66.0304(9)(c)(c) The bonds are not a debt of the state or the political subdivisions contracting to create a commission under this section. A bond issue under this section does not obligate the state or a political subdivision to levy any tax or make any appropriation for payment of the bonds. All bonds issued by a commission are payable solely from the funds pledged for their payment in accordance with the bond resolution or trust agreement or indenture providing for their issuance. All bonds shall contain, on their face, a statement regarding the obligations of the state, the political subdivisions who are parties to the agreement creating the commission, and the commission as set forth in this paragraph.
66.0304(10)(10)Audits, fiscal year.
66.0304(10)(a)(a) The board of a commission shall adopt a calendar year as its fiscal year for accounting purposes. The board shall annually prepare a budget for the commission.
66.0304(10)(b)(b) A commission shall maintain an accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall have its financial statements and debt covenants audited annually by an independent certified public accountant, except that the commission by a unanimous vote may decide to have an audit performed under this paragraph every 2 years.
66.0304(10)(c)(c) A copy of the budget and audit shall be sent to the governing body of each political subdivision which is a party to the agreement that created the commission and filed with the secretary of administration and the legislative audit bureau.
66.0304(11)(a)(a) A commission may not issue bonds to finance a capital improvement project in any state or territory of the United States unless a political subdivision within whose boundaries the project is to be located has approved the financing of the project. A commission may not issue bonds to finance a capital improvement project in this state unless all of the political subdivisions within whose boundaries the project is to be located has approved the financing of the project. An approval under this paragraph may be made by the governing body of the political subdivision or, except for a 1st class city or a county in which a 1st class city is located, by the highest ranking executive or administrator of the political subdivision.
66.0304(11)(b)(b) This section provides a complete alternative method, to all other methods provided by law, to exercise the powers authorized in this section, including the issuance of bonds, the entering into of contracts related to those bonds, and the financing or refinancing of projects.
66.0304(11)(bm)(bm) A project may be located outside of the United States or outside a territory of the United States if the borrower, including a co-borrower, of proceeds of bonds issued to finance or refinance the project in whole or in part is incorporated and has its principal place of business in the United States or a territory of the United States. To the extent that this paragraph applies to a borrower, it also applies to a participant if the participant is a nongovernmental entity.
66.0304(11)(c)(c) Any action brought to challenge the validity of the issuance of a bond under this section, or the enforceability of a contract entered into under this section, must be commenced in circuit court within 30 days of the commission adopting a resolution authorizing the issuance of the bond or the execution of the contract.
66.0304(11)(d)(d) Bonds issued under this section shall not be invalid for any irregularity or defect in the proceedings for their sale or issuance. The bonds shall contain a statement that they have been authorized and issued pursuant to the laws of this state. The statement shall be conclusive evidence of the validity of the bonds.
66.0304(12)(12)State Pledge. The state pledges to and agrees with the bondholders, and persons that enter into contracts with a commission under this section, that the state will not limit, impair, or alter the rights and powers vested in a commission by this section, including the rights and powers under sub. (4), before the commission has met and discharged the bonds, and any interest due on the bonds, and has fully performed its contracts, unless adequate provision is made by law for the protection of the bondholders or those entering into contracts with a commission. The commission may include this pledge in a contract with bondholders.
66.0304 HistoryHistory: 2009 a. 205; 2011 a. 32, 239; 2013 a. 20.
66.030566.0305Political subdivision revenue sharing.
66.0305(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “political subdivision” means a city, village, town, or county.
66.0305(2)(2)Political subdivision revenue sharing agreement. Subject to the requirements of this section, any 2 or more political subdivisions may, by a majority vote of a quorum of their governing bodies, enter into an agreement to share all or a specified part of revenues derived from taxes and special charges, as defined in s. 74.01 (4). One or more political subdivisions may enter into agreements under this section with federally recognized American Indian tribes or bands.
66.0305(3)(3)Public hearing. At least 30 days before entering into an agreement under sub. (2), a political subdivision shall hold a public hearing on the proposed agreement. Notice of the hearing shall be published as a class 3 notice under ch. 985.
66.0305(4)(a)(a) An agreement entered into under sub. (2) shall meet all of the following conditions:
66.0305(4)(a)1.1. The term of the agreement shall be for at least 10 years.
66.0305(4)(a)2.2. The boundaries of the area within which the revenues are to be shared in the agreement shall be specified.
66.0305(4)(a)3.3. The formula or other means of determining the amount of revenues to be shared under the agreement shall be specified.
66.0305(4)(a)4.4. The date upon which revenues agreed to be shared under the agreement shall be paid to the appropriate political subdivision shall be specified.
66.0305(4)(a)5.5. The method by which the agreement may be invalidated after the expiration of the minimum period specified in par. (a) 1. shall be specified.
66.0305(4)(b)(b) An agreement entered into under sub. (2) may address any other appropriate matters, including any agreements with respect to services or agreements with respect to municipal boundaries under s. 66.0225, 66.0301 (6), or 66.0307.
66.0305(5)(5)Contiguous boundaries. No political subdivision may enter into an agreement under sub. (2) with one or more political subdivisions unless the political subdivision is contiguous to at least one other political subdivision that enters into the agreement.
66.0305(6)(6)Advisory referendum.
66.0305(6)(a)(a) Within 30 days after the hearing under sub. (3), the governing body of a participating political subdivision may adopt a resolution calling for an advisory referendum on the agreement. An advisory referendum shall be held if, within 30 days after the hearing under sub. (3), a petition, signed by a number of qualified electors equal to at least 10 percent of the votes cast for governor in the political subdivision at the last gubernatorial election, is filed with the clerk of a participating political subdivision, requesting an advisory referendum on the revenue sharing plan. The petition shall conform to the requirements of s. 8.40 and shall be filed as provided in s. 8.37. If an advisory referendum is held, the political subdivision’s governing body may not vote to approve the agreement under sub. (2) until the report under par. (d) is filed.
66.0305(6)(b)(b) The advisory referendum shall be held not less than 70 days nor more than 100 days after adoption of the resolution under par. (a) calling for the referendum or not less than 70 days nor more than 100 days after receipt of the petition under par. (a) by the municipal or county clerk. The municipal or county clerk shall give notice of the referendum by publishing a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the political subdivision, both on the publication day next preceding the advisory referendum election and one week prior to that publication date.
66.0305(6)(c)(c) The advisory referendum shall be conducted by the political subdivision’s election officials. The governing body of the political subdivision may specify the number of election officials for the referendum. The ballots shall contain the words “For the revenue sharing agreement” and “Against the revenue sharing agreement” and shall otherwise conform to the provisions of s. 5.64 (2). The election shall be conducted as are other municipal or county elections in accordance with chs. 6 and 7, insofar as applicable.
66.0305(6)(d)(d) The election inspectors shall report the results of the election, showing the total number of votes cast and the numbers cast for and against the revenue sharing. The election inspectors shall attach their affidavit to the report and immediately file the report in the office of the municipal or county clerk.
66.0305(6)(e)(e) The costs of the advisory referendum election shall be borne by the political subdivision that holds the election.
66.0305 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 270; 1999 a. 150 s. 72; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0305; 1999 a. 182 s. 202; 2005 a. 98; 2007 a. 43; 2011 a. 75.
66.030766.0307Boundary change pursuant to approved cooperative plan.
66.0307(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
66.0307(1)(af)(af) “Comprehensive plan” means an adopted plan that contains the elements under s. 66.1001 (2) or, if a municipality has not adopted a plan that contains those elements, a master plan adopted under s. 62.23 (2) or (3).
66.0307(1)(am)(am) “Department” means the department of administration.
66.0307(1)(b)(b) “Municipality” means a city, village or town.
66.0307(2)(2)Boundary change authority. Any combination of municipalities may determine the boundary lines between themselves under a cooperative plan that is approved by the department under this section. A single city or village and a single town may use the mediated agreement procedure under sub. (4m) to determine a common boundary line under a cooperative plan that is approved by the department under this section. No boundary of a municipality may be changed or maintained under this section unless the municipality is a party to the cooperative agreement. The cooperative plan shall provide one or more of the following:
66.0307(2)(a)(a) That specified boundary line changes shall occur during the planning period and the approximate dates by which the changes shall occur.
66.0307(2)(b)(b) That specified boundary line changes may occur during the planning period and the approximate dates by which the changes may occur.
66.0307(2)(c)(c) That a required boundary line change under par. (a) or an optional boundary line change under par. (b) shall be subject to the occurrence of conditions set forth in the plan.
66.0307(2)(d)(d) That specified boundary lines may not be changed during the planning period.
66.0307(3)(3)Cooperative plan.
66.0307(3)(a)(a) Who may prepare plan. The municipalities that propose to set the boundary lines between themselves under this section shall prepare a cooperative plan.
66.0307(3)(b)(b) Purpose of plan. The cooperative plan shall be made with the general purpose of guiding and accomplishing a coordinated, adjusted and harmonious development of the territory covered by the plan consistent with the comprehensive plan of each participating municipality.
66.0307(3)(c)(c) Content of plan; consistency with comprehensive plan. The cooperative plan shall describe how it is consistent with each participating municipality’s comprehensive plan.
66.0307(3)(d)(d) Content of plan; boundaries and services. The cooperative plan shall:
66.0307(3)(d)1.1. Identify any boundary change and any existing boundary that may not be changed during the planning period.
66.0307(3)(d)2.2. Identify any conditions that must be met before a boundary change may occur.
66.0307(3)(d)3.3. Include a schedule of the period during which a boundary change shall or may occur.
66.0307(3)(d)4.4. Include a statement explaining how any part of the plan related to the location of boundaries meets the approval criteria under sub. (5) (c) 5.
66.0307(3)(d)4m.4m. Identify all highways within the territory covered by the plan of which each participating municipality has jurisdiction.
66.0307(3)(d)5.5. Describe the services to be provided to the territory covered by the plan, identify the providers of those services and indicate whether the provision of any service has received preliminary approval of any relevant governmental regulatory authority.
66.0307(3)(d)6.6. Include a schedule for delivery of the services described under subd. 5.
66.0307(3)(d)7.7. Include a statement explaining how provision under the plan for the delivery of necessary municipal services to the territory covered by the plan meets the approval criterion under sub. (5) (c) 3.
66.0307(3)(d)8.8. Designate the municipalities that are participating in the cooperative plan and that are required to ratify any boundary changes by enacting an ordinance under sub. (10).
66.0307(3)(e)(e) Content of plan; compatibility with existing law. The cooperative plan shall describe how the plan is consistent with current state and federal laws, county shoreland zoning ordinances under s. 59.692, municipal regulations and administrative rules that apply to the territory affected by the plan.
66.0307(3)(f)(f) Content of plan; planning period. The cooperative plan shall specify the duration of the proposed planning period, which shall be for a period of 10 years, except that the duration of the proposed planning period may be for a period greater than 10 years if a duration greater than 10 years is approved by the department.
66.0307(3)(g)(g) Content of plan; zoning agreement. The cooperative plan shall include all agreements under sub. (7m).
66.0307(3)(h)(h) Existing plans may be used. A cooperative plan may be based on, contain elements of or duplicate any existing plan for the same territory.
66.0307(4)(4)Procedure for adopting cooperative plan.
66.0307(4)(a)(a) Authorizing resolution. Each municipality that intends to participate in the preparation of a cooperative plan under this section shall adopt a resolution authorizing participation in the preparation of the plan. Notice of each resolution shall be given in writing, within 5 days after the resolution is adopted, to all of the following:
66.0307(4)(a)1.1. The department, the department of natural resources, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and the department of transportation.
66.0307(4)(a)2.2. The clerks of any municipality, school district, technical college district, sewerage district or sanitary district which has any part of its territory within 5 miles of a participating municipality.
66.0307(4)(a)3.3. The clerk of each county in which a participating municipality is located.
66.0307(4)(a)4.4. Any county zoning agency under s. 59.69 (2) or regional planning commission whose jurisdiction includes a participating municipality.
66.0307(4)(b)(b) Public hearing. At least 60 days after adoption under par. (a) of the last resolution by a participating municipality and at least 60 days before submitting a cooperative plan to the department for review and approval under sub. (5), the participating municipalities shall hold a joint hearing on the proposed plan. Notice of the hearing shall be given by each participating municipality by class 3 notice under ch. 985.
66.0307(4)(c)(c) Comment on plan. Any person may comment on the plan during the hearing and may submit written comments before, at or within 20 days following the hearing. All comments shall be considered by each participating municipality. A county zoning agency under s. 59.69 (2) or regional planning commission whose jurisdiction includes any participating municipality shall comment in writing on the plan’s effect on the master plan adopted by the regional planning commission under s. 66.0309 (9), or development plan adopted by the county board or county planning agency under s. 59.69 (3), and on the delivery of municipal services, and may comment on any other aspect of the plan. A county in the regional planning commission’s jurisdiction may submit comments on the effect of the cooperative plan on the master plan adopted under s. 66.0309 (9) and on the delivery of county services or on any other matter related to the plan.
66.0307(4)(d)(d) Adoption of final plan.
66.0307(4)(d)1.1. Subject to subd. 2., after the public hearing under par. (b) and consideration of comments made on the proposed cooperative plan, the plan participants may revise the plan in response to the comments and may, by resolution adopted by each participating municipality, adopt a final version of the plan.
66.0307(4)(d)2.2. If within 30 days after the public hearing under par. (b) a petition opposing the plan, signed by a number of qualified electors equal to at least 10 percent of the votes cast for governor in the municipality at the last gubernatorial election, is filed with the clerk of a participating municipality, the final version of the plan may be adopted in that municipality only by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of the members of the municipality’s governing body who are present and voting. The petition shall conform to the requirements of s. 8.40.
66.0307(4)(e)(e) Advisory referendum.
66.0307(4)(e)1.1. Within 30 days after adoption of a final plan under par. (d), the governing body of a participating municipality may adopt a resolution calling for an advisory referendum on the plan. An advisory referendum shall be held if, within 30 days after adoption of the final plan under par. (d), a petition, signed by a number of qualified electors equal to at least 10 percent of the votes cast for governor in the municipality at the last gubernatorial election, is filed with the clerk of a participating municipality and as provided in s. 8.37, requesting an advisory referendum on the cooperative plan. The petition shall conform to the requirements of s. 8.40.
66.0307(4)(e)2.2. The advisory referendum shall be held not less than 70 days nor more than 100 days after adoption of the resolution under subd. 1. calling for the referendum or not less than 70 days nor more than 100 days after receipt of the petition by the municipal clerk. The municipal clerk shall give notice of the referendum by publishing a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality, both on the publication day next preceding the advisory referendum election and one week prior to that publication date.
66.0307(4)(e)3.3. The advisory referendum shall be conducted by the municipal election officials. The governing body of the municipality may specify the number of election officials for the referendum. The ballots shall contain the words “For the cooperative plan” and “Against the cooperative plan” and shall otherwise conform to the provisions of s. 5.64 (2). The election shall be conducted as are other municipal elections in accordance with chs. 6 and 7, insofar as applicable.
66.0307(4)(e)4.4. The election inspectors shall report the results of the election, showing the total number of votes cast and the numbers cast for and against the cooperative plan. The election inspectors shall attach their affidavit to the report and immediately file the report in the office of the municipal clerk. The election inspector shall file a certified report of the results in the office of the clerk of each municipality that is a party to the cooperative plan.
66.0307(4)(e)5.5. The costs of the advisory referendum election shall be borne by the municipality that holds the election.
66.0307(4)(f)(f) Submittal of final plan to department. If no advisory referendum is held under par. (e), the plan participants may submit the final version of the cooperative plan to the department for approval under sub. (5) at least 60 days but not more than 180 days after the public hearing under par. (b). If an advisory referendum is held under par. (e), each participating municipality shall determine, by resolution, whether to submit the final version of the cooperative plan to the department for approval under sub. (5). The resolution shall be adopted within 60 days after the last advisory referendum is held. If any of the plan participants fails or refuses to approve submittal of the cooperative plan to the department, the plan may not be submitted. Any written comment received by a participating municipality on any version of the cooperative plan shall be submitted to the department at the time that the cooperative plan is submitted. If the cooperative plan is not submitted to and approved by the department, it may not be implemented under this section by any of the participating municipalities.
66.0307(4m)(4m)Mediated agreement procedure.
66.0307(4m)(a)1.1. As an alternative to the parties mutually invoking the procedure under this section, a city, village, or town may petition the department for mediation of a cooperative plan under this paragraph.
66.0307(4m)(a)2.2. A city or village may petition for mediation if all of the following apply:
66.0307(4m)(a)2.a.a. The city or village adopts an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and requests in writing an adjacent town to adopt an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and the town fails to adopt the resolution within 60 days after the request is received by the town.
66.0307(4m)(a)2.b.b. The city or village has adopted a comprehensive plan.
66.0307(4m)(a)3.3. A town may petition for mediation if all of the following apply:
66.0307(4m)(a)3.a.a. The town adopts an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and requests in writing an adjacent city or village to adopt an authorizing resolution under sub. (4) (a) (intro.) and the city or village fails to adopt the resolution within 60 days after the request is received by the city or village.
66.0307(4m)(a)3.b.b. The town has adopted a comprehensive plan.
66.0307(4m)(b)(b) A municipality that is authorized under par. (a) to petition the department for mediation and elects to do so shall submit the petition within 90 days after the municipality has adopted the authorizing resolution described in par. (a) 2. a. or 3. a. Upon receipt of a petition for mediation, the department shall notify the nonpetitioning adjacent municipality identified in the petition that the petition has been submitted. Within 45 days after receipt of notice from the department that a petition has been submitted, the nonpetitioning municipality shall notify the department whether it agrees to engage in mediation to develop a cooperative plan under this section. Failure of the nonpetitioning municipality to timely notify the department is considered notice that the municipality does not agree to engage in mediation. The department shall send written notice of the nonpetitioning municipality’s decision, on whether it will participate, to the petitioning municipality. If the nonpetitioning municipality refuses to engage in mediation, the petitioning municipality may not submit a petition under this paragraph involving the same nonpetitioning municipality for a period of 3 years after the department sends notice of the refusal.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)