85.064(3)(3)The department shall prescribe the form, nature, and extent of information that shall be contained in applications for grants under this section and shall establish criteria for evaluating applications and determining eligibility for the award of grants under this section.
85.064 HistoryHistory: 2003 a. 33; 2005 a. 25; 2009 a. 28; 2011 a. 32; 2015 a. 197 s. 51.
85.06585.065Urban rail line relocations.
85.065(1)(a)(a) Any county, city, village, town or combination thereof may apply to the department for a study of the cost and benefits of the location and form of railroad lines, associated facilities, and railroad operations within an urban area. Upon receiving such application, the department may undertake or contract for a study to determine the extent to which the existing location of such lines, facilities and operations serves the public interests in:
85.065(1)(a)1.1. Reliable, economical and expeditious commercial transportation;
85.065(1)(a)2.2. Safe and orderly movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic;
85.065(1)(a)3.3. Coordinated and environmentally sound planning for development or preservation of the area; and
85.065(1)(a)4.4. Conservation of scarce land or energy resources.
85.065(1)(b)(b) The study shall be performed in consultation with the applicant and other interested parties and shall result in a report describing alternatives to the existing location and form of such railroad lines, facilities and operations which assesses each alternative in light of those criteria.
85.065 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 29.
85.06685.066Transit safety oversight program.
85.066(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “rail fixed guideway transportation system” means a public transportation system being designed, engineered, constructed, or operated that is intended to operate upon a fixed guideway, including a railway, and that is not subject to regulation by the federal railroad administration.
85.066(2)(2)Program and funding. The department shall develop and administer a transit safety oversight program. Under the program, the department may oversee, enforce, investigate, and audit all safety aspects of rail fixed guideway transportation systems.
85.066(3)(3)Expenditures related to certain transportation systems in a first class city. The following may not incur any direct or indirect expenses, including the forfeiture of any revenue, relating to the operation or construction of a rail fixed guideway transportation system in a 1st class city unless the expense incurred or revenue forfeited will be fully reimbursed by the 1st class city:
85.066(3)(a)(a) Except as required to comply with the requirements under 49 USC 5329, the state.
85.066(3)(b)(b) An agency, as defined in s. 16.52 (7).
85.066(3)(c)(c) A county in which the 1st class city is located.
85.066(4)(4)Reimbursement. If a person restricted from incurring expenses under sub. (3), with the approval of the 1st class city, incurs a direct or indirect expense, including the forfeiture of any revenue, relating to the operation or construction of a rail fixed guideway transportation system in a 1st class city, the 1st class city shall fully reimburse the person for the expense.
85.066 HistoryHistory: 2015 a. 55; 2017 a. 59.
85.06785.067Midwest interstate passenger rail compact. The midwest interstate passenger rail compact is enacted into law and entered into by this state with all other states legally joining therein substantially in the following form:
The contracting states solemnly agree:
85.067(1)(1)Article I — Statement of Purpose. Through joint or cooperative action, the purposes of this compact are to do all of the following:
85.067(1)(a)(a) Promote development and implementation of improvements to intercity passenger rail service in the midwest.
85.067(1)(b)(b) Coordinate interaction among elected state officials in the midwest and their designees on passenger rail issues.
85.067(1)(c)(c) Promote development and implementation of long-range plans for high-speed passenger rail service in the midwest and among other regions of the United States.
85.067(1)(d)(d) Work with the public and private sectors at the federal, state, and local levels to ensure coordination among the various entities having an interest in passenger rail service and to promote interests of the midwestern region regarding passenger rail.
85.067(1)(e)(e) Support efforts of transportation agencies that are involved in developing and implementing passenger rail service in the midwest.
85.067(2)(2)Article II — Establishment of the Commission. To further the purposes of this compact, a midwest interstate passenger rail commission, hereinafter called “the commission,” is created to carry out the duties specified in this compact.
85.067(3)(3)Article III — Commission Membership.
85.067(3)(a)(a) The commission shall consist of 4 resident members of each state as follows:
85.067(3)(a)1.1. The governor or the governor’s designee who shall serve during the term of office of the governor, or until a successor is named;
85.067(3)(a)2.2. Two legislators, one from each house (or 2 legislators from any unicameral legislature), who shall serve 2-year terms, or until successors are appointed, and who shall be appointed by the appropriate appointing authority in each house of the legislature; and
85.067(3)(a)3.3. One member of the private sector who shall be appointed by the governor and shall serve during the tenure of office of the governor, or until a successor is named.
85.067(3)(am)(am) All vacancies shall be filled in accordance with the laws of the appointing states. Any commissioner appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve until the end of the incomplete term. Each member state shall have equal voting privileges, as determined by the bylaws of the commission.
85.067(3)(b)(b) The manner of appointment of commission members, terms of office consistent with the terms of this compact, provisions for removal and suspension, and manner of appointment to fill vacancies shall be determined by each party state under its laws, but each commissioner shall be a resident of the state of appointment.
85.067(3)(c)(c) All members of the commission shall serve without compensation from the commission.
85.067(4)(4)Article IV — Powers and Duties of the Commission.
85.067(4)(a)(a) The duties of the commission are to:
85.067(4)(a)1.1. Advocate for the funding and authorization necessary to make passenger rail improvements a reality for the region.
85.067(4)(a)2.2. Identify and seek to develop ways that states can form partnerships, including with rail industry and labor, to implement improved passenger rail service in the region.
85.067(4)(a)3.3. Seek development of a long-term, interstate plan for high-speed passenger rail service implementation.
85.067(4)(a)4.4. Cooperate with other agencies, regions, and entities to ensure that the midwest is adequately represented and integrated into national plans for passenger rail development.
85.067(4)(a)5.5. Adopt bylaws governing the activities and procedures of the commission, and addressing, among other subjects, the powers and duties of officers, the voting rights of members of the commission, voting procedures, commission business, and any other purposes necessary to fulfill the duties of the commission.
85.067(4)(a)6.6. Expend such funds as required to carry out the powers and duties of the commission.
85.067(4)(a)7.7. Report on the activities of the commission to the legislatures and governors of the member compacting states on an annual basis.
85.067(4)(b)(b) In addition to its exercise of the duties specified in par. (a), the commission is empowered to:
85.067(4)(b)1.1. Provide multistate advocacy necessary to implement passenger rail systems or plans, as approved by the commission.
85.067(4)(b)2.2. Work with local elected officials, economic development planning organizations, and similar entities to raise the visibility of passenger rail service benefits and needs.
85.067(4)(b)3.3. Educate other state officials, federal agencies, other elected officials, and the public on the advantages of passenger rail as an integral part of an intermodal transportation system in the region.
85.067(4)(b)4.4. Work with federal agency officials and members of congress to ensure the funding and authorization necessary to develop a long-term, interstate plan for high-speed passenger rail service implementation.
85.067(4)(b)5.5. Make recommendations to member states.
85.067(4)(b)6.6. If requested by each state participating in a particular project and under the terms of a formal agreement approved by the participating states and the commission, implement or provide oversight for specific rail projects.
85.067(4)(b)7.7. Establish an office and hire staff as necessary.
85.067(4)(b)8.8. Contract for or provide services.
85.067(4)(b)9.9. Assess dues, in accordance with the terms of this compact.
85.067(4)(b)10.10. Conduct research.
85.067(4)(b)11.11. Establish committees.
85.067(5)(5)Article V — Officers. The commission shall elect annually, from among its members, a chairperson, a vice chairperson who shall not be a resident of the state represented by the chairperson, and other officers as approved by the commission in its bylaws. The officers shall perform the functions and exercise the powers that are specified in the bylaws of the commission.
85.067(6)(6)Article VI — Meetings and Commission Administration.
85.067(6)(a)(a) The commission shall meet at least once in each calendar year, and at such other times as may be determined by the commission.
85.067(6)(b)(b) Commission business shall be conducted in accordance with the procedures and voting rights specified in the bylaws of the commission.
85.067(7)(7)Article VII — Finance.
85.067(7)(a)(a) Except as otherwise provided for, the moneys necessary to finance the general operations of the commission in carrying forth its duties, responsibilities, and powers as stated herein shall be appropriated to the commission by the compacting states, when authorized by the respective legislatures, by equal apportionment among the compacting states. Nothing in this compact shall be construed to commit a member state to participate in financing a rail project except as provided by law of a member state.
85.067(7)(b)(b) The commission may accept, for any of its purposes and functions, donations, gifts, grants, and appropriations of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services from the federal government, from any party state or from any department, agency, or municipality thereof, or from any institution, person, firm, or corporation.
85.067(7)(c)(c) All expenses incurred by the commission in executing the duties imposed upon it by this compact shall be paid by the commission out of the funds available to it. The commission shall not issue any debt instrument. The commission shall submit to the officer designated by the laws of each party state, periodically as required by the laws of each party state, a budget of its actual past and estimated future expenditures.
85.067(8)(8)Article VIII — Enactment, Effective Date, and Amendments.
85.067(8)(a)(a) The states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin are eligible to join this compact. Upon approval of the commission, according to its bylaws, other states may also be declared eligible to join the compact.
85.067(8)(b)(b) As to any eligible party state, this compact shall become effective when its legislature shall have enacted the same into law, provided that the compact shall not become initially effective until enacted into law by any 3 party states incorporating the provisions of this compact into the laws of such states.
85.067(8)(c)(c) Amendments to the compact shall become effective upon their enactment by the legislatures of all compacting states.
85.067(9)(9)Article IX — Withdrawal, Default, and Termination.
85.067(9)(a)(a) Withdrawal from this compact shall be by enactment of a statute repealing the same and shall take effect one year after the effective date of such statute. A withdrawing state shall be liable for any obligations that it may have incurred prior to the effective date of withdrawal.
85.067(9)(b)(b) If any compacting state shall at any time default in the performance of any of its obligations, assumed or imposed, in accordance with the provisions of this compact, all rights, privileges, and benefits conferred by this compact or agreements hereunder shall be suspended from the effective date of such default as fixed by the commission, and the commission shall stipulate the conditions and maximum time for compliance under which the defaulting state may resume its regular status. Unless such default shall be remedied under the stipulations and within the time period set forth by the commission, this compact may be terminated with respect to such defaulting state by affirmative vote of a majority of the other commission members. Any such defaulting state may be reinstated, upon vote of the commission, by performing all acts and obligations as stipulated by the commission.
85.067(10)(10)Article X — Construction and Severability. The provisions of this compact entered into hereunder shall be severable and, if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this compact is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any compacting state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this compact and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this compact entered into hereunder shall be held contrary to the constitution of any compacting state, the compact shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters. The provisions of this compact entered into pursuant hereto shall be liberally construed to effectuate the purposes thereof.
85.067 HistoryHistory: 2007 a. 117.
85.0785.07Highway safety coordination.
85.07(1)(1)Duties. The secretary, under the direction of the governor, shall coordinate the highway safety activities of the various agencies of state government; evaluate and make recommendations to the governor with respect to program proposals submitted by state agencies and political subdivisions for federal and state funds in conjunction with the federal highway safety program; advise the governor on matters relating to highway safety and the implementation of the federal highway safety program in this state; and assist governmental units and private organizations in the planning and execution of programs relating to highway safety.
85.07(2)(2)Council on highway safety. The council on highway safety shall confer with the secretary or the secretary’s designee on matters of highway safety and with respect to the functions of the secretary, under the direction of the governor, and shall advise the secretary on such matters. The council shall meet with the secretary or the secretary’s designee at least once each quarter.
85.07(3)(3)Information; reports; recommendation. The secretary shall furnish all information requested by the governor or by any member of the legislature, and shall report biennially in accordance with s. 15.04 (1) (d), including therein a report relating to the implementation of the comprehensive highway safety program in this state. This report shall include but not be limited to:
85.07(3)(a)(a) Current statistical information on motor vehicle accidents, injuries and deaths and their related causation factors.
85.07(3)(am)(am) An assessment of the impact of mental and physical impairments upon the ability of a driver to exercise reasonable control over a motor vehicle.
85.07(3)(b)(b) The implementation of highway safety performance standards promulgated by the state or federal government.
85.07(3)(c)(c) A general accounting of all state or federal funds expended in implementing the comprehensive highway safety program.
85.07(3)(d)(d) Recommendations for additional legislation, programs and funds necessary for the effective implementation of a comprehensive highway safety program.
85.07(3)(e)(e) Current statistical information compiled from the information submitted under sub. (8) (b).
85.07(4)(4)Bicycle rules. The department shall publish literature setting forth the state rules governing bicycles and their operation and shall distribute and make such literature available without charge to local enforcement agencies, safety organizations, and schools and to any other person upon request.
85.07(7)(7)Federal funds.
85.07(7)(a)(a) In any year that the department expects that federal funds will be transferred under 23 USC 153 (h), the department shall prepare a plan to use, for purposes of state and local emergency medical services, at least 25 percent of the funds transferred under 23 USC 153 (h). The department shall prepare the plan after consulting with the department of health services and the emergency medical services board. Funds expended under the plan may not be used to supplant other federal and state funds used for emergency medical services purposes. Funds may not be expended under the plan unless any necessary federal approval of the plan has been obtained.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)