As final judgment or provisional remedy, 781.01
Temporary relief, 781.02
Transmittal of record, 781.03
Form of:
Discontinued, 784.01
Supreme court may use, 784.01
Judgment, 784.08
Against usurper, 784.13
Motion to dismiss, proceedings on, 784.07
Officer who has forfeited office, 784.04
Parties defendant, several claimants, 784.12
Pleading when defendant in office, 784.06
Private person may bring, 784.04 (2)
Joined with state as plaintiff, 784.03
To take office and demand books, 784.09
Trial takes precedence, 784.07
When and how tried, 784.02
quorum QUORUM
Note: For quorum requirements for a particular organization, refer to the subject heading relating to that organization (e.g., Legislature or Corporations)
rabies RABIES
race discrimination RACE DISCRIMINATION
races RACES
Automobile, state fair park, 42.05
Snowmobiles, 350.04
racketeering RACKETEERING
Generally, 946.80 to 946.88
radiation RADIATION
Executive agreements with federal government to regulate sources, 101.55
Licensing of radioactive materials:
Federal licensing, agreement with state to discontinue, 254.335
State licensing, 254.365
Nuclear plants, radiation emission, fees, 254.41
Generally, 254.31 to 254.45
Definitions, 254.31
Enforcement, 254.37
Exceptions, 254.39
Impounding materials, 254.38
Penalties, 254.45
Health services department, powers and duties, 254.34
Ionizing radiation installation, registration, 254.35
Public policy, 254.33
Radioactive waste:
Emergencies; strict liability, presumption of harm, 895.065
radio RADIO
Amateur mobile stations, special license plates, 341.14 (2)
Amateur radio antennas, restrictions on local regulation, 59.69 (4f), 60.61 (3d), 62.23 (7) (hf)
Commercial mobile radio service providers, regulation, 196.202
Defamation by political candidate, 895.052
Educational communications board:
Affiliation agreement, 39.14
Duties, 39.11
May organize nonstock corporation, 39.12
Powers, 39.115
Local broadcast service facility regulations, 66.0406
Nonprofit, property tax exemption, 70.11 (29)
Political advertisements, compensation for, 11.32
Public safety radio management program, 85.12
WHA, university to operate, 36.25 (5)
WLBL, operation, 39.11 (15)
radioactive waste RADIOACTIVE WASTE
radioactive waste commission, midwest interstate low_level RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMMISSION, MIDWEST INTERSTATE LOW-LEVEL
Creation and duties, 14.81, 16.11 (3)
radiography RADIOGRAPHY
Generally, Ch. 462
Definitions, 462.01
Discipline, 462.07
Examining board:
Creation, 15.405 (7e)
Duties, 462.03, 462.06, 462.07
Licenses and permits:
Issuance, 462.03
Renewal, 462.05
Prescription requirement, 462.04
Use of title, 462.02
Rule making, 462.06
raffles RAFFLES
See Gaming
railroads RAILROADS
Generally, Chs. 190 to 192, 195