Defenses and objections, motions, 802.06 (9)
Objections, court ruling on, 804.05 (4) (b)
Participation by telephone, 804.05 (8)
Discovery motions, 804.12 (5)
Evidentiary hearings, 807.13 (2)
Forum change, stay of proceedings, 801.63
Injunction, temporary, telephone conference prior to granting, 813.02 (1)
Interpreters, 807.14
Judge, assignment of, notice to parties, 801.59
Generally, 807.02
After verdict, telephone hearings, 805.14 (5)
Discovery, protective orders, 804.01 (3) (c)
Misjoinder and nonjoinder motions, 803.06 (1)
Subpoenas, protective orders, 805.07 (6)
Third-party motions, 803.05 (3)
New trial motions, 805.15
Oral arguments:
Generally, 807.13 (1)
Court of appeals, 752.31 (3), 809.22 (4)
Preliminary proceedings, traffic violations, 345.42
Scheduling conferences, 802.10
Small claims actions, 799.04 (1), 799.208
Stipulations, 807.05, 967.08
Summary judgment motions, 802.08 (7)
Venue, motion to change, 801.53
Arguments, 805.10
Burden of proof, see Burden of Proof
Calling of witnesses by judge, 906.14
Children's code proceedings, 48.31
Defined, 48.02 (18)
Jeopardy, when attaches, 48.317
Motions before trial, 48.297
Consolidation of actions, 805.05 (1)
Continuances, 753.22
Court; trial to, 805.17
Death of party, effect on findings, 803.10 (5)
See also Damages
Contributory and comparative negligence, 895.045
Property crimes, civil liability, 895.80
Punitive damages, 895.85
Default judgment, failure to appear, 806.02 (5)
Use in court proceedings, 804.07
Use in several actions, 887.17
Dismissal of action:
Failure to prosecute, 805.03
Voluntary, 805.04
Divorce cases, by court, 767.12
Evidence, see Evidence
Harmless errors, 805.18
Interpreters, 885.37, 885.38
Interrogatories, use, 804.08 (2)
Judge disqualified, procedure, 801.56
Judicial notice:
Generally, Ch. 902
Adjudicative facts, 902.01
Administrative rules of state and federal agencies, 902.03
City ordinances, 902.03
County ordinances, 902.03
Foreign laws, 902.02
Jury trial:
See also Juries
Advisory jury, 805.02
Charge to jury, 805.13
Children's code proceedings:
See also Children's code proceedings, under this subhead
Request required, 48.30 (2)
Consent to, where no right, 805.02
Contempt charge for violation of safety rules by gas company, 196.745 (4)
Demand required, 805.01 (2)
Children's code proceedings, 48.31 (2)
Five-sixths verdict, I, 5; 805.09 (2)
Instructions to jury, 805.13
See also Juries
Challenges, 805.08 (3)
Charge to jury, 805.13
Notes taken by jury, 805.13 (2)
Peremptory challenges, 805.08 (3)
Qualifications, 805.08 (1)