Final hearing and finding, 813.26
Finding of death, 813.26
Finding of disappearance, 813.23
Insurance fund, 813.31
Insurance policies, 813.22, 813.30
Insurance death claim, 813.22
Receivership proceedings, 813.24
Search for absentee, 813.25
Temporary receiver, 813.23 (3)
Termination of receivership, 813.28
Trust fund for, 895.42
abstracts of title ABSTRACTS OF TITLE
County abstractor, appointment, duties, salary, assistants, fees, 59.44
Destruction, relief, 891.43 (7)
Forgery, 943.38
abuse ABUSE
Adult-at-risk; criminal, 940.285
Child abuse, see Children
Domestic abuse, see Domestic Abuse
Elder persons:
Crime, 940.285
Health records, confidentiality, 146.82 (2) (a)
Reporting, investigation, 46.90
Respite care program for abused, neglected and special needs persons, 46.986
acceptance ACCEPTANCE
accessories ACCESSORIES
accidents ACCIDENTS
All-terrain vehicles, 23.33 (7)
Automobile, see Motor Vehicles
Boating intoxication law, chemical tests, 30.684 (3)
Boats, duty to report, 30.67
Emergency care, civil liability exemption for, 895.48 (1)
Highway safety coordinator, 59.54 (17), 62.135
Horses and other equines, immunity from liability, 895.481
Hunting or trapping, reports, penalty, 29.345
Petroleum products, investigation, 168.16
Public utilities, reporting, 196.72
Railroads, report to commissioner, 195.34
Records and reports, 102.37, 102.38
Failure, falsity, 102.35
Shooting, duties, penalty, 29.341, 29.345
Ski patrol, civil liability exemption, 895.482
Snowmobiles, duty to report, 350.15
accountants ACCOUNTANTS
Abbreviations, 442.07
Applicability of chapter 442, 442.025
Certificate of authority:
Endorsement, 442.05
Required, 442.03, 442.07
Revocation, 442.12
Definition, 442.02
Disciplinary action, 442.12
Disclosure of financial interest, 442.10
Examinations, 442.04
Examining board:
Creation, membership, 15.405 (1)
Disputes with dept. secretary, arbitration, 440.045
Duties, 442.01
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Fees, 442.09
Delinquent support and tax obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Fee, renewals, 440.05, 440.08
Issuance, individuals and firms, 442.08
Renewal, 442.083
Firms, peer review, 442.087
Required, 442.03, 442.07
Exceptions, 442.025
Revocation, 442.12
Limitations on actions against, 893.66
Penalties, 442.11
Prohibited practices, 442.11
Enforcement actions, 442.115
Qualifications, 442.04
Tax preparation records, disposal of when containing personal information, 134.97
Working papers, ownership of, 442.13
accounts and accounting ACCOUNTS AND ACCOUNTING
For provisions relating to accounts made by a particular person or entity, refer to the specific subject of interest, e.g. Guardianships or Counties
acid rain ACID RAIN
Acid deposition research council:
Functions, 16.02
Membership, 15.107 (5)
Nitrogen oxide emission, goal, major utilities, 285.47
Sulfur dioxide emission:
Goals, major utilities and large air contaminant sources, 285.45