Review, 220.08 (9)
Quorum, 15.07 (4)
Rules and regulations, 220.035 (2)
Subpoena power, 220.035 (1)
Witness fees, 220.035 (1)
Collection agencies, licensing, regulation, 218.04
Community currency exchange, licensing, regulation, 218.05
Computer databases, networks and systems; fees for use, 224.30
Creation, 15.18
Credit unions, office of:
Creation, 15.185 (7) (a)
Director, salary, 20.923 (4) (c) 3.
Employee immunity, 186.235 (5)
Powers, generally, 186.235
For detailed analysis, see Financial Institutions—3. Credit Unions
Credit union review board, 186.015
For detailed analysis, see Financial Institutions—3. Credit Unions
Creation, membership, 15.185 (7) (b)
Electronic signatures, authentication, 137.19
Loan originator review council:
Creation, membership, 15.187
Duties, 224.72 (7p)
Savings institutions review board, 214.78, 215.04
Creation, membership, 15.185 (3)
Securities division:
Creation, 15.183 (3)
Powers and duties, generally, 551.51, 551.60
Insurance as condition of loan, 134.10
Insurance premium finance companies, licensing and regulation, 138.12
Motor vehicles:
Definition, 218.0101 (34)
Finance charges for credit transactions, 422.201 (3)
Installment sales, regulated, 218.0142
Notice to buyer of lack of insurance, 218.0143
Banking division and transportation dept. authority, 218.0111
Advisory committees, 218.0151
Denial, suspension or revocation, 218.0116
Requirement, applications, conditions, fees, 218.0114
Prohibited acts, 218.0145
Registration, 341.57
Exemption, 341.05 (1)
Reproduce records, 220.285
Brokerage agreements and disclosures, consumer mortgages, 224.79
Compensation presumed, 224.82
Continuing education and examination records, 224.755
Department's review of operations, 224.74
Discipline of, 224.77
Fee splitting, 224.78
Indemnification for compensating customer crime victims, action against criminal, 895.472
Limitation on actions for commissions and compensation, 224.81
Penalties, 224.80 (1)
Private cause of action, 224.80 (2)
Record-keeping requirements, 224.75
Registration, 224.72
Relationship between loan originator and mortgage banker, 224.73
Trust accounts, 224.76
Applicability of general rules on transfers at death, 705.09
Construction of law, 705.08
Creation, 705.02
Definitions, 705.01
Designation of agent, 705.05
Joint accounts, 705.03 (1)
Marital accounts, 705.02, 705.03 (3), 705.04, 705.06
Ownership during lifetime, 705.03
Powers of agent, 705.05
Protection of financial institutions, 705.06
Right of survivorship, 705.04
Rights of creditors, 705.07
Definitions, 224.90
Application, 224.923
Approval, 224.93
Denial or disciplinary action, 224.95
Disclosure of license information by state, 224.927
Expiration, 224.935
Renewal, 224.94
Requirement, 224.92
Loan reserve requirement, 224.96
Powers of licensee, 224.98
Report and record requirements, 224.985
Review of operations, 224.97