Concealment, refusal to turn out property, 816.05
Liability of sheriff for rescue, 818.25, 818.26
To reduce bail, vacate order of arrest, 818.28, 818.29
Use of affidavits, 818.29
New execution on death of prisoner, 815.12
Order for:
By whom made, 818.03
Form and contents, 818.06
When made, affidavit, 818.04
Paternity action, 767.82 (6), 818.02 (6)
Principal by bail, 818.21
Provision for, 818.01
Quo warranto proceedings, 784.05
Service and filing of papers, 818.07
Supplementary proceedings, 816.05
Surety may arrest defendant, 818.21
Surrender of defendant by his or her bail, 818.20
Vacation of order, 818.28, 818.29
arsenic ARSENIC
Pesticides, 94.67 (17)
arson ARSON
Attempt, placing explosives, 943.05
Buildings, 943.02
Defrauding insurers, proof of intent, 943.02 (2), 943.04
Injury caused by, treble damages, 943.065
Investigation, 165.55
Molotov cocktails, possession, manufacture, transfer prohibited, 943.06
Property other than building, 943.03
art ART
Acquisition, works of art, approval, 16.84 (10)
Art and art education centers, tax exemption, 70.11 (43)
Artistic endowment foundation:
Appropriation, 20.220
Artistic endowment fund, 25.17 (1) (ak), 25.78
Creation and organization, 247.03
Definition, 247.02
Dissolution, 247.07
Powers and duties, 247.05
Support of arts programs, 247.06
Arts board:
Appropriation, 20.380 (3)
Creation, membership, 15.445 (1)
Definition, 41.51
Executive director, 41.55
Grants and loans:
Challenge initiative grants, 41.565
Incubator grants and loans, 41.62
Public service requirement, 41.56
Regranting program for local agencies and municipalities, 41.62
Powers and duties, 41.53
Public building, art for, 41.57
Agreements which waive ch. 129 void, 129.07
Art dealers:
Duties, 129.06
Required to obtain written contracts, 129.05
Violations, penalties, 129.08
Definitions, 129.01
Relationship of art dealer and artist, 129.02
Trust property:
Not subject to art dealer's creditors, 129.04
When, 129.03
Forgery and counterfeiting, 943.38
Corporations for establishment and maintenance, 182.027
Municipalities may establish, 66.0917
Tax exemption, 70.11 (14)
Grants and loans, see Arts board, under this head
Historic preservation review board, members to have art history background, 15.705 (2)
Rock art, criminal damage to, 943.01
Rural county planning committee, report upon works of art, 27.019 (7) (b)
Sidewalk art fairs in cities of 1st class, pedestrian malls may be closed, 62.71 (8) (b)
Stamps, fish and game artwork for, 29.024 (10)
State buildings, fine arts in, 41.57
State capitol and executive residence board, acceptance of donations, 16.83 (2)
State historical society, extension services, 44.07 (2)
Tax exemptions:
Art and art education centers, 70.11 (43)
Galleries, 70.11 (14)
articles of incorporation ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION
asbestos ASBESTOS
Abatement certification, 254.20
Denial or suspension of delinquent tax and unemployment contributions, 254.115
Management, 254.21
Pleadings, discovery and damages in personal injury actions, 802.025
Rule-making, violations, 285.86
Testing fees, 254.19