Title, use of, 448.51
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 146.995
physically and developmentally disabled PHYSICALLY AND DEVELOPMENTALLY DISABLED
physician assistants PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS
Classes, certificate of, duplicate 448.04
Grant or denial, 448.02, 448.06
Qualifications, examination, application, 448.05
Registration; biennial, fees, 448.07
Required to practice, 448.03
Malpractice liability not affected by lack of certificate, 448.12
Suspension or revocation, 448.02
Delinquent support and tax obligors; denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Duties, 448.20
Definitions, 448.015
Employee status, 448.21 (2)
Fee splitting, billing practices, regulated, 448.08
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Prohibited practices, 448.21 (1)
Temporary certificates, 448.04 (1) (f)
Title, use of, 448.03 (3)
Violation of applicable statutes:
Injunctions, 448.11
Penalties, 448.09
Volunteer health care provider program, 146.89
physicians PHYSICIANS
Informed consent for, 253.10
Payments by state, local governments prohibited, exception, 20.927, 59.53 (13), 66.0601 (1) (b)
Refusal to perform, exemption from civil liability, 253.09, 448.03 (5)
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, reports, 48.981
Alcohol and drug abuse treatment for minors, 51.47
Alternative treatments, benefits and risks; duty to inform patient, 448.30
Ambulance runs, staffing, 146.50 (4)
Anatomical gift act, 157.06
Artificial insemination, 891.40
Autopsy, 157.05, 979.02
Billing and insurance claim forms, standardization, 632.725
Billing practices, fee splitting, regulated, 448.08
Transfusion activities, liability limited, 146.31 (2)
Use, service and not a sale, 146.31
Boating intoxication law, chemical tests, 30.684
Bone marrow donation by minors, 48.14 (9), 146.34
Cancer reporting, 255.04
Communicable diseases, reports and duties, 252.05
Confidential information, infectious agents and toxic substances, 101.592
Consumer guide, 153.21
Continuing education requirements, 448.13
Cooperative sickness care plan, 185.981 to 185.985
Corpse, disposition, 445.14
Determination of, 146.71
Medical certification, 69.18 (2)
Reports, when required, 979.01
Declaration to physician for natural death, see Declaration to Physicians
Disability certification for insurers, 632.64, 632.99
Discipline, see Unprofessional conduct, under this head
Do-not-resuscitate orders, see Declaration to Physicians
Emergency care, civil liability exemption, when, 895.48 (1)
Fee splitting, billing practices, regulated, 448.08
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation of, 146.817
Health care liability:
Insurance cancellation effect, 655.24
Risk sharing plans, 619.04
Health care service insurance corporations, medical societies have power to organize, 148.03
Health care services review:
Civil immunity, 146.37
Confidentiality of information, 146.38
Discrimination against positive individuals prohibited, 252.14, 440.20 (4)
Testing restrictions, 252.15
Hospital staff privileges, 50.36 (3)
Violations, civil liability, 50.39 (6)
Infant blindness, prevention, 253.11
Infant testing for congenital disorders, 253.13
Informed consent; duty to inform patient of risks, benefits, alternatives, 448.30
Lead poisoning, report, immunity granted, 254.13
Classes, certificate of, duplicate, 448.04
Continuing education requirements, 448.13
Fees, renewals, 440.05, 440.08, 448.07
Grant or denial:
Delinquent support and tax obligors; denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Grounds, 448.06