Judgment, 844.20
Parties to action, 844.15, 844.18
Physical injury to real property, defined, 844.01
Real property, defined, 844.01
Security interest in real property, lessening without physical injury, not actionable, 844.01
Spite fence, action to abate, 844.10
Stay, of judgment or warrant to abate, 844.21
Warrant to abate, 844.21
Prostitution, place of, lessor's remedy, 823.16
Action to abate, 823.01
Receivership for, 823.23
Who may enjoin or prosecute, 823.02
Signs and signals near highway, prohibited, 349.09
Solar or wind energy system, obstruction, 844.22
Solid waste facilities, actions against, 823.085
In state cases, 823.02
Of order, judgment, 823.02
Of warrant to abate, 823.05
Tire dumps, 289.55
Violation of ordinance, action, 823.07
For abatement, 823.04
To remove, stay, 823.05
Water pollution orders, violation, 299.95
Weeds, control of, 23.235
Wharves and piers in navigable waters, dilapidated, 823.215
Wild animals, removal of, 29.885
nurseries NURSERIES
Inspection and regulation of stock, 94.10
Special, fees, 94.11
Licenses, nursery dealers and growers, 94.10
Notice of infection or infestation, 94.02
Pesticides, 94.67 to 94.71
State forest nurseries, 28.06
Tax exemption, nursery stock and trees, 70.111 (4)
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program, 29.889
nursery schools NURSERY SCHOOLS
nurses NURSES
Abortion refused, exemption from civil liability, 441.06 (6)
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, reports, 48.981
Action for compensation, 441.13
Distinguished from anesthesiologist assistants; trainee supervision, 441.11
Negligent acts, board shall investigate, 441.01 (6)
Assistants, instructional programs, client abuse, 146.40
Associations, county support, 59.53 (15)
Billing and insurance claim forms, standardization, 632.725
Creation, membership, 15.405 (7g)
Public members, 15.08 (1m) (b)
Disputes with department secretary, arbitration, 440.045
General provisions, 15.08, 440.035
Powers and duties, 441.01, 441.12 (1)
Boating intoxication law, chemical tests, 30.684
Charges for care, required disclosures, 146.903
Civil liability exemption, 441.06
Definitions, 441.001
Disciplinary proceedings,441.07
Emergency care, civil liability exemption, when, 895.48 (1)
Emergency volunteer health care practitioners:
Definitions, 257.01
Health care facilities, 257.04
Volunteers, 257.03
Registry of volunteers, 257.02
Examinations, 441.05
Examining councils, membership, 15.407 (3)
Exceptions to nursing laws, 441.115
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation of, 146.817
Home health agencies, licensing and regulation, 50.49
Lead poisoning, report, immunity granted, 254.13
License, 441.06
Fee, 440.05
Interstate licensure compact, 441.50
Renewal date, 440.08 (2)
Revocation, reinstatement, denial, 441.07
Licensed attendants, license, practice, 441.10 (3)
Life-sustaining procedures, withdrawal of, see Declarations to Physicians
See also Midwifery
License, 441.15
Loan assistance program, 36.61
Revocation of license, 441.07
Temporary permit, 441.15
Nurse practitioner, loan assistance program, 36.61
Patient health care records and confidentiality, see Medical Records