Mental health act proceedings, no loss of, 51.59
Patients, mental illness, developmental disabilities, alcoholism or drug dependency, 51.61
Counsel, appointment, 51.60
Protective services placement proceeding, no loss of, 55.23
Restored to convicted person satisfying sentence, 304.078
civil service CIVIL SERVICE
claims CLAIMS
claims board CLAIMS BOARD
class actions CLASS ACTIONS
Generally, 803.08
Anti-trust actions, statute of limitations, 133.18 (2)
Consumer transactions, 426.110
clergy CLERGY
clerks of court CLERKS OF COURT
close corporations, statutory CLOSE CORPORATIONS, STATUTORY
coastal management council, wisconsin COASTAL MANAGEMENT COUNCIL, WISCONSIN
Generally, 281.35 (9)
coat of arms COAT OF ARMS
State, 1.07
cocaine COCAINE
cockfighting COCKFIGHTING
codicils CODICILS
coercion COERCION
Defense to criminal liability, 939.46
Employees in pursuit of work, penalty, 134.02, 134.03
collateral COLLATERAL
collection agencies COLLECTION AGENCIES
Generally, 218.04
collective bargaining COLLECTIVE BARGAINING
colleges COLLEGES
Armed forces members, reimbursements and extensions if activated, 39.48
College savings program, 16.641
Trust funds, 25.85, 25.853, 25.855
College tuition and expenses program, 16.64
Consolidation, permitted, 182.029
Employees, interchange program, 230.047
Eye protective goggles for certain courses, 255.30
False academic credentials, criminal, 38.50 (13)
Institutional funds, uniform prudent management act, 112.11
Meningococcal disease and hepatitis B, students to receive vaccine information, 252.09
Midwestern higher education compact, 39.80
Names and terms, certain uses prohibited, 38.50 (12)
Students, communications with deans, psychologists privileged, 885.205
Technology donations to educational institutions, liability exemption, 895.515
Telecommunications access program, 16.997
Trade, correspondence, business or technical; approval, 38.50
University extension, see University of Wisconsin System
Unlawful assembly, 947.06 (4), (5)
comity COMITY
commercial animal feed COMMERCIAL ANIMAL FEED
Generally, 94.72
commercial code COMMERCIAL CODE
Generally, Ch. 401
Acceleration at will, 401.309
Breach, waiver of claim arising out of, 401.306
Choice of law provisions, 401.301
Construction of UCC, 401.103
Against implied repeal, 401.104
Plural, singular; use of, 401.106
Consumer act, applicability of UCC to, 421.103
Course of performance, dealing, usage of trade, 401.303
Bank deposits and collections chapter, 404.104, 404.105
Commercial paper chapter, 403.102