Uniforms for pupils: school boards authorized to adopt policy; exemption, discrimination and economic assistance provisions; report required -  AB824
education commissionEducation commission
Education commission created in DOE; duties defined [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 72, 90m, 91m, 92e, m, s, 177m, 558n, p, s, 1758m, 1800n, 1859m, 1861m, 1930m, 9145 (8g), (8h)]  - AB150
Education commission re 1995 WisAct 27: statutory references removed -  AB1102
Higher education grants award formulae revised re dates -  AB855
educational approval boardEducational approval board
EAB elimination by 1995 WisAct 27: provisions restored with modifications; membership revised - AB1102
HEAB and EAB eliminated; functions combined and transferred to DOE [Sec. 93, 99, 207-209, 223, 558, 560, 562, 563, 568, 599, 620-623, 1200, 1815-1840, 1853-1859, 1860, 1861, 1862-1887, 1888-1890, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1900-1911, 1915, 1917-1921, 1924-1937, 1940, 1943, 1944, 1945, 6266, 9127 (1), 9154 (1), 9427 (1), (1g), 9454 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 208m, 223m, 1855m, 9427 (1g), deletes 208, 209, 223, 1855, 1915, 1917, 1934] - AB150
educational communications boardEducational communications board
Debt contracting authority revised [Sec. 1166] -  AB150
ECB and U.W. Extension consolidation of services and functions: report on cost savings and efficiencies [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9117 (2g)] -  AB150
ECB contracting re telecommunications facilities [Sec. 555, 556, 1845] -  AB150
ECB transmission and engineering functions transferred to DOA; affiliation agreement re WHA [Sec. 395, 397, 432-436, 551-554, 1053, 1763, 1764, 1841-1844, 1846-1850, 6247, 9117 (1), 9417 (1); original bill only]  - AB150
educational institution fund raisingEducational institution fund raising, see Charitable corporation
educational service agency, cooperativeEducational service agency, Cooperative
CESA reorganization [Sec. 1804-1807, 3914-3918, 3922-3925, 9145 (4), 9445 (3); original bill only]  - AB150
CESA revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3847g, r, 3874g, r, 3878m, 3914e-3917m, 3920m, 3922c-3924m, 3925m, 9145 (12v), (12w), 9445 (3v); A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: deletes 3878m; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: restores 3878m]  - AB150
CESA statewide staff development calendar: DOE to study [Sec. 9145 (6); original bill only] -  AB150
CESA statewide staff development calendar: DPI to study -  SB281
Charter school sponsorship by U.W. or CESAs authorized; provisions re legal status, staff, finance, attendance and pupil transportation [Sec. 5-7, 9-13, 15-22] - AB950
Charter school sponsorship by U.W. or CESAs authorized; provisions re legal status, staff, finance, attendance and pupil transportation [Sec. 5-7, 9-13, 15-22] - SB560
Distance education projects: loans to CESAs from state trust fund [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1368b, 1370i-1375b, 1377h, s, t, 1379m, 1386m, 1387b, 3340m 3921m]  - AB150
Human growth and development program revisions [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 591m, 3924r, t, 3936m]  - AB150
Intergovernmental cooperation enhancement recommendations re municipal revenue sharing, police, libraries and CESA and technical college districts; report required [S.Amdt.1: ability of municipalities to agree to provide water utility service in incorporated areas; S.Amdt.2: CESA and technical college provisions removed, joint fire department provision added]  - SB491
School medical services: provisions re federal MA funds [Sec. 3000, 3022, 9126 (7), 9426 (8); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: CESAs added, 821b, 9126 (7m), deletes 9126 (7), 9426 (8)] - AB150
educational televisionEducational television, see Television
efficiency in state governmentEfficiency in state government, see State agencies; specific agency or department
Election date changes re 1995 WisAct 16: local governments may file claim for costs -  AB694
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -  AB221
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -  SB111
False representations affecting elections: laws and penalties revised [Sec. 1, 2, 10-14; original bill only]  - AB150
False representations affecting elections: laws and penalties revised -  SB286
Lieutenant governor, Office of: procedure for nomination of major party candidates changed; multiple partisan nominations provision -  AB1083
Political party affiliation or support: use of state funds to question individuals prohibited -  AB577
Polling places: opening hour made uniform -  SB333
Questionnaire responses by candidates or elected officials: publication or dissemination of false information prohibited - AB254
Reserve judge: appointment prohibited re defeat in recent election -  SB613
elections _ advertisingElections — Advertising
Telephone numbers on certain political communications by candidates required -  AB340
elections _ ballotsElections — Ballots
Absentee ballot application date and overseas elector procedures revised -  SB125
Absentee ballot qualifications revised -  SB496
Elector vote for ``none of the names shown" on ballot authorized in election for certain offices - AB409
Lieutenant governor, Office of: procedure for nomination of major party candidates changed; multiple partisan nominations provision -  AB1083
Referenda ballot questions: wording and review procedures -  AB289
Write-in candidates: provisions re filing declaration of candidacy and recording of votes -  AB613
elections _ campaign expenseElections — Campaign expense
Campaign contribution from recognized political party: loan provision modified -  AB732
Campaign contribution from recognized political party: loan provision modified -  SB566
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  AB936
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  SB12
Campaign finance filing fees imposed on certain individuals, committees and groups [Sec. 6, 7, 1089, 1090, 9418 (1); original bill only] -  AB150
Campaign finance: independent disbursements by former personal campaign committees restricted  - AB998
Campaign finance law revised re limitation of disbursements by candidates; prohibition of independent disbursements by committees or individuals; violator to pay treble the amount of unlawful expenditure -  AB392
Campaign finance law revision re filing a false report; penalty created -  AB412
Campaign finance law revisions re contribution limitations, conduits, public grants to candidates and designation on income tax form -  SB380
Campaign finance law revisions re limitation of disbursements and independent expenditures -  SB26
Campaign finance law revisions re limitations on contributions to candidates and disbursements - AB80
Campaign finance law revisions re limitations on contributions to candidates and disbursements - SB612
Campaign finance laws revised; provisions re telephoning activities and certain Dane county prohibitions  - AB37
Campaign finance reports: electronic filing procedure created  - AB953
Campaign finance revision re itemization of certain in-kind contributions -  AB255
Lobbyist campaign contribution to a partisan elective state official: application of law broadened; prohibition applied to State superintendent of public instruction  - AB541
Nonresident political committee financial report requirements revised -  AB493
Political contributions by certain committees during certain periods prohibited -  AB3
Political contributions made by individuals or organizations acting as conduits: treatment revised  - AB49
Political party affiliation or support: use of state funds to question individuals prohibited -  AB577
Polls for political opinion: disclosure by person receiving payment for conducting certain polls required  - AB90
Polls for political opinion: disclosure by person receiving payment for conducting certain polls required  - SB549
Supreme court justice candidate grants from Wisconsin election campaign fund: sum sufficient appropriation provided  - AB1051
Supreme court justice candidates' eligibility for 1996 Wisconsin election campaign fund grant -  AB838
Supreme court justice candidates' eligibility for 1996 Wisconsin election campaign fund grant -  SB513
Telephone numbers on certain political communications by candidates required -  AB340
Wisconsin election campaign fund grant: application withdrawal deadline modified -  AB564
Wisconsin election campaign fund grant: qualifications revised  - AB161
Wisconsin election campaign fund income tax check-off [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1153s, 3393w, 3395c, 9348 (4t); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150]  - AB150
elections _ officialsElections — Officials
Election inspectors or special voting deputies: method of selection revised -  AB190
Election inspectors: employer encouraged to promote employe participation -  SJR55
Election officials: employer required to grant paid leave of absence -  AB982
Voting assistance at polling places: certification requirement deleted -  SB15
elections boardElections board
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  AB936
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  SB12
Campaign finance filing fees imposed on certain individuals, committees and groups [Sec. 6, 7, 1089, 1090, 9418 (1); original bill only] -  AB150