Updated through all Supreme Court Orders affecting statutes entered before December 27, 2018.
References are to articles and sections of the Wisconsin Constitution and to sections and chapters of the Statutes. See the Index Preface for instructions on use. See the Table of Subject Heads for an alphabetical list of all Index heads under which Index entries may be found.
abandoned property ABANDONED PROPERTY
abduction ABDUCTION
abortion ABORTION
Abortion-inducing drugs, use and prescription, 253.105
Exception, 940.13
Partial-birth abortion, 940.16
Felony, 940.15
Health insurance, coverage prohibited, when, 632.8985
Induced, reporting to department, 69.186
Information to pregnant women, 46.245
Informed consent for, 253.10
Later-term abortion, probable post fertilization age, 253.107
Live birth during, legal rights as human being, 990.001 (17)
Medical assistance program, provider billing for prescription drug cost reimbursement, 49.45 (49g)
Parental consent for minors, 48.375
Abortion without parental consent or waiver, penalty, 895.037
Appeal from waiver proceeding, 809.105
Costs and fees of waiver proceedings, 48.37
Counsel, for petition, 48.23 (4)
Judicial waiver, 48.375 (6), (7), (8)
Jurisdiction over waiver petitions, 48.16
Petition for judicial waiver, 48.257
Partial-birth abortion, liability for performing:
Civil, 895.038
Criminal, 940.16
Payments by state, local governments prohibited, exception, 20.927, 59.53 (13), 66.0601 (1) (b)
Penalty, 940.04
Physician practice requirements, 253.095
Refused, exemption from civil liability, 253.09, 448.03 (5)
Reports, death following, 979.01
State employee health insurance, coverage prohibited, 40.56
State funding, prohibitions, 20.9275
Ultrasound requirement, 253.10 (3g)
absent voting ABSENT VOTING
absentee_s property ABSENTEE'S PROPERTY
Application for appointment of receiver, 813.23
Appointment of receiver, bond, duties, 813.23
Claim of absentee barred, 813.27
Disposition of property, 813.28, 813.29
Final hearing and finding, 813.26
Finding of death, 813.26
Finding of disappearance, 813.23
Insurance fund, 813.31
Insurance policies, 813.22, 813.30
Insurance death claim, 813.22
Receivership proceedings, 813.24
Search for absentee, 813.25
Temporary receiver, 813.23 (3)
Termination of receivership, 813.28
Trust fund for, 895.42
abstracts of title ABSTRACTS OF TITLE
County abstractor, appointment, duties, salary, assistants, fees, 59.44
Destruction, relief, 891.43 (7)
Forgery, 943.38
abuse ABUSE
Adult-at-risk; criminal, 940.285
Child abuse, see Children
Domestic abuse, see Domestic Abuse
Elder persons: