Soil and Water ConservationSOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION
, Ch. 92
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection department:
Erosion control planning program, 92.10
Powers and duties, 92.05
Aids, state, 92.14
Appropriation, land conservation, 59.70 (20)
Construction site erosion control, 101.653
County zoning ordinances, 59.69 (4c)
Public buildings and places of employment, 101.1205
Storm water management zoning, 59.693, 61.354, 62.234
County land conservation committee:
Agencies, state and local, cooperation, 92.13
Creation, 59.70 (19), 92.06
Erosion control program planning, 92.10
Farmland preservation:
Maps, 91.05 (1)
Notice, 91.13 (2)
Plan, 91.35 (1)
Lake protection and rehabilitation projects, 33.14, 33.16
Land conservation, basic workload allocation plan, 92.08
Membership, 92.06
Notified of farmland application, 91.13 (2)
Notified of highway changes, 80.05
Plan approved by, 91.13 (8)
Plan required, 91.35 (1)
Powers and duties, 59.70 (20), 92.07
Soil and water conservation standards, duties, 92.105
Staff, 92.09
State aids, 92.14
Court procedure to enforce regulation, 92.11
Definitions, 92.03
Environmental impact, governmental consideration of, 1.11, 293.25 (6)
Erosion control:
Goals, state, 92.025
Planning program, 92.10
Farmland preservation, 91.80

Soil and water conservation plan, 92.104, 92.105
Geological and natural history survey, soils study, 36.25 (6)
Committee notified of changes, 80.05
Departments, notified of changes, 80.39 (2), 84.01 (17), 84.02 (3)
Intergovernmental cooperation, 92.12, 92.13
Land conservation board:
Agreements on farmland preservation:
Duties, 91.13
Relinquishment of, 91.19
Agricultural zoning ordinances, certification, 91.78
Certification of ordinances and plans, 91.06
County agricultural preservation plans, certification, 91.61
Creation, membership, 15.135 (4)
Definitions, 91.01, 92.03
Inland lakes protection and rehabilitation council, 15.347 (8)
Interdepartmental cooperation, 91.03
Appointment, 15.07 (1)
Compensation, 15.07 (5)
Vacancy, 15.135 (4)
Per diem for public members of board, 15.07 (5) (h)
Powers and duties, 92.04