diabetes DIABETES
See Diseases
dietitians DIETITIANS
Affiliated credentialing board:
Creation, membership, 15.406 (2)
Disputes with dept. secretary, arbitration, 440.045
Duties, 448.74
General provisions, 15.085, 440.035
Applicability of law, 448.72
Certification of dietitians:
Generally, 448.78
Examinations, 448.84
Issuance of certificate, 448.86
Reciprocal certificates, 448.82
Temporary certificate, 448.80
Definitions, 448.70
Disciplinary proceedings, 448.87
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records
Penalties, 448.94
Titles, use of, 448.76
Volunteer health care provider program, 146.89
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
diggers hotline DIGGERS HOTLINE
Authorization, responsibilities, penalties, 182.0175
direct legislation DIRECT LEGISLATION
Applicability to villages, 61.342
Petition, election procedure, 9.20
director of state courts DIRECTOR OF STATE COURTS
directors DIRECTORS
disabilities, persons with DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH
Absentee ballots for disabled electors, 6.86 (2)
Aging and long-term care board, powers, 16.009
Camps for, tax exemption, 70.11 (22), (33)
Education, generally, 115.758 to 115.90
Emotionally disturbed, treatment program, 46.042
Civil service applicants:
Assistance, 230.16 (6)
Milwaukee county, 63.08 (1), 63.085
Council on physical disabilities, 15.197 (4), 46.29
Curb ramps on streets, 66.0909
Discrimination forbidden:
Accommodations or amusements, 106.52
Employment, 111.34
Housing, 66.1011, 106.50
Loans, granting by financial organizations, 138.20
Post-secondary education, 106.56
Pupils, 118.13
Rental discrimination, animals assisting disabled persons, 106.50 (2r) (bm)
Teachers, discrimination in hiring, 118.195
Dogs for:
Admission to public places, 106.52 (3) (am)
Harassment of, criminal, 951.097
License tax exemption, 174.055
Family support program, 46.985
Fishing license, 29.193
Waiver for certain groups, 29.201
Independent living center grants, 46.96
Technical education, student services, 38.38
Home care authority, see Quality Home Care Authority
Home care workers and consumers, notices required, violation, action, 105.115
Statute of limitations, 893.99
Homecraft program, 47.03 (11)
Hunting licenses, 29.193
Independent living center grants, 46.96
Court and agency proceedings, 885.37, 885.38
For hearing impaired, funding, 46.295
Privileged communications with, 905.015
Long-term support community options program, 46.27
Marital property, management by conservator or guardian, 766.51 (7)
Motor vehicles:
Disabled parking enforcement assistance councils, 349.145
Special identification cards, 343.51
Unlawful use, 343.52
Special plates, 341.14
Parking privileges, 346.50
Parking spaces for, 346.503
Public buildings, 101.13
Violation, report, 346.505
Polling places, accessibility, 5.25 (4)
Presidential caucuses, accessibility to, 8.125
Public buildings, places of employment, accommodations, 101.13