Surety insurers, insolvency notices, 601.53
Surplus lines insurance, regulation, 618.41
Surplus requirements, 611.19
Testimony, take, 601.61
Town mutuals:
Amendments of articles, bylaws, business plan, approve, 612.04
Borrowing money, regulation, 612.35
Contract forms, approval, 612.51
Conversion into mutual insurance corporation, approve, 612.23
Dissolution, approval, 612.25
Investments, 612.36
Loss adjustment, promulgate rules, 612.53
Meetings, commissioner may attend, 612.11 (3)
Merger, 612.21, 612.22
Model articles of incorporation, 612.02 (3)
Supervision of management changes, 612.15
Transfer of business, report to commissioner, 612.24
Unauthorized insurance, report to commissioner, 618.49 (1)
Unfair trade practices, 628.34 (12)
Unincorporated nondomestic insurers, requirements for, 618.25
Valuation of life policies, 623.06
Variable contracts, determine qualification of insurer, 627.18
Variable interest rate adjustments, determination of, 601.415 (7)
Wisconsin retirement board, membership, 601.415 (3)
Worker's compensation:
Appeals from bureau, 626.31 (4)
Disapproval of rates, 626.22
Rates, filing, 626.13
Statistical plan, promulgate, 626.32 (2)
interest INTEREST
Generally, Ch. 138
Capital improvement fund, 18.08 (6)
Compound, not implied, 138.05 (1)
Consumer credit transactions, see Consumer Act
County orders, when to draw, 59.64 (4)
Estate tax, 72.23
In condemnation, 32.05 (10) (b), (11)
In foreclosures, rate, 846.12
On execution, 815.05
Life insurance policy loans, 632.475
Loan sharking prohibited, 943.28
Married persons, credit transactions with, 766.565
Municipal agency orders and contracts, 66.0135
Pawnbrokers, maximum fixed and application, 138.10
Precomputed loans, 138.09
Federal parity, 138.041
Foreclosure judgments, 846.12
Legal rate, 138.04
Maximum rate, compound interest, 138.05
Variable rate loans, 138.056
Written contracts, 138.04
Residential mortgage loans, 138.051, 138.052
Interest adjustment clauses, regulation, 138.053
Variable interest rate clauses, regulation, 138.055
Settlement offers, 807.01 (4)
State agency orders and contracts, 16.528
Unclaimed property:
Crediting to owner's account, 177.21
Payment by state treasurer, 177.24
Penalties and interest, 177.34
Effect of, penalties, 138.06
Possession of records criminal, 943.27
Variable rate loans, 138.056
Verdicts draw, 814.04
Worker's compensation awards, 102.22
interior designers INTERIOR DESIGNERS
Change of name, 440.969
Definitions, 440.96
List of registered designers, 440.967
Prohibitions, penalties, 440.968
Examination requirement, 440.964
Reciprocal registration, 440.965
Renewal, 440.966
Requirements, generally, 440.962
Title, use of, 440.961, 440.963
internal improvements INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS
State debt prohibited, exceptions, VIII, 10
interpellation of state officers INTERPELLATION OF STATE OFFICERS
Generally, 13.28 to 13.30
interpreters INTERPRETERS
Court and agency proceedings, 807.14, 885.37, 885.38
Criminal procedure, serve by telephone or video, 967.09
Depositions outside state, 887.27