90 days before the day registration is made.
6.34(3)(a)9.9. A bank statement.
6.34(3)(a)10.10. A paycheck.
6.34(3)(a)11.11. A check or other document issued by a unit of government.
6.34(3)(a)12.12. For an occupant of a residential care facility, as defined in s. 6.875 (1) (bm), for the purpose of registering at the facility, a contract or intake document prepared by the residential care facility that specifies that the occupant currently resides in the facility. The contract or intake document may also identify the room or unit in which the occupant resides.
6.34(3)(a)13.13. An identification card issued by a federally recognized Indian tribe in this state.
6.34(3)(b)(b) Except as provided in par. (a) 7., the identifying documents prescribed in par. (a) shall contain all of the following in order to be considered proof of residence:
6.34(3)(b)1.1. A current and complete name, including both the given and family name.
6.34(3)(b)2.2. A current and complete residential address, including a numbered street address, if any, and the name of a municipality.
6.34(3)(c)(c) Identifying documents specified in par. (a) which are valid for use during a specified period must be valid on the day that an elector makes application for registration in order to constitute proof of residence.
6.34(4)(4)The commission shall maintain a system that electronically verifies, on an instant basis, information specified under sub. (3) (b) from the information submitted in lieu of proof of residence under sub. (2m), using the information maintained by the department of transportation pursuant to the commission’s agreement with the secretary of transportation under s. 85.61 (1). If a prospective elector enters information specified under sub. (3) (b) 2. into the system that does not match such information maintained by the department of transportation, the system shall redirect the elector to the department of transportation’s Internet site so that the elector may update his or her information with the department of transportation.
6.34 AnnotationUnder sub. (3) (a) 7. b., students who want to prove residence using an educational institution’s dormitory list may do so only if the list contains citizenship information. Federal law preempts the requirement that college and university “dorm lists” include citizenship information. The federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC 1232g (FERPA), prohibits educational agencies or institutions from releasing personally identifiable information other than directory information, which does not include citizenship status. Thus, FERPA precludes the state from requiring educational agencies and institutions to include citizenship information on certified lists of students who reside in sponsored housing. Luft v. Evers, 963 F.3d 665 (2020).
6.34 Annotation2013 Wis. Act 182’s requirement for documentary proof of residence and 2011 Wis. Act 23’s elimination of proof by other persons’ corroboration impose slight burdens on voters and do not violate the U.S. Constitution. Because sub. (3) (a) 11. authorizes proof via any document issued by a unit of government, clerks may mail a letter to a voter’s address so that the letter itself suffices as proof. Also, the former Government Accountability Board issued a ruling requiring election officials to accept electronic versions of proof of residence. Wisconsin’s election system is generous in permitting same-day registration at the polling place. Proof of residence helps assign voters to their proper districts and is valid for that reason alone. Luft v. Evers, 963 F.3d 665 (2020).
6.356.35Filing registration forms.
6.35(1)(1)Under the direction of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners, the original registration forms shall be filed in one of the following ways, except as provided in subs. (1m) and (2):
6.35(1)(a)(a) In alphabetical order of the electors’ names.
6.35(1)(b)(b) In alphabetical order according to street names, in numerical order on each street and in alphabetical order of the electors’ names at each address on the street.
6.35(1m)(1m)Original registration forms of electors who have obtained a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2) shall be filed in alphabetical order after the forms of the other electors.
6.35(2)(2)The commission shall prescribe, by rule, the procedure and methods by which municipal clerks and boards of election commissioners shall maintain records of registrations that are entered electronically under s. 6.30 (5).
6.35(3)(3)Original registration forms shall be maintained in the office of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners at all times.
6.366.36Official registration list.
6.36(1)(a)(a) The commission shall compile and maintain electronically an official registration list. The list shall contain all of the following:
6.36(1)(a)1.1. The name and address of each registered elector in the state.
6.36(1)(a)2.2. The elector’s date of birth.
6.36(1)(a)3.3. The ward and aldermanic district of the elector, if any.
6.36(1)(a)4.4. For each elector, a unique registration identification number assigned by the commission.
6.36(1)(a)5.5. The number of a valid operator’s license issued to the elector under ch. 343, if any, or the last 4 digits of the elector’s social security account number, if any.
6.36(1)(a)6.6. Any identification serial number issued to the elector under s. 6.47 (3).
6.36(1)(a)7.7. The date of any election in which the elector votes.
6.36(1)(a)8.8. An indication of whether the elector is an overseas elector, as defined in s. 6.24 (1).
6.36(1)(a)9.9. Any information relating to the elector that appears on the current list transmitted to the commission by the department of corrections under s. 301.03 (20m).
6.36(1)(a)10.10. An indication of any accommodation required under s. 5.25 (4) (a) to permit voting by the elector.
6.36(1)(a)11.11. An indication of the method by which the elector’s registration form was received.
6.36(1)(a)12.12. An indication of whether the elector was required under s. 6.34 to provide proof of residence and, if so, the type of identifying document submitted as proof of residence, the name of the entity or institution that issued the identifying document, and, if the identifying document included a number that applies only to the individual holding that document, up to the last 4 digits of that number. If the number on the identifying document submitted by the elector had 6 or fewer digits, the list under this paragraph may not contain more than the last 2 digits of that number.
6.36(1)(a)13.13. A separate column indicating the date on which an elector applied to vote by in-person absentee ballot.
6.36(1)(a)14.14. Separate columns indicating the date on which the clerk mailed an absentee ballot to an elector and the date on which the elector returned the absentee ballot.
6.36(1)(a)15.15. A separate column indicating the polling location associated with each elector’s address and ward or aldermanic district, if any.
6.36(1)(a)16.16. A separate column indicating the mailing address for the municipal clerk associated with each polling location identified under subd. 15.
6.36(1)(ae)1.1. The chief election officer shall enter into a membership agreement with Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc., for the purpose of maintaining the official registration list under this section. Prior to entering into an agreement under this subdivision, the chief election officer shall ensure that the agreement satisfies all of the following conditions:
6.36(1)(ae)1.a.a. It safeguards the confidentiality of information or data in the registration list that may be subject to transfer under the agreement and to which access is restricted under par. (b) 1. a.
6.36(1)(ae)1.b.b. It prohibits the sale or distribution of the information or data in the registration list to a 3rd-party vendor and it prohibits any other action not associated with administration of or compliance with the agreement.
6.36(1)(ae)1.c.c. It does not affect the exemption for this state under the national voter registration act.
6.36(1)(ae)1.d.d. It allows the state to make contact with electors by electronic mail, whenever possible.
6.36(1)(ae)2.2. If the chief election officer enters into an agreement under subd. 1., the chief election officer shall comply with the terms of the agreement, including the transmission of information and data related to the registration of electors in this state to the Electronic Registration Information Center, Inc., for processing and sharing with other member states and governmental units.
6.36(1)(am)(am) The list under par. (a) may contain such other information as may be determined by the commission to facilitate administration of elector registration requirements.
6.36(1)(b)1.1. The list shall be open to public inspection under s. 19.35 (1) and shall be electronically accessible by any person, except that:
6.36(1)(b)1.a.a. Except as provided in pars. (ae), (bm), and (bn), no person other than an employee of the commission, a county clerk, a deputy county clerk, an executive director of a county board of election commissioners, a deputy designated by the executive director, a municipal clerk, a deputy municipal clerk, an executive director of a city board of election commissioners, or a deputy designated by the executive director may view the date of birth, operator’s license number, or social security account number of an elector, the address of an elector to whom an identification serial number is issued under s. 6.47 (3), or any indication of an accommodation required under s. 5.25 (4) (a) to permit voting by an elector.
6.36(1)(b)1.b.b. No person other than an employee of the commission, a municipal clerk, or an election official who is authorized by a municipal clerk may make a change in the list.
6.36(1)(b)2.2. The list shall be electronically accessible by name and shall also be accessible in alphabetical order of the electors’ names for the entire state and for each county, municipality, ward, and combination of wards authorized under s. 5.15 (6) (b).
6.36(1)(bm)(bm) The commission or any municipal clerk or board of election commissioners may transfer any information in the registration list to which access is restricted under par. (b) 1. a. to a law enforcement agency, as defined in s. 165.77 (1) (b), to be used for law enforcement purposes.
6.36(1)(bn)(bn) The commission may transfer any information in the registration list to which access is restricted under par. (b) 1. a. to a subunit of the state government of another state to be used for official purposes.
6.36(1)(c)(c) The list shall be designed in such a way that the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of any municipality and any election official who is authorized by the clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners may, by electronic transmission, add entries to or change entries on the list for any elector who resides in, or who the list identifies as residing in, that municipality and no other municipality.
6.36(1)(d)(d) Upon receipt of official notification by the appropriate election administrative authority of another state, territory, or possession that an elector whose name appears on the list has registered to vote in that state, territory, or possession, the commission or the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector formerly resided shall change the elector’s registration from eligible to ineligible status.
6.36(1)(e)(e) If the commission adds the name of any elector to the list, the commission shall promptly notify the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resides. If the commission changes the registration of any elector from eligible to ineligible status, the commission shall promptly notify the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resides or, if the elector has changed his or her residence from one municipality to another municipality in this state, shall promptly notify the municipal clerk of the municipality where the elector resided prior to the change. Notification shall be made in writing or by electronic transmission. If the commission changes the registration of any elector from eligible to ineligible status, the commission shall make an entry on the list giving the date of and the reason for the change.
6.36(1)(f)(f) The commission shall make all reasonable efforts to ensure that the list is maintained in a manner that precludes unauthorized persons from making alterations to the list.
6.36(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), each registration list prepared for use as a poll list at a polling place or for purposes of canvassing absentee ballots at an election shall contain the full name and address of each registered elector; a blank column for the entry of the serial number of the electors when they vote or the poll list number used by the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers in canvassing absentee ballots; an indication next to the name of each elector for whom proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required; a space for entry of the type of and the name of the entity or institution that issued the identifying document submitted by the elector as proof of residence when proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required; a space for entry of the elector’s signature, or if another person signed the elector’s registration form for the elector by reason of the elector’s physical disability, the word “exempt”; and a form of certificate bearing the certification of the commission administrator stating that the list is a true and complete registration list of the municipality or the ward or wards for which the list is prepared. The commission shall, by rule, prescribe the space and location for entry of each elector’s signature on the poll list which shall provide for entry of the signature without changing the orientation of the poll list from the orientation used by the election officials.
6.36(2)(b)(b) If an elector obtains a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2), the registration list shall be prepared such that the address of the elector does not appear on copies of the list that are used at polling places.
6.36(2)(c)(c) The list shall contain, next to the name of each elector, an indication of whether proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required for the elector to be permitted to vote. If proof of residence is provided, the type of identifying document submitted by the elector and the name of the entity or institution that issued the identifying document, or an indication that the information provided by the elector in lieu of proof of residence was verified under s. 6.34 (2m), shall be entered on the list in the space provided. Except as provided in s. 6.34 (2m), proof of residence is required if the elector is not a military elector or an overseas elector and the elector registers by mail or by electronic application and has not previously voted in an election in this state.
6.36(3)(3)The original registration forms shall be controlling whenever discrepancies occur in entering information from the forms under s. 6.33 (5).
6.36(4)(4)The names and identification serial numbers of electors who have obtained a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2) shall appear separately after the remainder of the list. These names and serial numbers shall be arranged alphabetically by last name.
6.36(6)(6)The commission shall establish by rule the fee for obtaining a copy of the official registration list, or a portion of the list, including access to the subscription service established under s. 5.05 (14) (b). The amount of the fee shall be set, after consultation with county and municipal election officials, at an amount estimated to cover both the cost of reproduction and the cost of maintaining the list at the state and local level. The rules shall require that revenues from fees received be shared between the state and municipalities or their designees under s. 6.33 (5) (b), and shall specify a method for such allocation.
6.36 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. EL 3.50, Wis. adm. code.
6.456.45Access to registration list.
6.45(1)(1)After the deadline for revision of the registration list, the municipal clerk shall make copies of the list for election use.
6.45(1m)(1m)The registration list and any supplemental lists which are prepared at polling places or other registration locations under s. 6.55, shall be open to public inspection. Under the regulations prescribed by the municipal clerk, any person may copy the registration list at the office of the clerk. A registration list maintained at a polling place may be examined by any person who is observing the proceedings under s. 7.41 when such use does not interfere with the conduct of the election. This subsection does not apply to information that is confidential under s. 6.47.
6.45(2)(2)The municipal clerk shall furnish upon request to each candidate who has filed nomination papers for an office which represents at least part of the residents of the municipality one copy of the current registration list for those areas for which he or she is a candidate for a fee not to exceed the cost of reproduction. The clerk shall exclude information that is confidential under s. 6.47 (2) from copies of the list, except as authorized under s. 6.47 (8).
6.45 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. EL 3.50, Wis. adm. code.
6.466.46Poll lists; copying.
6.46(1)(1)Poll lists shall be preserved by the municipal clerk until destruction or other disposition is authorized under s. 7.23.
6.46(2)(2)Poll lists shall be open to public inspection, except as provided in s. 6.47. The municipal clerk shall furnish upon request to each candidate who has filed nomination papers for an office which represents at least part of the municipality one copy of the current poll list for those areas for which he or she is a candidate for a fee not to exceed the cost of reproduction. If a copying machine is not accessible, the clerk shall remove the lists from the office for the purposes of copying, and return them immediately thereafter. The clerk shall exclude information that is confidential under s. 6.47 (2) from copies of the list, except as authorized under s. 6.47 (8).
6.46 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 85, 199; 1999 a. 49.
6.46 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. EL 3.50, Wis. adm. code.
6.476.47Confidentiality of information relating to victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking.
6.47(1)(1)In this section:
6.47(1)(ag)(ag) “Domestic abuse victim service provider” means an organization that is certified by the department of children and families as eligible to receive grants under s. 49.165 (2) and whose name is included on the list provided by the commission under s. 7.08 (10).
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)