Variable rate loans, 138.056
Verdicts draw, 814.04
Worker's compensation awards, 102.22
interior designers INTERIOR DESIGNERS
Change of name, 440.969
Definitions, 440.96
List of registered designers, 440.967
Prohibitions, penalties, 440.968
Examination requirement, 440.964
Reciprocal registration, 440.965
Renewal, 440.966
Requirements, generally, 440.962
Title, use of, 440.961, 440.963
internal improvements INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS
State debt prohibited, exceptions, VIII, 10
interpellation of state officers INTERPELLATION OF STATE OFFICERS
Generally, 13.28 to 13.30
interpreters INTERPRETERS
Court and agency proceedings, 807.14, 885.37, 885.38
Criminal procedure, serve by telephone or video, 967.09
Depositions outside state, 887.27
Documents in evidence, not in English, 901.09
Fees, 814.67, 885.05
County liable, how paid, 59.64 (1)
Court, 879.41
Hearing impairments, 46.295
Privileged communications with, 905.015
Witnesses, 906.04
interrogatories INTERROGATORIES
interstate commerce INTERSTATE COMMERCE
Application of state law, 196.012
Motor transportation act, 194.03, 194.20
interstate compacts INTERSTATE COMPACTS
For list of interstate compacts, refer to the Appendix
Adoption and medical assistance, 48.9985
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.26
Detainers, agreement on, 976.05, 976.06
Education, compact for, 39.75
Compact commission delegation, 39.76
Midwestern higher education compact, 39.80
Educational opportunity for military children, 115.997
State council on, 14.91
Educational personnel, qualifications of, 115.46 to 115.48
Emergency management assistance compact, 323.80
State and province assistance compact, 323.81
Great Lakes basin compact, 14.78
Great Lakes—St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, 281.343
Insurance product regulation compact, 601.58
Juveniles, compact for, 938.999
Interstate commission; compact administrator, 14.92
Jurisdiction, 938.14
Law revision committee, duties, 13.83 (1)
Licensure compact, 441.50
Mental health, 51.75 to 51.80
Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste, 14.81, 16.10 to 16.13
Midwest interstate passenger rail commission, 85.067
Midwestern higher education compact, 39.80
Municipal contracts with municipalities of another state, 66.0303
Placement of children:
Compact for, 48.99
Compact on, 48.988, 48.989
Withdrawal, 48.9895
Reports in administration of agreements, filing, 16.05
State agencies with other states, 14.76
Supervision of parolees, prisoners on extended supervision and probationers, 304.13, 304.135
Wildlife violator, 29.03
intestate succession INTESTATE SUCCESSION
Generally, Ch. 852
intimidation of victims and witnesses INTIMIDATION OF VICTIMS AND WITNESSES
Generally, 940.41 to 940.49
intoxicating liquors INTOXICATING LIQUORS
investigation of deaths INVESTIGATION OF DEATHS
Generally, Ch. 979
investment and local impact fund board INVESTMENT AND LOCAL IMPACT FUND BOARD
Appropriation, 20.566 (7)
County mining investment fund, 25.65
Creation, membership, terms, qualifications, 15.435
Environmental repair, mining waste sites, certify, 70.395 (2) (k)
Federal mining revenue distribution, 70.395 (3)
General provisions, 15.07
Investment and local impact fund:
Distributions, 70.395 (2), 70.396
Jurisdiction and management, 70.395 (2)
Mining facilities, expenditure by department, 289.68