Notarial acts, uniform law, 706.07
Real estate conveyances, 706.06, 706.07
Self-authentication as to certain documents and records, 909.02
Summons, copies of, 801.09 (4)
automobiles AUTOMOBILES
autopsy AUTOPSY
Generally, Ch. 979
Authorization by coroner, 979.01 (4)
Consent, 157.05
Fees of medical examiners, 979.22
HIV testing, 252.15 (5m)
Inmate in state institution, 979.025
Order, conduct, 979.02
Sudden infant death syndrome, 979.03
Worker's compensation, 102.13
aviation AVIATION
aviation fuel tax AVIATION FUEL TAX
Generally, Ch. 78
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—2. Aviation Fuel Tax
bail, civil actions BAIL, CIVIL ACTIONS
Generally, Ch. 818
For detailed analysis, see Arrest—2. Civil
bail, criminal actions BAIL, CRIMINAL ACTIONS
Generally, Ch. 969
For detailed analysis, see Criminal Procedure— 2. Bail
bailees BAILEES
Fraudulent conversion, larceny, 943.20
Investment securities, liability for adverse claims, 408.115
Lien, how enforced, 779.48
Risk of loss, 402.509 (2)
Stoppage of delivery in transit, 402.705 (2) (b)
Tender of delivery of goods in possession of bailee, 402.503 (4)
Unclaimed property, notices, disposal, 171.01 to 171.06
bailiffs BAILIFFS
Assignment by sheriff, 59.27 (3)
False information to, 946.65
Pay, 753.10
bakeries BAKERIES
ballots BALLOTS
bang_s disease BANG'S DISEASE
banking review board BANKING REVIEW BOARD
bankruptcy BANKRUPTCY
Note: For provisions relating to the effect of bankruptcy proceedings on certain transactions or proceedings, refer to the specific subject of interest, e.g., for transfers of boat titles by a bankruptcy trustee, refer to the entry Registration, subentry Transfer of ownership, under Boats and Vessels—1. General Provisions
Exempt property, 815.18
Judgment liens on real property, discharge, 806.15
Satisfaction of judgment discharged in, 806.19 (4)
banks and banking BANKS AND BANKING
bar, state BAR, STATE
Refer also to Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules for governance of bar and rules for attorneys
barbering BARBERING
See also Cosmetology
Apprenticeship, 454.26
Continuing education, 454.27
Definitions, 454.20
Disciplinary proceedings and actions, 454.29
Establishment license, 454.25
Examinations, 454.24
Inspections, 454.28
Licenses and licensure, 454.23
Delinquent support obligors, denial or suspension, 49.857, 73.0301, 440.12, 440.13
Fees, 440.05
Limitations and exceptions, 454.21
Other jurisdictions, licensees of, 454.27
Renewal dates, 440.08 (2) (a)
Temporary permit status, disclosure, 454.285
Penalties, 454.295
Practice, 454.22
Limitations and exceptions, 454.21
Accrediting agencies, approval, 454.245
Applicability of law, 440.61
Auditors and inspectors, 440.64 (2)
Definitions, 440.60
Duties of department, 440.64 (1)
Hearings, 440.64 (3)
Instructor certifications, 440.63
Specialty schools, 440.635
Investigations, 440.64 (3)