Reserve judge, service of former justice, VII, 24; 753.075
Resignation, 17.01
Salaries, IV, 26; VII, 10; 20.923 (3)
Term, VII, 4
Appointed justice, 17.19 (2)
Elected justices, 751.01
Expiration pursuant to revision of judicial branch, XIV, 16
Vacancies, VII, 9
Filling, 8.50, 17.19 (2)
Notice, 17.17 (4)
sureties SURETIES
Bail, 969.12
Discharge after default, 969.04
Surrender of principal, 969.14
Companies, see Insurance—27. Surety
By deposit of liability, 895.33
How effected, 112.09
Of principal, releases, 113.11
Insufficient, new bond, 895.34
Insurer's liquidation proceedings, claims, 645.66
Judgment against, how relieved, 19.06
Justification, 810.07, 810.08
Liability, on new bond as on old, 895.34
Limitation of liability, purposes, 895.33
Premium to, taxed as costs, 814.14
Probate bonds in court, eligibility, 878.01
Release on official bond, notice, 19.07
surveyors SURVEYORS
County surveyors, see Counties— 18. Surveyor
Disciplinary proceedings against, 443.12
Examining board, emergency rules, limitation, 443.10 (3)
Injunction to prevent unauthorized practice, 443.18 (2) (b)
License requirements:
Generally, 443.06
Exemptions from requirement, 443.14 (8), (9)
Fees, 443.10 (5)
Photogrammetry and construction surveying, exceptions, 443.134
Renewal date, 440.08 (2) (a)
Misrepresentation of qualifications, improper use of title, 443.02 (4)
Penalty provisions, 443.18
Roster, 443.10 (6)
Statute of limitations as to surveys, 893.37
surveys SURVEYS
survival of actions SURVIVAL OF ACTIONS
Generally, 895.01
Against coroner's personal representatives for defaults of deputies, 59.35 (2)
Arson, death caused by, 943.065 (2)
Attached property, execution after death, 811.25
Continuation of pending action on death, incompetence, 803.10
Corporations, stock, dissolved, remedies, 180.1408
Damages against personal representatives, 895.02
After creditor's death, 815.15
After debtor's death, 815.12, 815.14
Heirs and legatees, liability, 877.42
Personal representative's right to bring action, 877.01
Real property, action for recovery, 843.06
Statute of limitations, 893.22
Substitution of parties on death or incompetence, 803.10
Wrongdoer's estate liable, 877.01
Wrongful death, see Wrongful Death
survivorship SURVIVORSHIP
swamp lands SWAMP LANDS
swine SWINE
takings TAKINGS
talesmen TALESMEN
See Juries
tanning facilities TANNING FACILITIES
Permit required, 463.25
Denial, nonrenewal, revocation of license for delinquent tax, unemployment insurance, 463.14
Local health department agency status, 463.16
tattoos TATTOOS
Tattooist and tattooing establishments, regulation, licensing,463.10
Denial, nonrenewal, revocation of license for delinquent tax, unemployment insurance, 463.14
Local health department agency status, 463.16
Violation of law, penalty, 463.18
taverns TAVERNS
tax appeals commission TAX APPEALS COMMISSION
Generally, Ch. 73