Governmentally insured, partial exclusion from consumer act, 421.203
Housing and economic development authority, see Housing and Economic Development Authority (WHEDA)
Indian loan funds, supervision, 224.10
Installment, interest, license, regulation, 138.09
Interest, maximum rate, 138.05
Interlocking consumer loan, 422.408
Life insurance policy loans, interest rates, 632.475
Pawnbrokers, 138.10
Physician and dentist loan assistance program, 560.183
Precomputed and other loans regulated, 138.09
Prepayment, 138.05 (2)
Public utility restriction upon making, 196.525
Redevelopment authority, bonds to finance mortgage loans on owner-occupied dwellings, 66.1333 (5m)
Residential mortgage loans, 138.051, 138.052
Reverse mortgage loans, 138.058
Rural hospital loan guarantee program, 231.35
School districts, from villages, 61.34 (4)
Sharking prohibited, 943.28
State, Ch. 25
Restriction, VIII, 3
Usurious, possession of records, criminal, 943.27
Variable rate loans, 138.056
Deferral of payments and interest, 45.35 (16)
Housing, see Veterans—3. Housing
lobbying LOBBYING
Auditing, 13.74
Authorizations to represent principals, 13.65
Definitions, 13.62
Enforcement of law, 13.69
Ethics board duties, 13.685
Exemptions from law, 13.621
Fees for licensing and filing, 13.75
Floor of chamber restricted, 13.71
Forfeitures, deposited with state treasurer, 778.136
Identification of legislative proposals, rules and topics lobbying for, 13.67
Influencing legislation, 946.17
Insurers, 630.10
Fee, revocation, 13.63
Suspension for failure to file, 13.68 (6)
Penalties, 13.69
Principal's expense statement, 13.68
Prohibited practices, 13.625
Purpose of act, 13.61
Records retention, 13.68 (5)
Registration statements, 13.64
Reports by lobbyists, 13.68 (4)
Restrictions, 13.66
State agencies, legislative activities, 13.695
local cultural arts districts LOCAL CULTURAL ARTS DISTRICTS
local health officials LOCAL HEALTH OFFICIALS
Generally, Ch. 251
For detailed analysis, see Health Officers; Public Health
local laws LOCAL LAWS
local option LOCAL OPTION
lockouts LOCKOUTS
lodges LODGES
lodging houses LODGING HOUSES
logrolling LOGROLLING
Forbidden, penalty, 13.05, 13.06
logs and logging LOGS AND LOGGING
Assessment of logs or timber from public lands, 70.13 (7)
Contract for sale of timber, 402.107 (2)
Cutting, removing and transporting forest products, unlawful, civil liability, 26.09
Equipment, property tax exemption, 70.111 (20)
Forest productivity, natural resources dept. to identify and provide assistance, 26.35
Harvest in or near forest or wild land, notice, 26.03
Highway transportation, weight limitations, 348.15 (3) (br), 348.175, 348.19
Land subject to tax certificate, logging prohibited, 75.37
Liens, see Liens
Marks, altering or removing, 943.37 (1)
Owner to furnish assessor statement, 70.13
Sales from county forests, 28.11 (6)
Slash disposal, 26.12 (6), (7)
Submerged logs; title, removal, permit, 44.47 (5m), 170.12
Theft of raw forest products, 26.05
Trucking logs on highway, 348.10 (3)
Unlawful harvest, 26.03 to 26.05