Management contract services, 611.67
Medical savings accounts, study and report by commissioner, 632.899
Milwaukee officers and employees, 62.61
Municipal officers and employees, 66.0137 (5)
Open enrollment upon liquidation, 632.795
Optometric coverage, 609.60
Pharmaceutical services, 628.36 (2m)
Preferred provider and defined network, rules for, 609.20
Primary provider designation, 609.05 (2)
Private employer health coverage program, 40.98
Board, creation, membership, 15.165 (5)
Public employees, see State Public Employee Trust Funds
Referrals from primary provider, 609.05 (3)
Rehabilitation and liquidation law apply, 645.02 (7)
Restrictions on operations, 609.03
Small employer plans:
Generally, Ch. 635
Applicability of provisions, 635.01
Certification of insurer, annual, 635.13 (2)
Definitions, 635.02
Disclosures to small employer, required, 635.11
Marketing standards, 635.18
Rate regulation, 635.05
Annual publication of rates, 635.12
Temporary suspension, 635.15
Records of insurer, 635.13 (1)
Small group markets, coverage issuance, 635.19
Standard plan and point-of-service option plan required, 609.10
Vision care services, restrictions on, 632.87 (2m)
insurance_15. investment regulation 15. Investment Regulation
Generally, Ch. 620
Alien investments, commissioner may allow, 620.04
Assets acquired in enforcing creditors' rights, exemption from limitations, 620.21 (2)
Assets, valuation, 620.31
Classes of investments permitted, 620.22
Limitations, 620.23
Consent investment approval by commissioner, 620.04 (2)
Currency fluctuations, protection against, 620.05
Financial statement valuation method, 620.31
Illegal investments, disposal, 620.12
Investment valuation reserves, commissioner may order, 620.32
Limitations on investments, 620.23
Mutual funds, evaluation, 620.23 (5)
Permitted classes of investments, 620.22
Prohibited assets, disposal of, 620.12
Purpose of chapter, 620.01 (1)
Relationship of chapter to other statutes, 620.25
Effect, 620.21
For new insurers, 620.03
Imposed by commissioner, 620.04
Scope of chapter, 620.01 (2)
Segregated account investments, valuation, 620.02
Separate account investments, valuation, 620.02
Subsidiaries, method of determining compliance with investment law, 620.23 (3)
Valuation of assets, 620.31
Generally, Ch. 632
Insurance policies, prohibited exclusions, 632.23
Renter pilots, 114.40
Collateral source rule, 904.11
Commercial liability insurers, annual reports, 601.422
Counties, 59.52 (11)
Direct action against insurer, 632.24
Employer's liability policies, limited effect of conditions in, 632.25
Evidence, admissibility, 904.11
Foster and family-operated group home parents required to have, 48.627
Hayrack and sleigh rides, 349.25 (2)
Motor carriers, 194.41
Administrative review of decisions, 195.45
Exemptions, 194.42
Motor vehicles:
Accidents in the course of business or employment, 632.36
Defense of noncooperation, 632.34
Discriminatory rating and issuing forbidden, 106.52
Driver education cars, 341.267
Emission inspection data use in setting rates, 632.365
Glass repair, specifying vendor restricted, 632.37
Installment sales:
Finance company coverage regulated, 218.0142 (6)
Notice to buyer whether contract includes insurance, 218.0143
Notice of cancellation or termination, 344.34
Policy provisions and coverage requirements, 344.33
Prohibited cancellation and nonrenewal, 632.35
Proof of financial responsibility, 344.24 to 344.579
Required policy provisions, 632.32
Risk classifications, discrimination prohibited, 625.12 (2)
State vehicles and aircraft, 20.915 (2)