Duties, 93.47
Electric utilities, required use of renewable resources, 196.374, 196.377, 196.378
Energy resource easements, definition, requirements, 700.35
Ethanol and biodiesel fuel pump income tax credit, 71.07 (5j), 71.28 (5j), 71.47 (5j)
Ethanol production facilities, grants, 560.031
Forestry diversification program, 26.42
Grants and loans, 560.126
Personal renewable fuel production, business tax registration certificate exemption, 73.0303
State renewable fuels goal, 100.60
Strategic bioenergy feedstock assessment, 16.954
Zoning exceptions, granting by county adjustment board, 59.694 (7) (d)
Rental unit energy efficiency, 101.122
Inspection fees, 101.19 (1)
Solar access:
Obstruction, damages, 700.41, 844.22
Permits, 66.0403
Solar and wind energy systems:
Municipal regulation and control of blocking vegetation, 66.0401
Public service commission rules restricting regulation, 196.378 (4g)
Municipal, 62.23 (7) (c)
Property tax exemption, 70.111 (18)
Turbine placement, effect on birds and bats, 23.39
Solar energy flow, municipality may require easements in platting land, 236.13 (2) (d)
Speed limits, regulation, 349.11 (9)
State departments, 1.12
State facilities, efficiency program, 16.847
Wind energy systems, see Solar and wind energy systems, under this head
engineers ENGINEERS
Generally, Ch. 443
environmental education board ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION BOARD
Advise state agencies and boards, 23.425, 36.25 (29), 36.54 (1), 38.04 (4)
Creation, members, 15.915 (6)
General provisions, 15.07
Grants, 36.54 (2)
Staff, unclassified service, 230.08 (2) (rm)
environmental fund ENVIRONMENTAL FUND
Control by state investment board, 25.17 (1) (en)
Establishment, 25.46
environmental impact statements ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENTS
Generally, 1.11, 23.40
Agricultural impact statement, 32.035
Electric bulk generating facilities, 196.491 (2) (f)
Hazardous waste disposal facility, 291.27
Mining, 293.39
Prospecting, 293.35 (5)
Radioactive waste site exploration, 293.25 (6)
Solid waste disposal facility, 289.25
epileptics EPILEPTICS
See Diseases
episcopal church EPISCOPAL CHURCH
equal access to justice act EQUAL ACCESS TO JUSTICE ACT
Generally, 814.245
equal rights EQUAL RIGHTS
erosion EROSION
escape ESCAPE
Generally, 946.42
Action against officer, limitation, 893.93 (3) (a)
Assisting or permitting, 946.44
Effect on sentence, 973.15
Mental institution inmates, 946.74
Negligently allowing, 946.45
Persons jailed on civil process, 898.20
Return of prisoner, extradition act, uniform, 976.03
Victim notification, 301.38
escheats ESCHEATS
escrow accounts ESCROW ACCOUNTS
estates in property ESTATES IN PROPERTY
Generally, Ch. 700
For detailed analysis, see Property, Interests In
estate tax ESTATE TAX
Generally, Ch. 72
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—6. Estate Tax
estates of deceased persons ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS
ethics code for public officials ETHICS CODE FOR PUBLIC OFFICIALS
Generally, 19.41 to 19.59
Definitions, 19.41
Local officials, 19.59
State officials, 19.41 to 19.58
For detailed analysis, see State—18. Officers and Employees
eviction EVICTION