Insurance, repair or replacement of damaged property, 707.35
Leases of developer, termination of, 707.32
Managing entity, association of unit owners, 707.30
Multilocation developer, additional requirements, 707.43
Obligation of good faith, 707.07
Partition, 707.23
Project and time-share property plot, 707.215
Projects, 707.20
Promotional material, labeling of, 707.54
Purchaser's right to cancel, 707.47
Remedies and penalties, 707.57
Resales of time shares, 707.48
Rights of secured lenders, 707.26
Securities law, applicability, 707.11
Special developer rights, transfer of, 707.31
Statute of limitations, tolling, 893.137
Surplus funds, disposition of, 707.36
Termination of time shares, 707.24
Estates, status of, 707.03
Licenses prohibited, 707.04
Units not within state, 707.59
Tort and contract liability, 707.34
Unconscionable contract, 707.06
Upkeep of units, 707.33
Use for sales purposes, 707.25
Variation by agreement, 707.05
Warranties, 707.53
Zoning and other regulation, 707.10
tires TIRES
Dumps, abatement, 289.55
title to realty TITLE TO REALTY
tobacco TOBACCO
Attorneys general settlement:
Claims barred, agreement affirmed, 895.11
Sale of proceeds, 16.519, 16.63
Cigar manufacture, 167.22
Control board:
Appropriation, 20.436
Creation, membership, 15.195 (1)
Control program, 255.15
Definitions, 254.911
Fund, 25.66
Minors, investigations of sales to, 254.916
Product manufacturers, tobacco product agreement with state, 895.10
Products retailer license, 134.65
Prohibition of use:
Children, 254.92
Schools, 120.12 (20)
Restrictions on sale or gift, 134.66
Sales, unfair sales act, 100.30
Causing fires in public accommodations, penalty, 254.76
Negligent handling, 941.10
Regulation in public conveyances and places, 101.123
Cigarette tax, 139.30 to 139.45
Tobacco products tax, 139.75 to 139.86
Youth tobacco prevention and education program, 255.10
toilets TOILETS
See also Plumbing; Restrooms
Access equity, where public congregates, 101.128
Boats, 30.71
Penalty for charging fee, 146.085
toll bridge TOLL BRIDGE
See Bridges
toll roads TOLL ROADS
torts TORTS
See also Negligence
Agreements to limit or eliminate liability void, 895.49
Condominiums, actions against, 703.25
Estates, claims in, 859.45
Governmental subdivisions, actions against, notice of claim, limitation of damages, 893.80
Imprisonment, discharge, 898.01
Marital property, obligation, satisfaction, 766.55 (2) (cm)
Personal representatives may sue for, 877.01
Privacy, invasion of, 895.50
Statute of limitations, 893.51 to 893.59
Time limitation for contribution actions, 893.92
Volunteer fire company, maximum recovery level for tort actions, 893.80 (3)
Wrongdoer's personal representative liable, 877.01
Wrongful taking of personal property, limitation, 893.51
tourism department TOURISM DEPARTMENT
Appropriation, 20.380
Arts board, see Art