Statutes repealed re Board of immigration, cat licenses, stray animal appraisal, urinal flushing devices and cigar manufacturing below ground floor -  AB1000
immunizationImmunization, see Vaccination
implied consentImplied consent, see also Drunken driving
``Alcohol concentration" definition standardized re BAC -  AB985
``Alcohol concentration" definition standardized re BAC -  SB573
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level set for certain vehicle operators; chemical tests and applicable levels for other intoxication offenses (including firearm violations) revised  - SB605
Alcohol testing before issuance of citation: court decision codified -  SB570
Alcohol testing of public school students permitted; pupil suspension or expulsion authorized [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, written policies re discipline required; A.Amdt.1: discipline provision; A.Amdt.5 (pt.2): written policies re treatments required] -  AB718
ATV, motor vehicle and snowmobile operation: age for zero BAC raised to 21 -  AB181
Boating laws revised re intoxicated boating, absolute sobriety, safety certificates, operation by minors, speed limits, corrective lenses, night operation, personal watercraft and water skiing; DNR to promulgate model ordinance for local regulation of inland lakes -  AB439
OWI by person with 3 or more convictions: absolute sobriety required -  AB153
OWI by person with 5 or more offenses in 10 years: penalties increased -  SB431
Traffic regulation cases requiring forfeiture: appeals limited -  AB465
impoundmentImpoundment, see Forfeiture
incestIncest, see Sex crimes
incidental taking of endangered speciesIncidental taking of endangered species, see Natural resource
income taxIncome tax
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -  AB1097
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -  SB674
Internal revenue code update [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1987m, 3373b-k, w, 3393m, 3396b-r, 3399g-k, 3404c, e-s, 3406v, 3412m, 3528m, p, 9348 (8x)] -  AB150
Tax burden study by DOR and LFB required -  AB12
Tax liability of formerly married persons -  AB602
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling, depository assessments and filing of late or extended returns [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, depository assessments provision removed, sampling limited to fuel taxes] -  AB775
Toll-free telephone line for income tax questions: DOR required to establish -  AB455
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - AB651
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - SB390
WRS put in compliance with federal internal revenue code re beneficiaries and maximum benefit and contribution limits - SB449
Adoption expenses: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created [original bill only] -  AB78
Adoption expenses: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created -  SB44
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded [A.Amdt.2: DFI substituted for Secretary of state; A.Amdt.3: ``business entity" and ``business representative" definitions created; A.Amdt.4: withdrawal from limited partnerships revised; S.Amdt.1: real estate transfer fee provision removed] -  AB923
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded - SB558
Development opportunity zone in the city of Eau Claire created - AB265
Development opportunity zone in the city of Eau Claire created - SB122
Development zone: program, tax and job credits revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, research credit added, provisions re day care, environmental remediation and W-2]  - AB1033
Development zone: program, tax and job credits revised -  SB636
Development zone tax credit program changes [Sec. 3378-3381, 3400-3404, 3408-3412, 3421, 9348 (6); original bill only] -  AB150
Development zone tax credit program changes -  SB200
Earned income tax credit advance payment [A.Sub.Amdt.3] -  AB591
Earned income tax credit: new method of calculating created [Sec. 3383-3393; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 3382m, 3383m, deletes 3385-3387, 3389, 3390]  - AB150
Elderly program funding re COP, BOALTC, the guardianship grant program and Alzheimer's disease training and information grants; tax credit provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, tax credit provision removed] -  AB739
Environmental remediation: income and franchise tax credits extended -  SB611
Fuel and electricity used in manufacturing: credit for sales and use taxes extended re tax-option corporations  - AB761
Fuel and electricity used in manufacturing: credit for sales and use taxes extended re tax-option corporations  - SB467
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -  AB1097
Internal revenue code redefined re income and franchise taxes; earned income tax credit and military personnel tax benefit provisions -  SB674
Personal exemptions tax credit for certain dependents increased - AB366
School property tax credit calculation revised [Sec. 3382, 9348 (9); deleted by A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1]  - AB150
Traffic and municipal violations: DOR authorized to offset unpaid judgements against income tax refunds  - AB342
Wood energy producers' income and franchise tax credit created - AB766
Adoption expenses: tax exemption created [A.Sub.Amdt.1] -  AB78
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  AB936
Campaign finance and lobbying revisions; persuasive telephoning restrictions -  SB12
Campaign finance law revisions re contribution limitations, conduits, public grants to candidates and designation on income tax form -  SB380
College tuition prepayment program created in DOA; segregated fund created [A.Amdt.5: income tax benefit provision; S.Amdt.3: Board of regents duties set]  - AB1011
Domestic abuse awareness and prevention program to be developed; income tax check-off to fund [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 817m, 1113m, 2345j, 3395e, 9348 (4q)] - AB150
HMO and LSHO tax exemptions revised [Sec. 3344, 3345, 3397, 3405, 3406, 3407, 4873, 7029, 7032, 9348 (5), 9448 (5); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 3399f, 9348 (5m), deletes 9348 (5), 9448 (5)] -  AB150
Individual income tax brackets and standard deductions indexed for inflation -  AB1025
Mass transit expenses: income tax exemption created for certain employer-paid fringe benefits -  SB303
Medical care insurance: individual income tax exemption expanded -  SB399
Medical savings accounts by employer or self-employed persons authorized; tax exemption provided [A.Sub.Amdt.2: provisions revised and expanded, DOR and Insurance commissioner duties added, study re enactment of federal legislation; S.Amdt.1: coverage linked to medical savings account excluded from certain portability provisions]  - AB545
Medical savings accounts by employer or self-employed persons authorized; tax exemption provided  - SB383
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, room tax, contracting, highway improvements, surplus state land sale and LAB audit [for further revisions, see entry under: ``Milwaukee Brewers"] -  SE5 AB1
Special distinguishing registration plates re Olympic game supporter; additional annual fee made a tax-deductible contribution to certain organizations -  SB301
Tax exemption for bond interest revised [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3399em, 9348 (4x); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: further revisions, 3320p, 3321g, 3323p, 3330b, 3399er, jr, 3404jm, 3406m, 3405g-r, 9348 (4tmt), (7c), deletes 9348 (4x)] -  AB150
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling, depository assessments and filing of late or extended returns [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, depository assessments provision removed, sampling limited to fuel taxes] -  AB775
Viatical settlements and contracts: standards and requirements established; income tax exemption provided  - AB1020
Viatical settlements and contracts: standards and requirements established; income tax exemption provided  - SB621
Wisconsin election campaign fund income tax check-off [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1153s, 3393w, 3395c, 9348 (4t); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150]  - AB150
income tax _ delinquentIncome tax — Delinquent
Credential renewal procedures revised; nonrenewal for tax delinquency [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3422m, 6472g, j, 6567j-L, 6572b, c, 6605b-y, 6606c-6608y, 6616c-w, 6618m, 6620b-f, 9347 (3b); A.Amdt.3 to A.Amdt.26: deletes 6605b-y, 6606c-6608y, 6616c-w, 6618m, 6620b-f]  - AB150
Credential renewal procedures revised; nonrenewal for tax delinquency; judicial review and DOR hearing authorized  - AB642
Delinquent tax accounts: fees charged revised [Sec. 3438, 9148 (2), 9448 (1)] -  AB150
Individual income tax liens: DOR notice revised -  SB141
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling, depository assessments and filing of late or extended returns [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, depository assessments provision removed, sampling limited to fuel taxes] -  AB775
income tax _ rateIncome tax — Rate
Individual income tax brackets and standard deductions indexed for inflation -  AB1025
Individual income tax rates revised [Sec. 3374-3377, 3396, 3416-3418; original bill only] - AB150
State income or sales tax rates increases: advisory referendum on question of two-thirds vote of both houses  - AJR103
income tax _ refundIncome tax — Refund
Refund anticipation loans: fees for filing tax returns revised  - AB308
Set off of unpaid municipal obligations [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1112m, 3414m, 3415r, 3419m, 3420m, 3423g-tm, 3424dm, 3429m; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: deletes 3423mp, sc, tm] - AB150
Time period to claim refund modified [Sec. 3420; original bill only] -  AB150
Time period to claim refund modified -  SB199
Traffic and municipal violations: DOR authorized to offset unpaid judgements against income tax refunds  - AB342
income tax _ returnIncome tax — Return