Minority financial interests, report on purchases from, 234.35
Powers, 234.03
Property taxation, deferral, 234.621 to 234.626
Purchasing standards, 234.02 (3m)
Records, 234.265
Revenue bonding for facilities for elderly and chronically disabled, 46.28
Rules, 234.03 (20)
Sue and be sued, 234.03 (1)
Tax-exempt bonds, allocation of volume cap on, 238.10
Validation of certain obligations and proceedings, 234.44
Veterans, disabled; report on purchases from businesses owned by, 234.36
Veterans housing, bonds for, 234.40
huber law HUBER LAW
County board may establish, 303.09
Standards for construction and repair, 46.17 (1)
Habitual traffic offenders, 351.08
Probationer, confinement, 973.09 (4)
Work release for county jail prisoners, 303.08
Work release plan for prison inmates, 303.065
Worker's compensation, 102.07 (16)
humane societies HUMANE SOCIETIES
Cooperation of department of agriculture, 93.07 (11)
Dog license law, 174.05 to 174.12
Property, tax exemption, 70.11 (28)
Taking animals from or damage to, penalty, 172.57
hunger HUNGER
hunting HUNTING
husband and wife HUSBAND AND WIFE
See Marriage
hydrologists HYDROLOGISTS
hygiene laboratory HYGIENE LABORATORY
Asbestos testing fees, 254.19
Board, 15.915 (2)
Communicable diseases, assist in diagnosis, 252.05 (9)
Director, 36.25 (11)
Appointment, 36.09 (1) (e)
Duties, 36.25 (11)
Rabies, examination of carcass, 95.21 (6)
Staff, 36.25 (11)
Wassermann tests, institution inmates, 46.13
ice cream ICE CREAM
identification cards IDENTIFICATION CARDS
Change of address or name, 343.22
Duplicate, issuance of, 343.19
Issued by transportation department, 343.50
Parking privileges for physically disabled, 343.51
Unlawful use, 343.52
Proof of age and penalties for falsification, 125.085
Unlawful use, 343.43 (2)
immigration IMMIGRATION
County board of, 59.53 (18)
Societies, county appropriation, 59.53 (17)
immunity IMMUNITY
Note: The list of entries under this head may not be comprehensive. For provisions related to immunity in specific actions or resulting from specific causes not listed here, refer to subject heads and entries relating to that specific action.
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, reporting or disclosing information regarding, 48.981 (4), (7) (cr)
Alcohol beverages:
Furnishing, 125.035
Municipalities, 125.037
Retention of proof of age, 125.039
Allergies, emergency use of epinephrine auto injectors by authorized entities, 255.07
Anhydrous ammonia use; liability, immunity, 895.555
Antifreeze containing denatonium benzoate, 100.383 (3)
Automated teller machine owners, information from unauthorized card scanning, 895.501
Banking commissioner, 220.065
Beverage tax violations, compulsory testimony, 139.20
Bribery actions, 885.15
Body cavity searches, medical personnel performing, 895.535
Campgrounds, private; civil liability exemption, 895.519
Child custody, voluntary relinquishment of newborn, 48.195 (4)
Child-placing agencies, 895.485
Child safety restraint system technicians, 895.497
College and university residence hall directors, exemption for administering opioid antagonists, 895.478
Contaminated lands:
Civil immunity, former local government owned property, 292.26
Lender liability, 292.16
Liability clarification and technical assistance, 292.55
Off-site discharge, exemption from liability, 292.13
Remediation, exemption from liability, 292.15
Responsibility of investigators, 292.19
Credit union commissioner, 186.235 (5)
Cremated remains of veterans, transfers to veterans affairs dept., 45.61 (2m)