Inspection of public buildings, 101.14 (2)
Milwaukee, 62.50
Obstructing or hindering, penalty, 941.12
Regulations of statewide concern, 66.0101 (11)
State aid, qualifications, 101.563, 101.573, 101.575
State association, 213.01
Towns, authority, 60.55
Registration fee, 341.26 (2) (k)
Siren, use of, 347.38 (4)
Warning lights permitted, 347.25
Villages, authority, 61.65
Volunteer, claim against, procedure, limitation, 893.80
Volunteer fire fighter and emergency medical technician service award program, 16.25
fire_4. fire protection systems 4. Fire Protection Systems
Generally, Ch. 145
Automatic fire sprinkler systems:
Apprentices, registration, 145.16
Contractors and journeymen council, 15.157 (9), 145.17 (2)
Contractors or fitters, fees, registration, 145.08 (1)
Licensing, 145.15
Maintenance only registration certificate, 145.08 (1) (Lm), 145.175
Temporary permits, 145.18
Violation of law, penalties, 145.12 (1)
Definitions, 145.01
Fire suppression systems, ozone-depleting substances, 101.137
Inspectors to be employed by department, 145.17
Rules to be adopted by department, 145.17
firearms FIREARMS
Accidental shooting, duties, 29.341, 29.345
Armor piercing bullet, use in crime, 941.296
Belonging to state or U.S., retention, 21.15
Certificate of accomplishment for hunting approval for certain persons, 29.593
Child, leaving loaded within reach of, 948.55, 968.02 (4), 968.07 (3)
Concealed, carrying, 941.23
Disarming peace officer, penalty, 941.21
Discharging into vehicle or building, 941.20
Disposal by municipalities, 66.0139 (4)
Distribution on receipt from U. S., 21.03
Domestic and child abuse injunction subjects, restrictions, 813.12 (4m), 813.122 (5m), 813.125 (4m)
Electric weapons, restricting ownership, 941.295
Facsimile firearms, restricted, 941.2965
See also Look-alike firearms, under this head
Handguns, waiting period for purchase of, 175.35
Homicide by negligent or intoxicated user, 940.08, 940.09
Hunter education and bow hunter safety program:
Certificate of accomplishment, 29.591, 29.593
Juvenile, ordered to attend, 938.343 (7)
Intoxicated user, homicide by, 940.09
Look-alike firearms, prohibited, 941.297
See also Facsimile firearms, under this head
Machine guns:
Exceptions to use, manufacture, sale, 941.27 (2)
Manufacturer to register, 941.25
Possession, penalty, 941.26
Mentally ill persons, restrictions, 51.20 (13)
Minors, restrictions on hunting and use, 29.304
Municipal regulation, 66.0409
Shooting range exception, 895.527
Negligence causing injury, 940.24
Negligent operation, 941.20
Nondelivery to national guard, 21.155
Nuisances, when, 29.927 (6)
Parks, use of near, 167.30
Possession restricted, 941.29
Delinquent juvenile, 938.341
Public buildings, prohibited in, 941.235
Purchase in contiguous states permitted, 175.30
Railroad cars, shoots at, misdemeanor, 943.07 (2)
Safe use, weapon assessment, 167.31
School zones, possession prohibited, 939.32 (1), 948.605
Schools, dangerous weapons in; hotline, 165.72
Seized, disposal, 968.20 (3)
Shooting ranges; liability, regulation, 895.527
Silencers, prohibited, 941.298
Taverns, possession in, 941.237
Theft, penalty, 943.20 (3) (d) 5.
Transfer, warning required, 175.37
Transportation, prohibitions, weapons assessment, 167.31
Use while intoxicated, chemical tests, 885.235
Weapons assessment for use and transportation violations, 23.50 to 23.85, 59.25 (3) (f), 59.40 (2) (m), 973.05, 973.07
Wounds, reporting requirement, 146.995
fireworks FIREWORKS
Regulation, penalty, 167.10
first class cities FIRST CLASS CITIES
fiscal estimates FISCAL ESTIMATES