Executive assistant funding [Sec. 9224] -  AB935
Executive assistant funding [Sec. 9224; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 60g, r, 9162 (2x), 9462 (3u), deletes 9224]  - SB565
Gaming commission reorganized into Gaming board; Lottery division created in DOR; audit provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Gaming commission"] - AB150
gaming commissionGaming commission, see also Gaming board
Charitable gaming: separate appropriation created [Sec. 543, 545, 6976, 6977, 9223 (1)] -  AB150
Contracting for services performed by Gaming commission: implementation of plan for disposal of tangible personal property [Sec. 9123 (2); original bill only]  - AB150
Crane game regulation and licensing transferred from Gaming commission to DOR -  AB774
Employe appointment provisions revised [Sec. 6953, 6978] -  AB150
Gaming commission membership revised; Governor to designate chairperson [Sec. 87, 88, 90, 91, 204, 205, 1206, 9123 (6), (7), 9423 (2); original bill only]  - AB150
Gaming commission position revisions; Director of charitable gaming and crane games created [Sec. 1215, 6256, 6265, 6271, 6946; original bill only] -  AB150
Gaming commission reorganized into Gaming board; Lottery division created in DOR; audit provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 43g, r, 44q, r, 86m, 95m, 187m, 203c-x, 361m, 363m, 391g, r, 543m, 544m, 545m-546t, 1119g, r, 1149p, 1205m, 1420u-w, 3373n, r, 3417m, 3420x, 3485o, 4454b, 6250, 6253m, 6258m, 6277m, 6940g-r, 6977b-t, 6978b-g, h-u, 6979m, 6980c-u, 6981b-f, g-k, L-v, 7231m, 9123 (6pp)-(6pu), 9423 (2p); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: add 4454c]  - AB150
Gaming protection functions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 391g, r, 1087, 6981, 9423 (2p)] -  AB150
Gaming security division eliminated; contracting for services permitted [Sec. 206, 391, 1056, 1216, 6250, 6259, 6941-6945, 6947-6950, 9423 (1); original bill only]  - AB150
Indian gaming director made unclassified [Sec. 1217, 6255; original bill only] -  AB150
Indian gaming receipts: moneys received as reimbursement for Gaming commission services included [Sec. 6984]  - AB150
Lottery advertising: further restrictions for Gaming commission and other state agencies -  AB686
Lottery retailer compensation increased; bonus payment authority of Gaming commission eliminated [Sec. 6979, 6980, 9323 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 6978gm]  - AB150
Lottery retailer compensation modified; required lottery fund balance revised; Gaming commission administrative expenses provision -  AB723
Lottery retailers council created -  SB126
Lottery vendor conflict of interests: exemption for certain Gaming commission employes [Sec. 9123 (8); original bill only] - AB150
Pari-mutuel tax for simulcast racing and purses for horse races [Sec. 75-78] -  AB935
Pari-mutuel tax for simulcast racing and purses for horse races [Sec. 75-78; original bill only] - SB565
Racing animal drug testing requirements revised [Sec. 6975, 9123 (4), (5)] -  AB150
Racing animal treatment: DATCP duties transferred to Gaming commission [Sec. 3554, 3555, 6952]  - AB150
Racing revisions re simulcast racing and amount of total wagers distributed as prizes [Sec. 6951, 6954-6961, 6973, 6974, 9123 (3); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 6958m, 6961m, deletes 6973, 6974] -  AB150
Video amusement devices: regulation and licensing by Gaming commission in certain cases; fees and sales tax provisions - AB633
garbage and refuse disposalGarbage and refuse disposal, see Solid waste management
gardenGarden, see Farm produce
Fines collection through civil actions: circuit court may issue an assignment for judgment; lottery prize included  - SB538
gasolineGasoline, see also Fuel; Petroleum
Convenience store, service station and restaurant security: local ordinance permitted; requirements set  - AB542
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -  SB622
Ethanol in automotive gasoline required -  AB52
Ethanol production incentive program created -  AB59
Gasoline labeling requirement re identity of oxygenate [A.Sub.Amdt.1: reformulated gasoline labeling requirements, DILHR rule-making] -  AB166
Gasoline labeling requirement re identity of oxygenate -  SB87
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions -  AB616
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; damage provisions -  SB414
Motor fuel dealerships: security deposit and escrow account provisions -  SB519
Reformulated gasoline containing methyl tertiary butyl ether or ethyl tertiary butyl ether prohibited in certain months; gasoline labeling re identity of oxygenate - SB89
Reformulated gasoline containing methyl tertiary butyl ether prohibited -  SB88
Reformulated gasoline sale in certain parts of the state: DNR may waive prohibition on sale of other gasoline if federal restrictions revised -  AB281
Reformulated gasoline sale in southeastern Wisconsin and other federal Clean air act requirements: DOJ requested to seek relief - AJR33
Reformulated gasoline sale in southeastern Wisconsin: Congress requested to suspend requirement  - AJR25
Reformulated gasoline sale in southeastern Wisconsin: EPA requested to suspend sale -  SJR12
Reformulated gasoline: winter use requirement waiver for certain Wisconsin counties (memorial to Congress)  - SJR39
Unfair sales act study re sale of motor vehicle fuel and petroleum products [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9155 (6t); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 9155 (9) (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
Vapor recovery grants: eligibility expanded [S.Amdt.1: eligibility further expanded; A.Amdt.1: sunset provided]  - SB345
Vapor recovery grants: eligibility expanded; program revised [Sec. 4317, 4318; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 4317d-t] - AB150
Vapor recovery grants for school bus companies -  SB58
gasoline _ taxationGasoline — Taxation
Alternate fuels tax: rate revised -  AB353
Fuel tax increase re federal revenue shortage [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3496d, m-r, 3500cg, cj, cr; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150] -  AB150
Fuel tax rate adjustment and indexing [original bill only] -  AB557
Fuel tax refunds for fuel used by school districts, municipalities and counties -  AB143
Fuel trip permits re motor vehicle and alternate fuel taxes [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 774j, 3500em, 6410g-k, p, s, 9155 (6mt); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 774jb, 3500emb, 6410gb-kb, pb, sb (Senate recedes its position)] - AB150
Fuel trip permits re motor vehicle and alternate fuel taxes - AB402
Fuel trip permits re motor vehicle and alternate fuel taxes - AB557
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3496b, g, j, 3500cp, 3503g, j, 9348 (11mt); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3496bb-jb, 3500cpb, 3503gb, jb, 9348 (11mtb) (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions  - AB402
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions  - AB557
Motor vehicle fuel tax payment date revised [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3500cd, cm, eg, 9455 (2t); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3500cdb, cmb, egb, 9455 (2tb) (Senate recedes its position)] - AB150
Motor vehicle fuel tax payment date revised [original bill only] - AB557
Oil company franchise fee created [S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: Sec. 1115b, 1401mb-mf, 1407m, 4159rb, 9455 (3tb) (Senate recedes its position); S.Amdt.123 to Engr.AB-150: further revisions, 1401 mbe-mfd, 3522gb, deletes 1401mb-mf (Senate recedes its position)]  - AB150
Oil company franchise fee created -  AB402
Oil company franchise fee created; local petroleum storage fee imposed on facility owners in populous counties [original bill only] -  AB557
Tax laws: technical changes re property, motor vehicle fuel, aviation fuel, alcohol beverage and cigarette taxes and county tax roll settlement sheets (remedial legislation)  - AB866
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling, depository assessments and filing of late or extended returns [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, depository assessments provision removed, sampling limited to fuel taxes] -  AB775
Urban mass transit operating assistance program: additional funding from motor vehicle fuel tax  - AB974
Urban mass transit operating assistance program: additional funding from motor vehicle fuel tax  - SB582
geeseGeese, see Game bird
general fund balanceGeneral fund balance, see Appropriation
general mitchell air reserve stationGeneral Mitchell air reserve station
General Mitchell air reserve station in Milwaukee: closing opposed -  AJR46
general program revenue _gpr_General program revenue (GPR), see Appropriation; specific agency; specific subject
D.N.A. testing of sexual assault offenders convicted in another state and serving probation or parole in Wisconsin required - AB942
Genetic testing: definition and insurer prohibitions revised - AB227
Genetic testing for paternity determinations permitted: definition created -  SB151
Medical and genetic information: noncustodial parent required to provide to court; joint custody provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, ``genetic information" changed to ``medical history"; A.Amdt.1: court required to keep confidential]  - AB622
Paternity determination proceedings and disclosure of court records -  AB837
Paternity determination proceedings and disclosure of court records -  SB501
Sex offender registration requirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, lie detector test program, interagency cooperation, D.N.A. testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state] -  SB182