Nursing homes:
Administrators licensing law, Ch. 456
Benevolent, tax exemption, 70.11 (4)
Policies, plans and activities, coordination by health services department, 46.80
Prescription assistance for elderly, 49.688
Property taxes:
Deferral, 234.621 to 234.626
Exemptions, benevolent retirement homes, 70.11 (4d)
Protective placement and services, see Protective Placements and Protective Services
Recreation card for senior citizens, 29.624
Residential care apartment, 50.034
Residential facilities for, bonding, 46.28, 234.61
Retired senior volunteers program, 46.85
Senior companion program, 46.85
State programs for, 46.85
Trade and marketing violations against, penalty, 100.264, 134.95
Insurance, 344.55
Vehicle inspection, 110.05
Transportation assistance program:
Counties, 85.21
Private nonprofit corporations, 85.22
agribusiness marketing, center AGRIBUSINESS MARKETING, CENTER
Generally, 93.42
agricultural marketing act AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT
Generally, Ch. 96
agricultural societies AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES
See Fairs
agriculture, trade _ consumer protection dept AGRICULTURE, TRADE & CONSUMER PROTECTION DEPT.
Generally, Ch. 93
Alternate fuels:
Department to prepare list, 100.265
Promotion, 93.07 (26)
State renewable fuels goal, 100.60
Appropriation, 20.115
Capital improvement debt authorized, 20.866 (2) (we), (wf)
Arsenic in wood, review of hazards, 93.80
Board of agriculture, trade and consumer protection:
General provisions, 15.07
Membership, terms, duties, 15.13
Per diem, 15.07 (5) (d)
Creation, 15.13
Crisis hotline, 93.51
Definitions, 93.01
Division administrators, appointment, 93.02
Duties of department, 93.07
Economic development programs:
Goals and accountability measures, 93.07 (20)
Reporting requirements, 93.46 (2) (e)
Buy local grant program, 93.48
Chemical and container collection demonstration, 93.55
Exposition center, 93.29
Farm to school programs, 93.49 (3)
Grazing lands conservation grants, 93.60
Research and development, 93.46
Enforcement costs, 93.20
Immunity of witnesses, perjury, 93.17
Marketing orders, 96.06
Orders, service, procedure, 93.18
Preliminary investigation, 93.16
Testimonial powers, 93.14
Where held, 93.03
Witnesses, fees, 93.14
Humane officers, dept. duties regarding, 173.27
Humane societies, cooperation with, 93.07 (11)
Inspections, 93.06 (9)
Access to documents, 93.15
Certificates, 93.10
Dairy and food, special, 97.32
Investigate, test for diseases, 95.23
License, fees, 93.11
Interagency cooperation, 93.06 (11)
Laboratory certification program, 299.11
Law enforcement, 93.06 (4), 93.07 (24)
Entry and inspection rights, 93.08
Special provisions, 93.22
Licenses and permits:
Conditions, 93.06 (8)
Delinquent support obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 93.135
Denial, suspension, revocation, 93.06 (7)