Nonaccredited schools, 441.12 (2)
Practice defined, 441.001
Schools, qualifications, examinations, 441.10
Temporary permit, 441.10 (3) (e)
Prescription privileges, 441.16
Limitations, controlled substances, 961.395
Professional education, promotion, 441.01
Professional nursing, practice defined, 441.001
Public health nurses, 250.06
Examinations, 441.05
Examining council:
Creation, membership, 15.407 (3)
General provisions, 15.08
Privileged communications, 905.04
Certification, 115.28 (7m)
Employment, 120.13 (11)
Nonaccredited, 441.12 (2)
Sexual exploitation by therapist, 895.441, 940.22
Student loans:
Program, 39.393
Stipend loans, 39.39
Temporary practice, 441.115
Transplants, activities involving, limited liability, 146.31 (3)
Volunteer health care provider program, 146.89
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
Workforce survey and grant, 106.30
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 255.40
nursing homes NURSING HOMES
Absentee voting in, 6.875
Abuse or neglect of residents, 940.295
Administrator examining board:
Creation, membership, 15.405 (7m)
Public members, 15.08 (1m) (b)
Definitions, 456.01
Disputes with dept. secretary, arbitration, 440.045
Duties, 456.02
Examinations, content, 456.05
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Hearings on charges, 456.10
Biennial registration, fees, 456.07
Examination requirements for licensure, 456.04
Licenses, 456.03
Fees, 440.05
Reciprocity, 456.08
Renewal date, 440.08 (2) (a)
Must be licensed, 50.04 (2)
Penalties of registration law, 456.09
Restoration of licenses and registrations, 456.11
Suspension or revocation of licenses, 456.10
Incapacitated persons, 50.06
Requiring approvals, 50.04 (2r)
Adult family homes, 50.032, 50.033
Appeals of transfers or discharges, 50.098
Application of ch. 150, 46.15
Assessments on beds, 50.14
Bed limit:
Application for available beds, 150.33
Bed transfer between homes, 150.345
Developmentally disabled, beds for, 150.32
Redistribution of, 150.40
To replace transferred beds in specified county, 150.401
Statewide, 150.31
Benevolent, tax exemption, 70.11 (4)
Cancer control grants, 255.05
Case conference prior to hearing, 50.053
Charge nurse to be employed, 50.04 (2) (b)
Closing of facility, 50.03 (14)
Community-based residential facilities, 50.035
Conditional license, 50.04 (6)
Construction and capital expenditures:
Applications, 150.34
Approval requirement, 150.29
Approvals not transferable, 150.41
Bed limit, statewide, 150.31
Definitions, 150.01
Enforcement of law, 150.05, 150.11
Fees, 150.13
Judicial review, 150.43
Rates, recovery of capital costs, 150.27
Review criteria and standards of dept., 150.39
Review procedures, 150.35
Rulemaking, 150.03
Validity of approval, extension, progress reports, 150.45
Corpses, removal requirements, 69.18 (1) (d)