municipal power districts MUNICIPAL POWER DISTRICTS
municipal retirement system MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM
municipalities MUNICIPALITIES
murder MURDER
See Homicide
museums MUSEUMS
Art, municipalities may establish, 66.0917
Carriage at Old Wade House, 44.13
Circus World Museum, operation, lease agreement, 44.16
Cities of first class, 229.11
Board of trustees, 229.12, 229.13
Cities of second, third and fourth class, 229.19
County appropriation, 59.56 (2)
Farm and craft museum at Nelson Dewey state park, 44.12
Historical society extension service, 44.07
Milwaukee, 229.11 to 229.18
Milwaukee county, 59.56 (2) (b)
Public buildings, veterans organizations use for, 45.06
Unclaimed property, 171.30 to 171.33
music MUSIC
Royalty collection, fair practices, 100.206
Unpublished, unauthorized performance, 134.21
mutual associations MUTUAL ASSOCIATIONS
mutual benefit societies MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETIES
names NAMES
Bank, use of word limited, 221.0402
Change, 786.36
Adopted child, 48.91 (3)
Birth certificates, 69.15
Licensed professions restricted, 440.11, 786.36
Architects and engineers, 443.16
Attorneys, 757.30 (4)
Chiropractors, 446.02 (6)
Interior designers, 440.969
Minors in permanent foster homes, 786.37
Notice published, 786.37
Commercial paper:
Misspelled name, 403.203
Signature, liability, 403.401
Cooperative, use of term, penalties, 185.94
Corporate, 180.0401 to 180.0403
Appearing to be, filing with register of deeds, 134.17
Change or discontinuance, filing, 134.17
Foreign, 180.1506
Use to obtain credit, 134.17, 134.18
Court may change, when, 786.36, 786.37
Credit union, limited use of, 186.03
Legislative change, IV, 31
Register of deeds, record of change, 786.36
Restoration by divorce judgment, 767.20
Societies, lodges, registration, 132.16
Trade, filing, fees, effect, Ch. 132
narcotics NARCOTICS
national forests NATIONAL FORESTS
Boundaries, approval, 1.055
Income, distribution, 59.25 (3)
State jurisdiction, 1.055
U. S. may establish, 1.055
national guard NATIONAL GUARD
Generally, Ch. 21
For detailed analysis, see Military, State
national parkways NATIONAL PARKWAYS
Generally, 84.105
national service program NATIONAL SERVICE PROGRAM
National and community service board:
Creation, membership, 15.105 (24)
Powers and duties, 16.22
natural areas preservation council NATURAL AREAS PRESERVATION COUNCIL
Creation, membership, 15.347 (4)
Duties, 23.26, 23.28
General provisions, 15.09
natural death NATURAL DEATH
natural gas NATURAL GAS
natural resources department NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT