Definitions, 254.61
Discrimination prohibited, 106.52
Diseases, communicable; employees not to have, 252.18
Fees, 254.68
Preinspection for new restaurants, 254.65
Fish caught by patrons, serving, 254.715
Food protection practices certificate required, 254.71
Food sanitation, manager certification, coordination, 254.62
Fraud in obtaining food and beverages:
Civil action, 943.212
Criminal, 943.21
Game or game fish, regulations for serving, 29.541
Health services department:
Enforcement of health regulations, 254.85
Powers, 254.74
Review of department orders, 254.87
Inspections, average annual, 254.66
Local health departments, powers, 66.0417, 254.74
Certificates of food protection practices ordinances prohibited, 66.0436
Oleomargarine, service prohibited, exception, 97.18 (4)
Permits, 254.64
Application for, 254.70
Revocation, 254.86
Public health and safety, 254.72, 254.74
Sanitation rules, 125.68 (5)
Smoking prohibited, 101.123
Violations of law, penalty, 254.85 (5), 254.88
Wine sales by the bottle, 125.51 (3r)
Workforce development department authority, 254.79
restitution RESTITUTION
Generally, 973.20
Animals, crimes against, 951.18 (4)
Babcock test, false reading, 98.15 (2)
Collection of costs, fees, and surcharges, 973.06
Crime victims awards, 949.15 (1), 949.165 (7)
Divorce, assignments, violations, 767.75
Employee aggrieved for testifying, 103.87
Eviction actions, execution of writ, 799.45
Exempted under consumer act, 425.106 (1)
Garnishment, exempt from, 812.18
Hearings, rules of evidence, 911.01 (5)
Juvenile's damage to property, or injury to another, 938.34 (5), 938.343 (4)
Municipal court order, 755.045 (3), 800.093
Payment period, 973.05 (1m)
Probationers, 973.09
Retail and services theft, 943.50 (5)
Reversal of judgment, 806.09
Securities violations, administrative enforcement, 551.604 (4m)
Worthless check, 943.24 (5)
restraint of trade RESTRAINT OF TRADE
Agricultural marketing act, 96.19
Employment contracts, restrictive covenants, 103.465
Penalties, 133.03
Revocation of corporate charter, 133.12
restrooms RESTROOMS
Access equity, where public congregates, 101.128
Disabled persons, in public buildings and places of employment, 101.13 (5)
Pay toilets prohibited, 146.085
Separate toilet facilities, equality, 106.52
State and municipalities may provide, 66.0919
retailers RETAILERS
retirement systems RETIREMENT SYSTEMS
revenue bonds REVENUE BONDS
Cities and counties, 66.0913
County-city safety buildings, 66.0925
Harbor improvement, 30.34, 30.35
Housing authorities, 66.1201 (13) to (15)
Industrial development, job impact estimates, 66.1103, 238.11
Inland lake district sewer system, refunding bonds, 66.0623
Interstate toll bridges:
Town, village, city, county, 86.21
Transportation department, 84.135
Milwaukee auditorium additions, 229.21 (7)
Mortgage revenue bonds for municipal mortgage housing assistance, 62.237 (4)
Municipal housing assistance, 62.237 (4)
Parking systems, city or village, 66.0829
Public transportation system:
Mass transit, 66.0625
Municipal, 66.0621 (3)
Public utility, municipal, 66.0621
Residential facilities for elderly or disabled, 46.28
Sanitary district, town, village or town; sewer system, refunding bonds, 66.0623
Sewerage system, municipal, 66.0821
Tax incremental financing for public improvement projects, 66.1105
Turnpike corporation may issue, 182.34
revenue department REVENUE DEPARTMENT