Exempt from floodplain zoning, 87.30 (1m)
Exempt from navigable waters, protection law, 281.31 (2m)
Navigability, 30.10 (4) (c)
Removal of material from, permit exemption, 30.20 (1g)
Federal government contracts, 88.22
Highway construction:
Damage to natural drainage, 88.87
Notify board of, 86.075
Highway drainage ditches, 86.022
Obstruction, 86.021
Irrigation purposes, 88.93
Leola district reinstated, 88.817
Navigable waters, special procedure in cases affecting, 88.31
Obstructions in ditches, penalty, 88.91
Obstructions to natural watercourse, removal, 88.89, 88.90
Petition, signatures, 88.04
Railroad construction, damage to natural drainage, 88.87
Reassessment, 88.46
State lands:
Damage to in construction of new drains, 88.69 (1)
Right of way, 88.50 (2)
State trust fund loans:
Authorization, 24.61 (3) (a) 12.
Collection, 24.716
Procedures, generally, see State—17. Loans, Trust Fund
Trespass, right to enter lands of district, 88.13
Withdrawal of lands from district, 88.80
driver_s licenses DRIVER'S LICENSES
dropouts DROPOUTS
drug paraphernalia DRUG PARAPHERNALIA
druggists DRUGGISTS
See Pharmacy
drugs DRUGS
drugs_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Administering to facilitate crime, 941.32
Disposal programs:
Authorization, 165.65
Authorized activities and who may act, 450.115
Controlled substance law exemption, 961.337
County and municipal operation, 66.0437
Dextromethorphan, sale to minor without prescription prohibited, 134.91
Epinephrine auto-injectors use by authorized entities, 255.07 See also School pupils under this head
Fraudulent advertising, 100.182
Hazardous substances act, 100.37
Household products, tampering with, 941.327
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Medical assistance prescription drug cost controls, 49.45 (6m)
Operating motor vehicle under influence, 346.63
No deferred prosecution, 967.055
Poisonous, see Poisons
Prescription drugs, 961.38
Pricing, unfair discrimination, 100.31
School pupils:
Administration of drugs to, 118.29
Asthmatics, possession and use of inhalers, 118.291
Epinephrine auto-injectors:
Possession and use, 118.292
School plan and administration, 118.2925
Snowmobiles, owner permitting operation under influence unlawful, 350.08
drugs_2. dependency 2. Dependency
Generally, Ch. 51
Abuse services, county human services department, 46.23
Addiction treatment programs:
Addiction medicine consultation program, 51.448
Methadone treatment program reporting, 51.4223
Opioid and methamphetamine treatment programs, 51.422, 51.4224
Adolescents, Anchorage program, 46.04
Alcohol abuse, generally, see Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol and drug abuse council:
Generally, 15.09
Memberships, 14.017 (2)
Powers and duties, 14.24
Review of legislation, 13.098
Alcohol and drug abuse program:
Assistance to schools, 115.36
Citation procedure for violation of laws regulating sale of liquor to underage persons, 778.25
Driver, assess abuse by, 343.30
Fees of department, 46.03 (18)
Jurisdiction over minors, 938.17 (2)
Juvenile violations, disposition, 938.344
Penalties for sales of alcohol beverages to underage and intoxicated persons, 125.07
Possession of alcohol beverages on school grounds prohibited, 125.09 (2)
Testing of minors, parental consent, 51.48