6.875(2)(a)(a) Absentee voting in person inside residential care facilities and qualified retirement homes shall be conducted by municipalities only in the manner prescribed in this section. At any residential care facility or qualified retirement home where a municipality dispatches special voting deputies to conduct absentee voting in person under this section, the procedures prescribed in this section are the exclusive means of absentee voting in person inside that facility or home for electors who are occupants of the facility or home.
6.875(2)(c)(c) The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of any municipality where a retirement home is located may adopt the procedures under this section for absentee voting in any retirement home located in the municipality if the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners finds that a significant number of the occupants of the retirement home lack adequate transportation to the appropriate polling place, a significant number of the occupants of the retirement home may need assistance in voting, there are a significant number of the occupants of the retirement home aged 60 or over, or there are a significant number of indefinitely confined electors who are occupants of the retirement home.
6.875(3)(a)(a) An occupant of a qualified retirement home or residential care facility who qualifies as an absent elector and desires to receive an absentee ballot shall make application under s. 6.86 (1), (2), or (2m) with the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the elector is a resident. Except as provided in sub. (4) (ar), the clerk or board of election commissioners of a municipality receiving an application from an elector who is an occupant of a qualified retirement home or residential care facility located in a different municipality shall, as soon as possible, notify and send an absentee ballot for the elector to the clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the home or facility is located. Except as provided in sub. (4) (ar), the clerk or board of election commissioners of a municipality receiving an application from an elector who is an occupant of a qualified retirement home or residential care facility located in the municipality but who is a resident of a different municipality shall, as soon as possible, notify and request an absentee ballot from the clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the elector is a resident. The clerk or board of election commissioners shall make a record of all absentee ballots to be sent, delivered, and voted under this section.
6.875(3)(b)(b) An occupant of a retirement home may vote in person at the polling place serving his or her residence or may apply for and cast an absentee ballot at the election in the same manner as provided for other electors of the municipality where he or she resides. If a retirement home that is not a qualified retirement home is located within a municipality on the same grounds as one or more residential care facilities to which the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality dispatches special voting deputies to conduct voting at an election, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall obtain from the management of the retirement home the names and addresses of the occupants of the home. The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners shall then provide the names and addresses to the special voting deputies to verify which residents are eligible to cast their ballots with the special voting deputies.
6.875(4)(a)(a) For the purpose of absentee voting in qualified retirement homes and residential care facilities, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of each municipality in which one or more qualified retirement homes or residential care facilities are located shall appoint at least 2 special voting deputies for the municipality. Except as provided in par. (am), upon application under s. 6.86 (1), (2), or (2m) by one or more qualified electors who are occupants of a home or facility, the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the home or facility is located shall dispatch 2 special voting deputies to visit the home or facility for the purpose of supervising absentee voting procedure by occupants of the home or facility. The clerk or board of election commissioners shall maintain a list, available to the public upon request, of each home or facility where special voting deputies are dispatched. The list shall include the date and time the deputies intend to visit each home or facility. The 2 deputies designated to visit each qualified retirement home and residential care facility shall be affiliated with different political parties whenever deputies representing different parties are available.
6.875(4)(am)(am) The municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of a municipality need not dispatch special voting deputies to visit any residential care facility unless there are at least 5 registered electors of the municipality who are occupants of the facility.
6.875(4)(ar)(ar) As an alternative to absentee voting inside a residential care facility or qualified retirement home, an elector who is an occupant of the facility or home may:
6.875(4)(ar)1.1. Vote in person at the polling place serving his or her residence under s. 6.79 (2) or in person at the office of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality where he or she resides under s. 6.86 (1) (a) 2.; or
6.875(4)(ar)2.2. If the elector maintains a residence outside the facility or home, vote by applying for and casting an absentee ballot by mail under s. 6.86 (1) (a) 1. at that residence.
6.875(4)(at)(at) Except as provided in par. (ar), if a qualified elector of a municipality who is an occupant of a residential care facility or qualified retirement home in that municipality requests an absentee ballot for an election and the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners dispatches special voting deputies to that facility or home, the clerk or board of election commissioners shall give the absentee ballot to the special voting deputies who shall personally deliver the ballot to the elector at the time of their visit if they have not finished visiting the facility or home when the request is received.
6.875(4)(b)(b) Nominations for the special voting deputy positions described in par. (a) may be submitted by the 2 recognized political parties whose candidates for governor or president received the greatest numbers of votes in the municipality at the most recent general election. The deputies shall be specially appointed to carry out the duties under par. (a) for the period specified in s. 7.30 (6) (a). The clerk or board of election commissioners may revoke an appointment at any time. No individual who is employed or retained, or within the 2 years preceding appointment has been employed or retained, at a qualified retirement home or residential care facility in the municipality, or any member of the individual’s immediate family, as defined in s. 19.42 (7), may be appointed to serve as a deputy.
6.875(5)(5)Prior to entering upon his or her duties, each individual appointed to serve as a deputy under this section shall file the oath required by s. 7.30 (5). In the oath, the individual shall swear that he or she is qualified to act as a deputy under this section, that he or she has read the statutes governing absentee voting, that he or she understands the proper absentee voting procedure, that he or she understands the penalties for noncompliance with the procedure under s. 12.13, that his or her sacred obligation will be to fully and fairly implement the absentee voting law and seek to have the intent of the electors ascertained. In addition, the oath shall state that the individual realizes that any error in conducting the voting procedure may result in invalidation of an elector’s vote under s. 7.51 (2) (e) and that the individual realizes that absentee voting is a privilege and not a constitutional right. The form of the oath shall be prescribed by the commission.
6.875(6)(a)(a) Special voting deputies in each municipality shall, not later than 5 p.m. on the 6th working day preceding an election, arrange one or more convenient times with the administrator of each qualified retirement home and residential care facility in the municipality that the deputies are scheduled to visit. The time may be no earlier than the 4th Monday preceding the election and no later than 5 p.m. on the Monday preceding the election. The municipal clerk shall give notice of each visit by special voting deputies to a qualified retirement home or residential care facility in the same manner that notices of public meetings are provided by presiding officers under s. 19.84 (1) (b) at least 5 working days in advance of each visit, indicating the date and time of the visit. The municipal clerk also shall post a notice at the home or facility and on the Internet indicating the date and time that absentee voting will take place at that home or facility. The notice shall be posted as soon as practicable after arranging the visit but in no case less than 5 working days before the visit. A municipal clerk whose municipality does not maintain an Internet site need not comply with the Internet posting requirement. At the designated time, 2 deputies appointed under sub. (4) shall visit the home or facility.
6.875(6)(b)(b) The municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners shall issue a supply of absentee ballots to the deputies sufficient to provide for the number of valid applications for an absentee ballot received by the clerk, and a reasonable additional number of ballots. The deputies may exercise the authority granted to the chief inspector under s. 7.41 to regulate the conduct of observers. For purposes of the application of s. 7.41, the home or facility shall be treated as a polling place. The municipal clerk or executive director shall keep a careful record of all ballots issued to the deputies and shall require the deputies to return every ballot issued to them.
6.875(6)(c)1.1. Upon their visit to the home or facility under par. (a), the deputies shall personally offer each elector who has filed a proper application for an absentee ballot the opportunity to cast his or her absentee ballot. In lieu of providing a copy of proof of identification under s. 6.87 (4) (b) 1. with his or her absentee ballot, the elector may submit with his or her ballot a statement signed by both deputies that contains the name and address of the elector and verifies that the name and address are correct. The deputies shall enclose the statement in the certificate envelope. If an elector presents proof of identification under s. 6.87 (4) (b) 1., the deputies shall make a copy of the document presented by the elector and shall enclose the copy in the certificate envelope. If an elector is present who has not filed a proper application for an absentee ballot, the 2 deputies may accept an application from the elector and shall issue a ballot to the elector if the elector is qualified, the elector presents proof of identification, whenever required, or submits a statement containing his or her name and address under this subdivision, and the application is proper. The deputies shall each witness the certification and may, upon request of the elector, assist the elector in marking the elector’s ballot. The deputies shall not accept an absentee ballot submitted by an elector whose ballot was not issued to the elector by the deputies. All voting shall be conducted in the presence of the deputies. Upon request of the elector, a relative of the elector who is present in the room may assist the elector in marking the elector’s ballot. No individual other than a deputy may witness the certification and no individual other than a deputy or relative of an elector may render voting assistance to the elector.
6.875(6)(c)2.2. Upon the request of a relative of an occupant of a qualified retirement home or residential care facility, the administrator of the home or facility may notify the relative of the time or times at which special voting deputies will conduct absentee voting at the home or facility and permit the relative to be present in the room where the voting is conducted.
6.875(6)(d)(d) Upon completion of the voting on each day at each residential care facility or qualified retirement home, the deputies shall seal the absentee ballot envelopes and any absentee ballot applications inside a carrier envelope and shall seal the carrier envelope and sign their names to the seal. The deputies shall place the envelope inside a ballot bag or container. As soon as possible after visiting each residential care facility or retirement home, but not later than 18 hours after the visit, the deputies shall deliver the ballot bag or container to the clerk or board of election commissioners of the municipality in which the elector casting the ballot resides.
6.875(6)(e)(e) If a qualified elector is not able to cast his or her ballot on 2 separate visits by the deputies to the home or facility, the deputies shall so inform the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners, who may then send the ballot to the elector no later than 5 p.m. on the Friday preceding the election.
6.875(7)(7)One observer from each of the 2 recognized political parties whose candidate for governor or president received the greatest number of votes in the municipality at the most recent general election may accompany the deputies to each home or facility where absentee voting will take place under this section. The observers may observe the process of absentee ballot distribution in the common areas of the home or facility. Each party wishing to have an observer present shall submit the name of the observer to the clerk or board of election commissioners no later than the close of business on the last business day prior to the visit.
6.886.88Voting and recording the absentee ballot.
6.88(1)(1)When an absentee ballot arrives at the office of the municipal clerk, or at an alternate site under s. 6.855, if applicable, the clerk shall enclose it, unopened, in a carrier envelope which shall be securely sealed and endorsed with the name and official title of the clerk, and the words “This envelope contains the ballot of an absent elector and must be opened in the same room where votes are being cast at the polls during polling hours on election day or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, stats., at a meeting of the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers under s. 7.52, stats.” If the elector is a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1), or an overseas elector, regardless of whether the elector qualifies as a resident of this state under s. 6.10, and the ballot was received by the elector by facsimile transmission or electronic mail and is accompanied by a separate certificate, the clerk shall enclose the ballot in a certificate envelope and securely append the completed certificate to the outside of the envelope before enclosing the ballot in the carrier envelope. The clerk shall keep the ballot in the clerk’s office or at the alternate site, if applicable until delivered, as required in sub. (2).
6.88(2)(2)When an absentee ballot is received by the municipal clerk prior to the delivery of the official ballots to the election officials of the ward in which the elector resides or, where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, to the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers, the municipal clerk shall seal the ballot envelope in the carrier envelope as provided under sub. (1), and shall enclose the envelope in a package and deliver the package to the election inspectors of the proper ward or election district or, in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, to the municipal board of absentee ballot canvassers when it convenes under s. 7.52 (1). When the official ballots for the ward or election district have been delivered to the election inspectors before the receipt of an absentee ballot, the clerk shall immediately enclose the envelope containing the absentee ballot in a carrier envelope as provided under sub. (1) and deliver it in person to the proper election officials.
6.88(3)(a)(a) Except in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, at any time between the opening and closing of the polls on election day, the inspectors shall, in the same room where votes are being cast, in such a manner that members of the public can hear and see the procedures, open the carrier envelope only, and announce the name of the absent elector or the identification serial number of the absent elector if the elector has a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2). When the inspectors find that the certification has been properly executed, the applicant is a qualified elector of the ward or election district, and the applicant has not voted in the election, they shall enter an indication on the poll list next to the applicant’s name indicating an absentee ballot is cast by the elector. They shall then open the envelope containing the ballot in a manner so as not to deface or destroy the certification thereon. The inspectors shall take out the ballot without unfolding it or permitting it to be unfolded or examined. Unless the ballot is cast under s. 6.95, the inspectors shall verify that the ballot has been endorsed by the issuing clerk. If the poll list indicates that proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required and proof of residence is enclosed, the inspectors shall enter both the type of identifying document submitted by the absent elector and the name of the entity or institution that issued the identifying document on the poll list in the space provided. If the poll list indicates that proof of residence under s. 6.34 is required and no proof of residence is enclosed or the name or address on the document that is provided is not the same as the name and address shown on the poll list, the inspectors shall proceed as provided under s. 6.97 (2). The inspectors shall then deposit the ballot into the proper ballot box and enter the absent elector’s name or voting number after his or her name on the poll list in the same manner as if the elector had been present and voted in person.
6.88(3)(b)(b) When the inspectors find that a certification is insufficient, that the applicant is not a qualified elector in the ward or election district, that the ballot envelope is open or has been opened and resealed, that the ballot envelope contains more than one ballot of any one kind or, except in municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, that the certificate of a military or overseas elector who received an absentee ballot by facsimile transmission or electronic mail is missing, or if proof is submitted to the inspectors that an elector voting an absentee ballot has since died, the inspectors shall not count the ballot. The inspectors shall endorse every ballot not counted on the back, “rejected (giving the reason)”. The inspectors shall reinsert each rejected ballot into the certificate envelope in which it was delivered and enclose the certificate envelopes and ballots, and securely seal the ballots and envelopes in an envelope marked for rejected absentee ballots. The inspectors shall endorse the envelope, “rejected ballots” with a statement of the ward or election district and date of the election, signed by the chief inspector and one of the inspectors representing each of the 2 major political parties and returned to the municipal clerk in the same manner as official ballots voted at the election.
6.88(3)(c)(c) The inspectors shall review each certificate envelope to determine whether any absentee ballot is cast by an elector whose name appears on the poll list as ineligible to vote at the election by reason of a felony conviction. If the inspectors receive an absentee ballot that has been cast by an elector whose name appears on the poll list as ineligible for that reason, the inspectors shall challenge the ballot as provided in s. 6.92 and treat the ballot in the manner provided in s. 6.95.
6.896.89Absent electors list public. The municipal clerk shall keep a list of all electors who make application for an absent elector’s ballot and who have voted under the absent elector provisions giving the name, address and date of application. The list shall be open to public inspection.
subch. V of ch. 6SUBCHAPTER V
Subch. V of ch. 6 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. EL 9, Wis. adm. code.
6.926.92Inspector making challenge.
6.92(1)(1)Except as provided in sub. (2), each inspector shall challenge for cause any person offering to vote whom the inspector knows or suspects is not a qualified elector or who does not adhere to any voting requirement under this chapter. If a person is challenged as unqualified by an inspector, one of the inspectors shall administer the following oath or affirmation to the person: “You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly answer all questions put to you regarding your place of residence and qualifications as an elector of this election”; and shall then ask questions which are appropriate as determined by the commission, by rule, to test the person’s qualifications.
6.92(2)(2)An inspector appointed under s. 7.30 (2) (am) may not challenge any person offering to vote.
6.92 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. EL 9.01, Wis. adm. code.
6.9256.925Elector making challenge in person. Any elector may challenge for cause any person offering to vote whom the elector knows or suspects is not a qualified elector. If a person is challenged as unqualified by an elector, one of the inspectors may administer the oath or affirmation to the challenged elector under s. 6.92 and ask the challenged elector the questions under that section which are appropriate to test the elector’s qualifications. In addition, one of the inspectors shall administer the following oath or affirmation to the challenging elector: “You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will fully and truly answer all questions put to you regarding the challenged person’s place of residence and qualifications as an elector of this election”; and shall then ask questions which are appropriate as determined by the commission, by rule, to test the qualifications of the challenged elector.
6.925 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. EL 9.02, Wis. adm. code.
6.936.93Challenging the absent elector. The vote of any absent elector may be challenged for cause and the inspectors of election shall have all the power and authority given them to hear and determine the legality of the ballot the same as if the ballot had been voted in person. In municipalities where absentee ballots are canvassed under s. 7.52, the vote of an absentee elector may be challenged as provided in s. 7.52 (5).
6.93 HistoryHistory: 2005 a. 451.
6.93 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. EL 9.04, Wis. adm. code.
6.9356.935Challenge based on incompetency. Section 6.03 (3) applies to any challenge of a person’s right to vote under s. 6.92, 6.925, 6.93, or 7.52 (5) based on an allegation that an elector is incapable of understanding the objective of the elective process and thereby ineligible to vote.
6.935 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 394; 1979 c. 110; 2005 a. 451.
6.946.94Challenged elector oath. If the person challenged refuses to answer fully any relevant questions put to him or her by the inspector under s. 6.92, the inspectors shall reject the elector’s vote. If the challenge is not withdrawn after the person offering to vote has answered the questions, one of the inspectors shall administer to the person the following oath or affirmation: “You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that: you are 18 years of age; you are a citizen of the United States; you are now and for 28 consecutive days have been a resident of this ward except under s. 6.02 (2); you have not voted at this election; you have not made any bet or wager or become directly or indirectly interested in any bet or wager depending upon the result of this election; you are not on any other ground disqualified to vote at this election”. If the person challenged refuses to take the oath or affirmation, the person’s vote shall be rejected. If the person challenged answers fully all relevant questions put to the elector by the inspector under s. 6.92, takes the oath or affirmation, and fulfills the applicable registration requirements, and if the answers to the questions given by the person indicate that the person meets the voting qualification requirements, the person’s vote shall be received.
6.956.95Voting procedure for challenged electors. Whenever the inspectors under ss. 6.92 to 6.94 receive the vote of a person offering to vote who has been challenged, the inspectors shall, before giving the elector a ballot, write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the challenged person corresponding to the number kept at the election on the poll list, or other list maintained under s. 6.79, and the notation “s. 6.95”. If voting machines are used in the municipality where the person is voting, the person’s vote may be received only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the corresponding serial number from the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation “s. 6.95” written on the back of the ballot by the inspectors before the ballot is given to the elector. The inspectors shall indicate on the list the reason for the challenge. The inspectors shall then deposit the ballot. The challenged ballots shall be counted under s. 5.85 or 7.51. The municipal board of canvassers may decide any challenge when making its canvass under s. 7.53. If the returns are reported under s. 7.60, a challenge may be reviewed by the county board of canvassers. If the returns are reported under s. 7.70, a challenge may be reviewed by the chairperson of the commission or the chairperson’s designee. The decision of any board of canvassers or of the chairperson or chairperson’s designee may be appealed under s. 9.01. The standard for disqualification specified in s. 6.325 shall be used to determine the validity of challenged ballots.
6.95 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also s. EL 9.03, Wis. adm. code.
6.966.96Voting procedure for electors voting pursuant to federal court order. Whenever any elector is allowed to vote at a polling place pursuant to a federal court order after the closing time provided under s. 6.78, the inspectors shall, before giving the elector a ballot, write on the back of the ballot the notation “s. 6.96”. If voting machines are used in the municipality where the elector is voting, the elector’s vote may be received only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the notation “s. 6.96” written on the back of the ballot by the inspectors before the ballot is given to the elector. When receiving the elector’s ballot, the inspectors shall provide the elector with the written voting information prescribed by the commission under s. 7.08 (8). The inspectors shall indicate on the list the fact that the elector is voting pursuant to a federal court order. The inspectors shall then deposit the ballot. The ballot shall be counted under s. 5.85 or 7.51 unless the order is vacated. If the order is vacated after the ballot is counted, the appropriate board or boards of canvassers or the chairperson of the commission or his or her designee shall reopen the canvass to discount any ballots that were counted pursuant to the vacated order and adjust the statements, certifications, and determinations accordingly.
6.96 HistoryHistory: 2003 a. 265; 2015 a. 118.
6.9656.965Voting procedure for electors presenting citation or notice in lieu of license or receipt. Whenever any elector is allowed to vote at a polling place under s. 6.79 (7) by presenting a citation or notice of intent to revoke or suspend an operator’s license in lieu of an operator’s license or driving receipt issued to the elector under ch. 343, the inspectors shall, before giving the elector a ballot, write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the elector corresponding to the number kept at the election on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation “s. 6.965.” If voting machines are used in the municipality where the elector is voting, the elector’s vote may be received only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the notation “s. 6.965” written on the back of the ballot by the inspectors before the ballot is given to the elector. If the municipal clerk receives an absentee ballot from an elector who presents a citation or notice, or copy thereof, under s. 6.87 (4) (b) 4., the clerk shall enter a notation on the certificate envelope “Ballot under s. 6.965, stats.” Upon receiving the envelope, the inspectors shall open and write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the elector corresponding to the number kept at the election on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation “s. 6.965.” The inspectors shall indicate on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 the fact that the elector is voting by using a citation or notice in lieu of a license or driving receipt. The inspectors shall then deposit the ballot. The ballot shall then be counted under s. 5.85, or under s. 7.51 or 7.52.
6.965 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 23.
6.976.97Voting procedure for individuals not providing required proof of identification or residence.
6.97(1)(1)Whenever any individual who is required to provide proof of residence under s. 6.34 in order to be permitted to vote appears to vote at a polling place and cannot provide the required proof of residence, the inspectors shall offer the opportunity for the individual to vote under this section. Whenever any individual, other than a military elector, as defined in s. 6.34 (1), an overseas elector, or an elector who has a confidential listing under s. 6.47 (2), appears to vote at a polling place and does not present proof of identification under s. 6.79 (2), whenever required, the inspectors or the municipal clerk shall similarly offer the opportunity for the individual to vote under this section. If the individual wishes to vote, the inspectors shall provide the elector with an envelope marked “Ballot under s. 6.97, stats.” on which the serial number of the elector is entered and shall require the individual to execute on the envelope a written affirmation stating that the individual is a qualified elector of the ward or election district where he or she offers to vote and is eligible to vote in the election. The inspectors shall, before giving the elector a ballot, write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the individual corresponding to the number kept at the election on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation “s. 6.97”. If voting machines are used in the municipality where the individual is voting, the individual’s vote may be received only upon an absentee ballot furnished by the municipal clerk which shall have the corresponding number from the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation “s. 6.97” written on the back of the ballot by the inspectors before the ballot is given to the elector. When receiving the individual’s ballot, the inspectors shall provide the individual with written voting information prescribed by the commission under s. 7.08 (8). The inspectors shall indicate on the list the fact that the individual is required to provide proof of residence or proof of identification under s. 6.79 (2) but did not do so. The inspectors shall notify the individual that he or she may provide proof of residence or proof of identification to the municipal clerk or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners. The inspectors shall also promptly notify the municipal clerk or executive director of the name, address, and serial number of the individual. The inspectors shall then place the ballot inside the envelope and place the envelope in a separate carrier envelope.
6.97(2)(2)Whenever any individual who votes by absentee ballot is required to provide proof of residence in order to be permitted to vote and does not provide the required proof of residence under s. 6.34, the inspectors shall treat the ballot as a provisional ballot under this section. Upon removing the ballot from the envelope, the inspectors shall write on the back of the ballot the serial number of the individual corresponding to the number kept at the election on the poll list or other list maintained under s. 6.79 and the notation “s. 6.97”. The inspectors shall indicate on the list the fact that the individual is required to provide proof of residence but did not do so. The inspectors shall promptly notify the municipal clerk or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners of the name, address, and serial number of the individual. The inspectors shall then place the ballot inside an envelope on which the name and serial number of the elector is entered and shall place the envelope in a separate carrier envelope.
6.97(3)(a)(a) Whenever an elector who votes by provisional ballot under sub. (1) or (2) because the elector does not provide proof of identification under s. 6.79 (2) or 6.86 (1) (ar) later appears at the polling place where the ballot is cast before the closing hour and provides the proof of identification, the inspectors shall remove the elector’s ballot from the separate carrier envelope, shall note on the poll list that the elector’s provisional ballot is withdrawn, and shall deposit the elector’s ballot in the ballot box. If the inspectors have notified the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners that the elector’s ballot was cast under this section, the inspectors shall notify the clerk or executive director that the elector’s provisional ballot is withdrawn.
6.97(3)(b)(b) Whenever the municipal clerk or executive director of the municipal board of election commissioners is informed by the inspectors that a ballot has been cast under this section, the clerk or executive director shall promptly provide written notice to the board of canvassers of each municipality, special purpose district, and county that is responsible for canvassing the election of the number of ballots cast under this section in each ward or election district. The municipal clerk or executive director then shall determine whether each individual voting under this section is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where the individual’s ballot is cast. If the elector is required to provide proof of identification under s. 6.79 (2) or 6.86 (1) (ar) and fails to do so, the elector bears the burden of correcting the omission by providing the proof of identification at the polling place before the closing hour or at the office of the municipal clerk or board of election commissioners no later than 4 p.m. on the Friday after the election. The municipal clerk or executive director shall make a record of the procedure used to determine the validity of each ballot cast under this section. If, prior to 4 p.m. on the Friday after the election, the municipal clerk or executive director determines that the individual is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where the individual’s ballot is cast, the municipal clerk or executive director shall notify the board of canvassers for each municipality, special purpose district and county that is responsible for canvassing the election of that fact.
6.97(3)(c)(c) A ballot cast under this section by an elector for whom proof of identification is required under s. 6.79 (2) or 6.86 (1) (ar) shall not be counted unless the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners provides timely notification that the elector has provided proof of identification under this section.
6.97(4)(4)Whenever a board of canvassers receives timely notification from the municipal clerk or executive director of the board of election commissioners under sub. (3) that an individual who has voted under this section is qualified to vote in the ward or election district where the individual’s ballot is cast, the board of canvassers shall meet no later than 9 a.m. on the Monday following the election. The board of canvassers shall proceed to record the name of the individual who has cast the ballot and, if the ballot cast by the individual is otherwise valid, shall count the ballot and adjust the statements, certifications, and determinations accordingly. If the municipal clerk or executive director transmits returns of the election to the county clerk or board of election commissioners, the municipal clerk or executive director shall transmit to the county clerk or board of election commissioners a copy of the amended returns together with amended tally sheets and all additional ballots reviewed by the board of canvassers.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)