Sexual exploitation by therapist, 895.441, 940.22
Sexually transmitted diseases, report and treatment, 252.11
Sterilization refused, exemption from civil liability, 448.03 (5)
Tissue, use, service and not a sale, 146.31
Title, use of, 448.03 (3)
Transplants, activities involving, limited liability, 146.31 (3)
Treatment, benefits, risks, alternatives; duty to inform patient, 448.40
Unprofessional conduct, discipline:
Administrative appeal, 448.09 (2)
Injunction, 448.11
Instances to be reported to medical examining board:
Hospital staff privileges, reduction or suspension, 50.36 (3)
Insurers action against, 632.715
Managed care provider, disciplinary action against provider, 609.17
Medical assistance program:
Decertification or suspension of provider, 49.45 (2) (a)
Prosecution of provider for criminal violation, 49.495
Physician negligence verdicts, circuit court clerks to report, 753.30 (4)
Investigation, hearing, action, 448.02
Judicial review, 448.02 (9)
Malpractice, see Medical Malpractice
Penalties, 448.09 (1), (1m)
Telephone reporting, 440.03 (5m)
Volunteer health care provider program, 146.89
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
Worker's compensation:
Choice of physician, treatment, 102.42
Examination, testimony and information, 102.13
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 146.995
piers PIERS
See Waterways
pipeline companies PIPELINE COMPANIES
Aviation fuel transporters, records, reports, 78.77, 78.78
Condemnation, 32.02 (9), (13)
Limitations, 32.03
Damage to transmission facilities, prevention of unsafe excavations or demolition operations, 182.0175
Foreign, holding lands, 710.02
Motor fuel transporters, records, reports, 78.77, 78.78
Pipes or lines along highways, 86.16
Taxation, 76.01
planning PLANNING
plant closing notification law PLANT CLOSING NOTIFICATION LAW
Generally, 109.07
plants and plant industry PLANTS AND PLANT INDUSTRY
Generally, Ch. 94
For detailed analysis, see Agriculture and Farming; Nurseries
platinum stamping PLATINUM STAMPING
Regulated, 134.33
platting lands, recording and vacating plats PLATTING LANDS, RECORDING AND VACATING PLATS
plays PLAYS
Unauthorized presentation, 134.21
pleadings PLEADINGS
pledges PLEDGES
plumbing PLUMBING
Generally, Ch. 145
Advertising restrictions, 145.11
Apprentices, registration, fees, 145.08 (3)
Apprenticeship, 106.025
Change of business address, 145.11 (2)
Code, applicability, 145.13
Commerce dept. powers, 145.02
Definitions, 145.01
Examination, fees, 145.08
Examining council:
Creation, membership, terms, 15.157 (6)
Duties, 145.02 (4)
Exemption from law regulating, 145.06 (4)
Fire sprinkler systems, see Fire—4. Fire Protection Systems
Illegal use of name, 145.11
License or registration, 145.06
Examinations, 145.07
Expiration, registration, 145.08
Restricted, limitations, classifications, 145.14
Suspension, revocation, 145.10
Local license not required, 145.04 (2)
Private sewage systems:
Assessment, 145.20
Sanitary permit, 145.135
Exemption from state nitrate rules, 160.255
Variances, 145.24
Prohibitions and penalties, 145.12
Sanitary permit, 145.135
Groundwater fee for, 145.19 (6)
Requirement, fee, 145.19
Unsewered property: