Affiliation agreement, 39.14
Duties, 39.11
May organize nonstock corporation, 39.12
Powers, 39.115
Local broadcast service facility regulations, 66.0406
Nonprofit, property tax exemption, 70.11 (29)
Public safety radio management program, 85.12
WHA, university to operate, 36.25 (5)
WLBL, operation, 39.11 (15)
radioactive waste RADIOACTIVE WASTE
radioactive waste commission, midwest interstate low_level RADIOACTIVE WASTE COMMISSION, MIDWEST INTERSTATE LOW-LEVEL
Creation and duties, 14.81, 16.11 (3)
radiography RADIOGRAPHY
Generally, Ch. 462
Definitions, 462.01
Discipline, 462.07
Examining board:
Creation, 15.405 (7e)
Duties, 462.03, 462.06, 462.07
Licenses and permits:
Issuance, 462.03
Renewal, 462.05
Prescription requirement, 462.04
Use of title, 462.02
Rule making, 462.06
raffles RAFFLES
See Gaming
railroads RAILROADS
Generally, Chs. 190 to 192, 195
Abandoned rail property, sale, 192.73
Abandonment, acquisition of property, 85.075, 85.09
Accidents, report to railroad commissioner, 195.34
Acquire, lease, alienate property, 190.02 (3)
After-acquired property, covered by lien, 190.10
Alcohol license exception, 125.06 (5)
Amtrak, see Passenger service, under this head
Annual report to stockholders, 190.13
Antipass law, XIII, 11
Appropriation, VIII, 10; 20.395 (2)
Arrest, passengers, conductor's powers, 192.17
Articles of consolidation, 190.06 (1)
Articles of incorporation, amendments, contents, filing, 190.01
Assessment by revenue department, 76.01
Attorney, employment of assistant district attorney or judge prohibited, 196.675
Block system and safety devices, 195.26
Bonds of subsidiary, guarantee payment, 190.025 (3)
Custodian, inspection, 190.14
To be produced, 190.03
Borrowing, 190.02 (9)
Branches and extensions, 190.051
Highway on, safety, 195.31
Interstate, convenient approaches, 86.22
Safe construction, 195.27
Safety walks, 192.324
Buildings and stations, 190.02 (8)
Buses, operation, 190.02 (11)
Car line company earnings, withhold, report, 76.39
Obstructing crossings unlawful, 192.292
Shooting into, 941.20
Cattle guards, 192.33
Remedy for absence, 192.37
Cattle passes, not to close, 190.09
Certificate of incorporation, 190.01
Certificate of necessity, 191.01 (2)
Application for, 191.02
Denial, 191.10
Issuance, filing, 191.10
Maps and profiles, 191.05
Publication of articles, 191.03
Revocation, 191.11
Temporary branches and extensions, 191.13 (2)
Charter rights preserved, 190.04
Clearance, overhead structures, 192.31
Clearance of wrecks or derailments, restoration of damaged property, 190.085
Clearances, regulations, penalty, 192.53
Commissioner of railroads:
Creation, 15.795
Definitions, 189.01
Powers and duties, 189.02
Transportation plans, 189.03
Commuter rail transit system development, 85.064
Complaints, hearing on, 195.04,
Limitations, 32.03