Division of land into small parcels in Milwaukee, penalty, 236.33 Prohibited subdivisions, penalty, 236.335 Stream does not divide parcel, 710.09 Unplatted subdivision, sale of lots prohibited, 236.31 Survey and plat, when required, 236.03 Surveying requirements, 236.15 Surveyor’s certificate, 236.21 Surveys:
Expressing bearings, subdividing sections, 59.73 Perpetuating and relocating section corners, landmarks, 59.74 Transportation projects, 84.095 Vacating or altering plats:
Areas dedicated to public, 236.43 Village review, see Approvals required, under this subhead
Villages, revised and consolidated plats, 61.71 Ward’s lands, before sale, 786.13 Bank:
Deposits and collections, return of items, 404.216 Bond:
Creditors’ actions:
Settlement of accounts, 128.20 Fiduciaries, uniform act, 112.01 Grounds for appointment, 813.16 Heir or legatee, remedy against, 813.026 Insurance companies, commissioner notified, 813.05 Judge’s liability for discharging or appointing, 757.24 Mining claims, conflicting, 107.03 Organizations, appointment as, 223.10 Partner’s interest, charging order; judgment lien against, 178.0504 Residential care facilities, 50.05 Sale of alcohol beverages, license exception, 125.06 (7) State and U.S. preferred creditors, 813.17 State banks, delinquent:
Borrowing from federal agency, 220.086 Federal deposit insurance corporation, 220.081 Supplementary proceedings, 816.04 Wages and taxes, to pay first, 813.17 Airports in adjoining states, 114.11 Corporate take-over offers, registration and filing requirements, 552.08 County infirmaries, required residence, 49.723 (1) Depositions for use in other states, 887.24 Divorce or annulment, foreign decrees, 767.041 Divorce recognition act, uniform, 767.055 Fish and game, enforcement of laws, 29.043 Fishing or clamming licenses, 29.045 Foreign decrees against insurers, reciprocal enforcement, 618.61 Funeral director’s license, 445.08 Laboratory certification or registration program, 299.11 (5) Malt beverages, ingredients and shipments, 139.05 (7) Manufactured building code, purpose, 101.70