Transferability, 700.07
Validation of sales prior to June 7, 1913, 786.28
Ejectment action, rights, 843.04
Estate tail becomes fee simple, 700.08
Gift over after attempted estate tail, effect, 700.08
Interest for life of another, succession, 700.06
Nominal conditions not enforceable, 700.15
Perpetuities, restricted, 700.16
Posthumous child, shares in, 700.12
Acceleration, 700.13
Classification, 700.05
Defined, 700.04 (2)
Life estate leased, remainderman's remedies on termination, 704.40
Presumed not to shorten prior interest, 700.13
Remainder to heirs of owner of life interest, Shelley's case rule abolished, 700.10
Restraint on alienation, 700.16
Reversionary interest:
Generally, 700.04 (1)
Abandoned roads, 66.1005
Life estate leased, reversioner's remedies on termination, 704.40
Mineral interests, 706.057
Sale, see Disposition, under this subhead
Shelley's case, rule abolished, 700.10
Summary action to alien, 786.29
Transferability, 700.07
property tax PROPERTY TAX
Generally, Ch. 70
For detailed analysis, see Taxation
prosecution PROSECUTION
prostitution PROSTITUTION
Engaging in, penalty, 944.30
House of:
Keeping or allowing, 944.34
Lease void, lessor's remedy, 823.16
Law enforcement by justice dept., 165.60
Nuisance, abatement, 823.09 to 823.15
Pandering, 944.33
Patronizing prostitutes, 944.31
Prostitutes, when vagrants, 947.02
Soliciting, inducing, 944.32
Soliciting a child for, 948.08
Spouse as witness, 905.05 (3) (c)
protective placements and protective services PROTECTIVE PLACEMENTS AND PROTECTIVE SERVICES
Generally, Ch. 55
See also Guardianships
Appeals, 55.20
Appellate procedure, 752.31 (3), 809.40 to 809.43
Appointment, 55.105
Reimbursement of state for costs, 55.107
Commitment not warranted, petition for, 51.67
County duties, 55.02 (2), 55.043
Declaration of policy, 55.001
Definitions, 55.01
Funding, 55.045
See also Guardianships
Guardianship not grounds for placement or services, 54.48
Status, 55.03
Guardian ad litem:
Appointment, 55.10 (4) (b)
Duties in reviews, 55.195
Health services dept. duties, 46.03 (19) 55.02 (1)
Interference with placement or services, injunction, 813.123
Patient rights, 55.23
Nursing home or community-based residential facility residents rights, 50.09
Procedure for protective services or placement orders:
Evaluation, 55.11
Hearing, 55.10
Notice, 55.09
Order, 55.12
Modification, 55.16
Termination, 55.17
Petition, 55.075
Standards, 55.08
Protective placement:
Admissions initially made without court involvement, 55.055
Annual review, 55.18
Developmentally disabled:
Placements to centers for, 55.21
Restrictions on placements in nursing homes, 46.279
Discharge, 55.175
Eligibility, 55.06
Emergency and temporary placement, 55.135
Transfer of patient, 55.15
Protective services:
Adult-at-risk agencies, abuse investigation and enforcement, 55.043