Created, 15.377 (1)
Duties, 115.37
Definition, 47.01 (1), 115.51 (4)
Dogs for:
Admitted to public places, 174.056
License tax exemption, 174.055
Children with disabilities, generally, 115.758 to 115.90
State center for visually impaired, 115.525
Abuse or neglect of residents, 940.295
Definitions, 115.51
Medical care, 115.53 (3), (4)
Park grounds, 115.58
Vocational training, 115.53 (2)
Teacher certification, 118.19 (4m)
Fishing license permanent, 29.193 (3)
Goods, blind-made, advertisement, labeling, 47.03 (3)
Health and family services dept., specialized programs, 46.293
Housing discrimination, animals assisting visually impaired, 106.50
Infants, prevention of blindness, 253.11
Lions camps for, tax exemption, 70.11 (10m)
Milwaukee schools, 119.28
Pedestrians, using dog guide or white cane, 346.26
Specialized programs for, 47.03
Teachers, discrimination in hiring prohibited, 118.195
Teachers and orientation and mobility instructors of visually impaired, loan program for, 39.398
Vocational rehabilitation program, 47.02, 47.04
Fiscal agent for person with disabilities, 47.035
blood BLOOD
Alcohol concentration, intoxicated boating, 30.681
Alcohol concentration of drivers, 346.63, 885.235
For profit prohibited, 146.31 (1)
HIV tests, restrictions, 252.15
Donors, who may be, 146.33
Hemophilia treatment services, 49.685
Boating fatalities, 30.67 (6)
Snowmobile fatalities, 350.155
AIDS virus, 252.13
Boating intoxication law, 30.684
For intoxication, drugs, 343.305, 885.235, 895.53
Transfusion activities, liability limited, 146.31 (2)
Use, service and not a sale, 146.31
blue book BLUE BOOK
Binding, 35.24 (2)
Specifications, 35.50
Contents, 35.24
Distribution, 35.84
Feature article, reprints, 35.24 (3)
Non-public schools entitled to, 35.84
Number of pages, 35.24
Price, 35.91 (3)
Printing, 35.24, 35.50
blue sky law BLUE SKY LAW
board of election commissioners BOARD OF ELECTION COMMISSIONERS
board of review BOARD OF REVIEW
boarding houses BOARDING HOUSES
boards of trade BOARDS OF TRADE
Arbitration, may provide, 182.026
Contracts, not void, 241.24
Corporation may be formed, bylaws, 182.026
Transaction, prima facie valid, 100.12
boats and vessels BOATS AND VESSELS
Abandoned boats, 30.543, 30.55
Abandonment in waters, 287.81
Death and injury, jurisdiction over children, 938.17
Duty to report, render aid, 30.67
Service of process on nonresident, 30.75
American Indians, reciprocal registration exemption, 23.35
Aquaplane, prohibited operation, 30.68
Aquatic plants, boat and equipment restrictions, 30.715
Beer permits for vessels and sports clubs, 125.27
Boat shelters, permit to install, 30.12 (3)
Boathouses, regulation of, 30.121
Brule river, use regulations, 30.73
Capacity plates, 30.501
Certificate of origin, requirements, contents, assignment, 30.53
Commercial vessels: