809.801(5)(f)(f) Respondent to opt in. A mandatory user who represents a responding party shall register to use the electronic filing system as provided under sub. (3) (d). After registering to use the electronic filing system, the user shall opt in on the case as provided in sub. (3) (f).
809.801(6)(6)Filing and service of subsequent documents.
809.801(6)(a)(a) The electronic filing system shall generate a notice of activity to the other users in the case when documents other than initiating documents are filed. Users shall access filed documents through the appellate electronic filing system. For documents that do not require personal or traditional service, the notice of activity is valid and effective service on the other users and shall have the same effect as traditional service of a paper document.
809.801(6)(b)(b) If a document requires personal or traditional service, it shall be served by traditional methods unless the responding party has consented in writing to accept electronic service or service by some other method.
809.801(6)(c)(c) Paper parties shall be served by traditional methods. The electronic filing system shall indicate which parties are to be served electronically and which are to be served by traditional methods.
809.801(6)(d)(d) Paper parties shall file documents with the court by traditional methods. The clerk of court shall image the documents and enter the imaged documents into the electronic filing system promptly. The notice of activity generated by the entry shall constitute service on the users in the case. Paper parties shall serve other paper parties by traditional methods.
809.801(6)(e)(e) An electronic notification that cannot be successfully delivered to a user shall be returned to the clerk of court. If the clerk cannot contact the user to update the information, the user shall be treated as a paper party until the problem is corrected.
809.801(6)(f)(f) For cases that were originally filed by traditional methods, all of the following apply:
809.801(6)(f)1.1. Subject to the schedule in sub. (2) (b), all mandatory users shall opt in on each case for which they continue to appear. Mandatory users who do not opt in on a case do not receive notices of activity or service of documents.
809.801(6)(f)2.2. For all cases that are in open status at the time electronic filing is mandated, the clerk of court shall send a notice by traditional methods to each party who has not opted in stating that the case has been converted to electronic filing. Mandatory users shall promptly opt in on these cases unless the user informs the court that the user is no longer appearing on behalf of the party.
809.801(6)(f)3.3. For all cases that were in closed status prior to the time electronic filing was mandated, no action is required until there is a subsequent filing or the court initiates further activity on the case, subject to all of the following:
809.801(6)(f)3.a.a. A mandatory user who wishes to file on a closed case shall opt in on the case and shall serve any paper parties by traditional methods. Any mandatory user so served shall promptly opt in on the case or shall notify the court that the user is no longer appearing on behalf of the party.
809.801(6)(f)3.b.b. A voluntary user who wishes to file electronically in a closed case shall opt in as a user on the case and shall serve any paper parties by traditional methods. Any mandatory user so served shall promptly opt in on the case or shall notify the court that the user is no longer appearing on behalf of the party.
809.801(6)(f)3.c.c. Service on a party who might be a voluntary user shall include a notice stating that the case has been converted to electronic filing and giving instructions for how to use the electronic filing system if the party chooses to do so.
809.801(7)(7)Payment of fees.
809.801(7)(a)(a) Users shall make payments due to the clerk of court by check or through the court electronic payment system, unless otherwise ordered by the court or unless arrangements are made with the clerk of court. The court electronic payment system shall deposit the fees due to the clerk of court in the clerk’s account.
809.801(7)(b)(b) A user may submit a petition or motion for waiver of costs and fees under s. 814.29 (1) or (1m) using a form provided by the court for that purpose. If a document is submitted with a petition or motion for waiver, it shall be considered filed with the court on the date and time of the original submission if the waiver is subsequently granted by the court or other arrangements for payment are made.
809.801(8)(8)Format and content of filings.
809.801(8)(a)(a) The director shall make information about the technical requirements of the electronic filing system readily available to the public. Users are responsible for keeping up with these requirements and providing the necessary equipment, software, communication technology, and staff training.
809.801(8)(b)(b) Users shall provide any case management information needed to file documents. The electronic filing system shall reject a document for failure to include information in any one of the mandatory fields identified by the system.
809.801(8)(c)(c) Users shall format the appearance of all electronically filed documents in accordance with statutes and appellate court rules governing formatting of paper documents, including page limits.
809.801(8)(d)(d) The electronic filing system may set limits on the length or number of documents. Leave of court may be granted for traditional filing and service in appropriate cases. If a brief or appendix cannot be electronically filed as a single document due to the size limitations of the system, the user shall contact the clerk of court for assistance.
809.801(8)(e)(e) Electronically filed appendices, exhibits, and affidavits shall be filed in portable document format. All other electronically filed documents shall be filed in text-searchable portable document format.
809.801(8)(f)(f) Electronically filed documents may include bookmarks that allow the reader to navigate quickly within a document, such as from the table of contents to the corresponding sections of a brief or from the table of contents to the corresponding documents in an appendix.
809.801(8)(g)(g) Electronically filed documents may include hyperlinks that allow the reader to jump directly to another location in the document or to an external source of information, such as a published case or statute posted on the Internet. External hyperlinks shall be used only in accordance with security procedures set by the court.
809.801(8)(h)(h) Users shall format electronically filed documents to leave a blank space 2 inches by 2 inches square at the top right corner of the first page to accommodate the court file stamp.
809.801(9)(9)Official record.
809.801(9)(a)(a) Electronically filed documents have the same force and effect as documents filed by traditional methods. The electronic version constitutes the official record. No paper copy of an electronically filed document shall be sent to the court.
809.801(9)(b)(b) The duties of the clerk of court under this chapter and all other statutes, court rules, and procedures may be fulfilled through proper management of electronic documents as provided in this section. The requirements of statutes and rules that refer to paper copies, originals, mailing, and other traditional methods may be satisfied by transmission of documents through the electronic filing system.
809.801(9)(c)(c) Subject to the schedule in sub. (2) (b), the clerk of court shall maintain the official court record only in electronic format for all cases commenced after that date. Documents filed by traditional methods shall be electronically imaged and made part of the official record. The clerk of court may discard the paper copy pursuant to SCR 72.03 (3). Any official court record containing electronically filed documents must meet the operational standards set by SCR 72.05 for electronic records.
809.801(9)(d)(d) If a document is filed in a case in closed status, the clerk of court shall file the document electronically and convert that case to electronic format within a reasonable time. If conversion of the case would be unusually burdensome, the clerk of court may maintain the record in paper format with the permission of the court.
809.801(9)(e)(e) The clerk of court shall make the public portions of the electronic record available for viewing at the clerk of court’s office. The clerk of court shall make nonpublic portions of the electronic record available for viewing by authorized persons.
809.801(9)(f)(f) The clerk of court may provide either paper or electronic copies of pages from the court record. The clerk of court shall charge the per-page fee set by s. 809.25 (2) for electronic court records.
809.801(9)(g)(g) Certified copies of an electronic record may be obtained from the clerk of court’s office by traditional methods, as provided by s. 889.08. The electronic system may also make available a process for electronic certification of the court record. The seal of the court may be applied electronically. No use of colored ink or an impressed seal is required.
809.801(9)(h)(h) Parties filing by traditional methods shall file a copy of any document and not the original paper document. The court may require the submitting party to produce the original paper document if authenticity of document is challenged. If the court inspects the original paper document, it shall be retained as an exhibit as provided in SCR 72.03 (4).
809.801(9)(L)(L) For documentary exhibits submitted directly to the supreme court or court of appeals, parties shall submit a copy of the exhibit and not the original. The clerk of court shall image each documentary exhibit and enter the imaged document into the court record. Copies of documentary exhibits so imaged may be discarded as provided in SCR 72.03 (3). If inspection of the original document is necessary to the court proceeding, the court may order that the original document be produced. Any original document so produced shall be retained as an exhibit as provided in SCR 72.03 (4).
809.801(9)(m)(m) When an action or proceeding requires a record to be submitted by a party directly to the court, the record shall be imaged and electronically submitted using a method provided by the electronic filing system. The electronic record shall be the official record in the action or proceeding. If inspection of an original document is necessary to the court proceeding, the court may order that the original document be produced.
809.801(11)(11)Notarization and oaths.
809.801(11)(a)(a) Notaries public who hold valid appointments under ch. 140 may issue certificates of notarial acts for electronically filed documents as provided in this section.
809.801(11)(b)(b) Court officials authorized by law to perform notarial acts may do so by application of their electronic signatures provided through the electronic filing system.
809.801(11)(c)(c) Unless specifically required by statute or court rule, electronically filed documents are not required to be notarized.
809.801(11)(d)(d) Documents notarized by traditional methods may be filed through the electronic filing system if a handwritten signature and physical seal appear on the original document. The user shall submit an imaged copy of the notarized document to the electronic filing system, and the court shall maintain the imaged copy as the official court record. The court may require the submitting party to produce the original paper document if the authenticity of the notarization is in question.
809.801(11)(f)(f) The director, in his or her discretion, may approve the use of an electronic notary technology compatible with the existing electronic filing system.
809.801(12)(12)Signatures of users.
809.801(12)(a)(a) To be considered electronically signed, a document must be submitted by or on behalf of a user through the electronic filing system. A document requiring the signature of a user shall bear either an electronic signature or a handwritten signature applied to a document before it is imaged. An electronic signature shall state “Electronically signed by” followed by the name of the signatory, and shall be placed where the person’s signature would otherwise appear. Either form of signature shall be treated as the user’s personal original signature for all purposes under the statutes and court rules.
809.801(12)(b)(b) An initiating document that is signed in compliance with par. (a) bears a sufficient signature under s. 802.05.
809.801(12)(c)(c) Each electronically filed document shall bear that person’s name, mailing address, electronic mail address, telephone number, and state bar number if applicable. Users shall notify the electronic filing system of any change in this information, consistent with sub. (3) (d).
809.801(12)(d)(d) An attorney may delegate the authority to submit documents to the electronic filing system to a person under the attorney’s supervision. Any document requiring the attorney’s signature is deemed to have been signed by the attorney if submitted to the electronic filing system and signed as provided in par. (a). Every attorney is responsible for all documents so submitted.
809.801(12)(e)(e) Every attorney is responsible for electronically filed documents to the same extent as for paper filings. Attorneys using the electronic filing system are subject to sanctions under s. 802.05 and contempt procedures under ch. 785, and are subject to discipline for a violation of any duty to the court under the supreme court rules.
809.801(12)(f)(f) Self-represented parties and filing agents under s. 799.06 are responsible for electronically filed documents to the same extent as for paper filings. Self-represented parties and filing agents using the electronic filing system are subject to sanctions under s. 802.05 and contempt procedures under ch. 785.
809.801(12)(fm)(fm) An electronically filed certification required by this chapter may be signed by applying the user’s signature as provided in par. (a).
809.801(12)(g)(g) A stipulation will be considered signed by multiple persons if it bears the handwritten signatures of all signatories or if it bears the printed name of each signatory and contains a representation by the filing party that the filing party has consulted with the signatories and all have agreed to sign the document. This paragraph does not apply to the signature requirements of s. 809.107 (2) (bm) 6., (5) (a), and (6) (f), where a signature is required from the appellant or petitioner, other than the state, on whose behalf the document is filed.
809.801(12)(h)(h) For paper parties, every document requiring a signature shall be signed using a handwritten signature. If a document requiring a signature is filed by traditional methods, the filing party shall file a copy of that document and not the original paper document, as provided under sub. (9) (h).
809.801(12)(i)(i) Documents containing handwritten signatures of third parties, such as affidavits, may be filed through the electronic filing system if a handwritten signature appears on the original document. The user shall submit an imaged copy of the signed document to the electronic filing system, and the court shall maintain the imaged document as the official court record. The court may require the submitting party to produce the original paper document if validity of the signature is challenged.
809.801(12)(j)(j) The director, in his or her discretion, may approve the use of other signature technologies to the extent that they work with the existing electronic filing system.
809.801(13)(13)Signatures of court officials.
809.801(13)(a)(a) If the signature of a court official is required on a document, an electronic signature applied through the court case management system may be used. The electronic signature shall be treated as the court official’s personal original signature for all purposes under Wisconsin statutes and court rules. Where a handwritten signature would be located on a particular order, form, letter, or other document, the official’s printed name shall be inserted.
809.801(13)(b)(b) The electronic signature of a court official shall be used only by the official to whom it is assigned and by such delegates as the official may authorize. The court official is responsible for any use of his or her electronic signature by an authorized delegate.
809.801(13)(c)(c) A court official may delegate the use of his or her electronic signature to an authorized staff member pursuant to the security procedures of the court case management system. Upon learning that the confidentiality of the electronic signature has been inadvertently or improperly disclosed, the court official shall immediately report that fact to the consolidated court automation programs. Court officials shall safeguard the security of their electronic signatures and exercise care in delegation.
809.801(14)(14)Confidential information.
809.801(14)(a)(a) The confidentiality of an electronic record is the same as for the equivalent paper record. The electronic filing system may permit access to confidential information only to the extent provided by law. No person in possession of a confidential electronic record, or an electronic or paper copy thereof, may release the information to any other person except as provided by law.
809.801(14)(b)(b) Parties shall exercise care with respect to redaction of protected information, as defined in s. 801.19 (1), identification of confidential material, and sealing of filed documents.
809.801(14)(c)(c) If a document is confidential, it shall be identified as confidential by the submitting party when it is filed. The clerk of court is not required to review documents to determine if confidential information is contained within them.
809.801(14)(d)(d) If a user seeks court approval to seal a document, the user may electronically file the document under temporary seal pending court approval of the user’s motion to seal.
809.801(14)(e)(e) If the clerk notes that a document has been identified as confidential or sealed, the electronic filing system shall place a visible mark on the document to identify it as confidential or sealed.
809.801(14)(f)(f) An amicus party may, in the court’s discretion, be granted access to confidential, redacted, or sealed portions of the court record upon motion to the court and a showing of good cause.
809.801(15)(a)(a) A transcript filed in the circuit court shall be electronically transmitted to the clerk of the court of appeals when made part of the record on appeal.
809.801(15)(b)(b) The transcript of any proceeding originating in the court of appeals or supreme court shall be electronically filed by the court reporter in accordance with procedures developed by the director. The clerk shall note in the court record that the transcript has been prepared and filed with the court.
809.801(15)(c)(c) Arrangements for payment of the court reporter, access to the transcript, and service shall be as directed by the court.
809.801(15)(d)(d) Any notice to the clerk of the supreme court and court of appeals filed under s. 809.11 (7) (a) or 809.32 (5) or any motion filed under s. 809.11 (7) (c) shall be electronically filed. The court reporter shall serve paper parties by traditional methods.
809.801(15)(e)(e) A transcript, when filed under this section, becomes a part of the court file. The transcript shall be made available to the public in accordance with the statutes and rules governing court records and any court orders.
809.801(15)(f)(f) A court reporter may certify that the transcript is a verbatim transcript of the proceedings by applying the court reporter’s signature in the same manner as provided in sub. (12) (a) and then electronically filing the transcript.
809.801(16)(16)Technical failures.
809.801(16)(a)(a) A user whose filing is made untimely as a result of a technical failure may seek appropriate relief from the court as follows:
809.801(16)(a)1.1. If the failure is caused by the court electronic filing system, a user may move the court for relief on the basis that the user attempted to file the document with the court in a timely manner by submitting it to the electronic filing system. The court may enter an order permitting the document to be deemed filed or served on the date and time the user first attempted to submit the document electronically or may grant other relief as appropriate.
809.801(16)(a)2.2. If the failure is not caused by the court electronic filing system, the court may grant appropriate relief upon satisfactory proof of the cause. Users are responsible for timely filing of electronic documents to the same extent as filing of paper documents.
809.801(16)(b)(b) A motion for relief due to technical failure shall be made on the next day the office of the clerk of court is open. The document that the user attempted to file shall be filed separately and any fees due shall be paid at that time.
809.801(16)(c)(c) This subsection shall be liberally applied to avoid prejudice to any person using the electronic filing system in good faith.
809.801 HistoryHistory: Sup. Ct. Order No. 20-07, 2021 WI 37, 397 Wis. 2d xiii; 2021 a. 240 s. 30; Sup. Ct. Order No. 23-05, 2024 WI 20, filed 5-2-24, eff. 7-1-24.
809.801 NoteNOTE: Sup. Ct. Order No. 20-07 states that “the Comments to the statutes created pursuant to this order are not adopted, but will be published and may be consulted for guidance in interpreting and applying the rule.”
809.801 NoteComment, 2021: Although proposed s. 809.801 is new, the numbering reflects an effort to stay parallel with the section numbering of the circuit court eFiling rule, s. 801.18.
809.801 NoteSection 809.801 is built on the template of the circuit court electronic filing rule, s. 809.18, with respect to structure, language, and procedure. There are no major differences between the two systems with respect to how electronic filing works. Sub.(2) (k) provides that the two rules “shall be interpreted consistently to the extent practicable”.
809.801 NoteAt the direction of the supreme court, subs. (2) (b) and (c) provide for the use of an implementation schedule to govern the availability of electronic filing according to the type of proceeding involved and the type of court.
809.801 NoteSub. (3) (a) mandates that three types of filers participate in the electronic filing system. An exception for attorneys representing themselves was included in the circuit court electronic filing rule but is eliminated here. Experience has shown that electronic filing is straightforward to use, with minimal technical impediments and expense.
809.801 NoteSubs. (3) (d) and (f) require electronic filing users to promptly opt in and opt out from the cases where they are representing parties or participating as litigants. Users are required to keep their contact information up to date to receive electronic service.
809.801 NoteUnder sub. (3) (j), persons filing documents in cases where they are not parties, such as amicus curiae, may register to use the electronic filing system and file a document.
809.801 NoteSub. (4) (am) provides that filing occurs when the document is submitted to the electronic filing system as long as it is accepted by the clerk at a later time. Extending the filing day to 11:59 p.m. is consistent with the circuit court electronic filing rule and federal court electronic filing rules. This supersedes the decision in St. John’s Home v. Continental Casualty Co., 150 Wis. 2d 37, 441 N.W.2d 219 (1989), per curiam, requiring filing to occur only within the office hours of the clerk. This gives a user an extra few hours to file on the last day a document is due but does not otherwise affect the calculation of time. If a user submits a document or the court issues an order on a day when the clerk’s office is closed, it is considered filed on the next day the clerk’s office is open, except as provided by other statutes and rules, or by court order.
809.801 NoteSince 2009, the appellate clerk has reviewed electronic briefs to make sure that rule requirements relating to form have been met. Together with s. 809.80 (5), subd. (4) (b) provides that the clerk may review all types of documents, both paper and electronic.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)