94.73(3m)(p)(p) A cost payable under an insurance or other contract.
94.73(3m)(q)(q) The cost of replacing discharged agricultural chemicals.
94.73(3m)(r)(r) The cost of providing alternative sources of drinking water, except that, subject to sub. (6) (b) to (f), the department may reimburse a responsible person who applies for reimbursement a total of not more than $50,000 for the replacement or restoration of private wells or for connection to a public or private water source if the department or the department of natural resources orders the well replacement or restoration or the connection in response to a discharge.
94.73(3m)(s)(s) Liability claims.
94.73(3m)(t)(t) Costs incurred by any federal, state or local governmental entity.
94.73(3m)(u)(u) Corrective action costs incurred by a responsible person in response to a discharge caused by that responsible person’s intentional or grossly negligent violation of law, including ss. 94.645 or 94.67 to 94.71, a rule promulgated under those sections or an order issued under those sections.
94.73(3m)(v)(v) Other costs excluded by the department by rule.
94.73(4)(4)Work plan requirements.
94.73(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (d), no responsible person may receive reimbursement for corrective action costs exceeding $7,500 unless the responsible person submits to the department in writing, and the department approves, a work plan for the corrective action before the corrective action is taken.
94.73(4)(b)(b) Except as agreed under sub. (12), the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall promptly furnish the department of natural resources with a copy of each work plan submitted to the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection under par. (a) for comment by the department of natural resources. Within 14 days after it receives a copy of a work plan or within a different time period agreed to under sub. (12), the department of natural resources may provide the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection with any comments of the department of natural resources on the work plan. If the department of natural resources timely submits written comments on a proposed work plan, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall either incorporate those comments into the approved work plan or give the department of natural resources a written explanation of why the comments were not incorporated.
94.73(4)(c)(c) The department shall approve or reject a work plan submitted under par. (a) within 30 days after its submission. If the department fails to approve or reject the work plan within 30 days after its submission, the work plan approval requirement in par. (a) no longer applies.
94.73(4)(d)(d) This subsection does not apply to any of the following:
94.73(4)(d)1.1. A reasonable and necessary corrective action taken on an emergency basis.
94.73(4)(d)2.2. A corrective action taken before August 12, 1993.
94.73(5)(a)(a) A responsible person who seeks reimbursement for corrective action costs shall submit an application to the department. The application shall be made on a form provided, and shall contain information reasonably required, by the department.
94.73(5)(b)(b) A responsible person may not submit more than one application under par. (a) within a 12-month period for the same discharge site.
94.73(5)(c)(c) Within 10 days from the date of the receipt of an application under par. (a), the department shall notify the applicant of the receipt of the application. The department shall grant or deny the application within 90 days after receipt of the application unless the applicant agrees to an extension.
94.73(5)(d)(d) Before or after the department receives an application under par. (a), the department may issue a preliminary opinion on whether an applicant is eligible for reimbursement of corrective action costs. The opinion is not binding on the department.
94.73(5)(e)(e) No person may make a false statement or misrepresentation on an application submitted under this section. A person who makes a false statement or misrepresentation on an application related to a corrective action is ineligible for reimbursement related to that corrective action and is ineligible for any reimbursement related to any other corrective action taken or ordered within 5 years after the date of the false statement or misrepresentation. If the responsible person has received any reimbursement for which the responsible person is ineligible under this paragraph, the responsible person shall refund the full amount of that reimbursement to the department. The amounts refunded to the department under this paragraph shall be deposited in the agricultural chemical cleanup fund.
94.73(6)(6)Amount of reimbursement.
94.73(6)(a)(a) If the department determines that a responsible person is eligible for reimbursement of corrective action costs under sub. (3), the department shall authorize reimbursement in the amount specified in this subsection and in the manner provided in sub. (7).
94.73(6)(am)(am) If more than one responsible person is eligible for reimbursement under sub. (3) for corrective action taken in response to one or more discharges at the same site, the combined amount paid to those responsible persons may not exceed the maximum amount specified for a single responsible person under this section, except as provided by the department by rule. The department shall allocate payments among the responsible persons according to rules promulgated by the department.
94.73(6)(b)(b) Except as provided in pars. (c) and (e), the department shall reimburse a responsible person an amount equal to 75 percent of the corrective action costs incurred for each discharge site that are greater than $3,000 and less than $400,000 for costs incurred before July 1, 2017, or that are greater than $3,000 and less than $650,000 for costs incurred on or after July 1, 2017.
94.73(6)(c)(c) Except as provided in par. (e), the department shall reimburse a responsible person an amount equal to 75 percent of the corrective action costs incurred for each discharge site that are greater than $7,500 and less than $400,000 for costs incurred before July 1, 2017, or that are greater than $7,500 and less than $650,000 for costs incurred on or after July 1, 2017, if any of the following applies:
94.73(6)(c)1.1. The responsible person is required to be licensed under ss. 94.67 to 94.71.
94.73(6)(c)2.2. The responsible person employs more than 25 persons.
94.73(6)(c)3.3. The responsible person has gross annual sales of more than $2,500,000.
94.73(6)(d)(d) For the purposes for pars. (b) and (c), a discharge that occurs in the course of transporting an agricultural chemical is considered to have occurred at the site from which the agricultural chemical was being transported if the site from which the agricultural chemical was being transported is under the ownership or control of the person transporting the agricultural chemical.
94.73(6)(e)(e) The department may not reimburse corrective action costs that exceed $100,000 for any one discharge for which groundwater remediation is not ordered unless the criteria in rules promulgated under par. (f) are satisfied.
94.73(6)(f)(f) The department may promulgate rules under which it may provide reimbursement under pars. (b) and (c) for corrective action costs that exceed $100,000 at a site at which groundwater remediation is not ordered if the applicant obtains the approval of the department before incurring the costs and if the contamination is extensive or complex cleanup strategies are required. The rules shall establish criteria for exceeding the $100,000 limit, such as the size of the area contaminated or the type of agricultural chemical that is involved.
94.73(7)(a)(a) The department may make payments to a responsible person who is eligible for reimbursement under sub. (3) if the department has authorized reimbursement to that person under sub. (6). The department shall make payment from the appropriation account under s. 20.115 (7) (wm), subject to the availability of funds in that appropriation account. If there are insufficient funds to pay the full amounts authorized under sub. (6) to all eligible responsible persons, the department shall distribute payments in the order in which applications were received, unless the department specifies, by rule, a different order of payment.
94.73(7)(b)(b) The department may promulgate rules specifying the procedure by which, and the order in which, it will distribute payments under par. (a). The department may establish distribution priorities or formulas based on the severity of contamination, the time elapsed since corrective action costs were incurred or other factors that the department considers appropriate.
94.73(8)(8)Subrogation. The department is entitled to the right of subrogation for the reimbursement of corrective action costs to the extent that a responsible person who receives reimbursement of corrective action costs may recover the costs from a 3rd party. The amounts collected by the department under this subsection shall be deposited in the agricultural chemical cleanup fund.
94.73(11)(11)Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section. The department may promulgate rules regarding all of the following:
94.73(11)(a)(a) The form of the application required to be filed with the department by persons seeking reimbursement of corrective action costs.
94.73(11)(b)(b) The procedures to be used by the department in determining eligibility for and the amount of reimbursement for corrective action costs.
94.73(11)(c)(c) The procedures to be used in making annual payments under sub. (7).
94.73(11)(d)(d) Registration requirements for persons who own or operate pesticide mixing and loading sites.
94.73(11)(e)(e) Reasonable and customary charges for corrective action costs.
94.73(11)(f)(f) Payment priorities under sub. (7) among eligible responsible persons.
94.73(11)(g)(g) Requirements related to the contents of orders under sub. (2) or work plans under sub. (4) (a).
94.73(11)(h)(h) Corrective action costs that are not eligible for reimbursement under this section.
94.73(12)(12)Memorandum of understanding. The department and the department of natural resources shall enter into a memorandum of understanding establishing their respective functions in the administration of this section. The memorandum of understanding shall establish procedures to ensure that corrective actions taken under this section are consistent with actions taken under s. 292.11 (7). The department and the department of natural resources may request that the secretary of administration provide assistance in accomplishing the memorandum of understanding.
94.73(12m)(12m)Sample collection and analysis. For the purpose of investigating a discharge or exercising its authority under this section, the department may collect and analyze samples of plants, soil, surface water, groundwater and other material.
94.73(13)(13)Penalty. Any person who violates this section or an order issued or rule promulgated under this section shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $5,000 for each violation. Each day of continued violation is a separate offense.
94.73(14)(14)Enforcement. The department, the department of justice at the request of the department or any district attorney at the request of the department may bring an action in the name of the state to recover a forfeiture under sub. (13) or to seek an injunction restraining the violation of an order issued by the department under this section.
94.73(15)(15)Surcharge adjustments.
94.73(15)(a)(a) On May 1 annually, the department shall determine the amount available in the agricultural chemical cleanup fund.
94.73(15)(b)(b) If the amount determined under par. (a) is more than $1,500,000, the surcharges for the subsequent year shall be as follows:
94.73(15)(b)1.1. Under s. 94.64 (3r) (b) 1. and 2., $0.
94.73(15)(b)4.4. Under s. 94.681 (3), $0.
94.73(15)(c)(c) If the amount determined under par. (a) is $1,500,000 or less, but more than $750,000, the surcharges for the subsequent license year shall be as follows:
94.73(15)(c)1.1. Under s. 94.64 (3r) (b) 1. and 2., $10.
94.73(15)(c)2.2. Under s. 94.64 (3r) (b) 3., $12.50.
94.73(15)(c)3.3. Under s. 94.64 (4) (a) 5., 5 cents per ton.
94.73(15)(c)4.4. Under s. 94.681 (3), $15.
94.73(15)(c)7.7. Under s. 94.703 (3) (a) 3., $12.50.
94.73 NoteNOTE: 2005 Wis. Act 347, which affected this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
94.7694.76Honeybee disease and pest control.
94.76(1)(1)The department shall maintain surveillance of the beekeeping industry for the detection and prevention of honeybee diseases and pests, and may promulgate or issue such rules or orders or adopt such control measures which in its judgment may be necessary to prevent, suppress or control the introduction, spread or dissemination of honeybee diseases and pests in this state.
94.76(2)(2)In the execution of its functions under this section, the department and its authorized agents shall have free access at all reasonable times to all apiaries, buildings, structures, rooms, vehicles or places where honeybees, beehives, beekeeping equipment or appliances, or honeybee products may be kept or stored, or in which they may be transported, and may open any package or container believed to contain honeybees, honeycombs, honeybee products, beekeeping equipment or appliances or any other materials capable of transmitting honeybee diseases or harboring pests, and obtain inspectional samples from such products or materials for further testing, examination or analysis.
94.76(3)(3)Honeybees shall be kept in movable frame hives. No person shall knowingly store, hold or expose honeybee products, beehives or any other beekeeping equipment or appliances in a manner which may contribute to the spread or dissemination of honeybee diseases or pests.
94.76(4)(4)No person may bring or cause to be brought into this state any honeybee, beehive, drawn comb or used beekeeping equipment or appliances without reporting the shipment to the department. Reports shall be made on forms furnished by the department which shall include the name and address of the consignor, name and address of the consignee, date and manner of shipment, and any further information that the department requires. All reports shall be accompanied by a certificate from an official inspector certifying that the materials have been inspected as required by the department by rule and are apparently free from honeybee diseases or pests.
94.76(5)(5)The department shall charge fees sufficient to cover the reasonable cost of inspections made at the request of any beekeeper to enable the interstate movement of beekeeping equipment or appliances, or honeybees or their products, and may bring an action for the payment thereof including reasonable costs of collection.
94.76 HistoryHistory: 1975 c. 39; 1993 a. 216; 1995 a. 307.
94.76194.761Beekeepers, etc.; agricultural pursuit. The moving, raising and producing of bees, beeswax, honey and honey products shall be deemed an agricultural pursuit. Any keeper of 50 or more hives of bees who is engaged in the foregoing activities is a farmer and engaged in farming for all statutory purposes.
94.77(1)(1)Any person who violates any provision of this chapter for which a specific penalty is not prescribed, or an order issued or rule promulgated under such a provision, may be fined not more than $1,000 for the first offense and may be fined not less than $500 nor more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both for each subsequent offense.
94.77(2)(2)In lieu of the criminal penalty under sub. (1), a person who violates any provision of this chapter for which a specific penalty is not prescribed, or an order issued or rule promulgated under such a provision, may be required to forfeit not less than $200 nor more than $5,000 or, for an offense committed within 5 years of an offense for which a penalty has been assessed under this section, may be required to forfeit not less than $400 nor more than $10,000.
94.77(3)(3)The department may seek an injunction restraining any person from violating this chapter or a rule promulgated under this chapter.
94.77 HistoryHistory: 1999 a. 83; 2009 a. 42.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)