Vehicle weight and width limitations re Interstate 39 -  AB557
portage countyPortage county
CTH ``HH" bridge across Wisconsin river in Portage county: construction funding -  AB1094
postage and postal servicePostage and postal service
Civil action: notification to intended defendant prior to commencement required; certain exemptions provided  - AB780
DOA revisions re PR restructuring, document sales, interagency mail delivery and printing services [Sec. 357, 393, 1055, 1058, 1059, 1178, 9101 (3), (4)] -  AB150
Legislative interim allowances for postage and clerical assistance discontinued -  AB1
Legislative interim allowances for postage and clerical assistance discontinued [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 16q, r, 17f, 9337 (2t); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: authorization procedure provided, allowances continued, deletes 16r; A.Amdt.1 to S.Amdt.116: procedure for adjusting maximum legislator expenses, 9137 (3g)] -  AB150
Legislative office expense allowances authorized; postage stamp perforation requirement created  - AB45
Mailbox criminal damage: restitution required -  SB152
Pharmacies located outside the state: licensing requirements revised; toll-free telephone service provision  - AB770
Pharmacies located outside the state: licensing requirements revised; toll-free telephone service provision  - SB534
Postage stamp commemorating Richard Bong requested -  AJR44
Postage stamp commemorating Richard Bong requested -  SJR24
Postage stamp honoring the nation's conservation wardens requested -  AJR14
Postage stamp portraying Uncle Sam encouraged -  AJR61
Print-to-mail center established in DOA [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 14L, 9101 (20m)] -  AB150
Publications and mailings by state agencies: report on feasibility of sponsorship required [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9159 (14h)] -  AB150
potatoPotato, see Farm produce
Interstate marketing of state-inspected meat: Congress urged to allow (memorial to Congress) -  SJR25
pound for stray animalsPound for stray animals, see Animal — Treatment
pow _prisoner of war_POW (Prisoner of war), see Veteran
pp plans _preferred provider plans_PP plans (Preferred provider plans), see Medical practice, Group
pr _program revenue_PR (Program revenue), see Appropriation; specific subject
pr_s _program revenue_service_ appropriationPR-S (Program revenue-service) appropriation, see specific subject
preferred provider plans _pp plans_Preferred provider plans (PP plans), see Medical practice, Group
preliminary proceedingsPreliminary proceedings, see Court — Procedure
prescriptionPrescription, see Drugs
presidential electorsPresidential electors
Election date changes re 1995 WisAct 16: local governments may file claim for costs -  AB694
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -  AB221
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -  SB111
prevailing wagePrevailing wage, see Wage — Payment
price, deanPrice, Dean
Life and public service - AR33
primary electionsPrimary elections
Election date changes re 1995 WisAct 16: local governments may file claim for costs -  AB694
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -  AB221
Election dates of spring primary and election, presidential preference primary and certain other dates for election procedures revised -  SB111
Elector voting in primary of more than one political party authorized -  AB136
printing _ statePrinting — State, see State printing
Child adjudicated delinquent: age lowered for certain crimes; secured correctional facility provision  - SB91
Compulsive gambling prevention and treatment: board, toll-free hotline, outreach program and research, treatment center and prisoner treatment program created; funding from lottery and racing revenues -  AB494
Fishing license issuance re state correctional institution prohibited -  AB509
Fishing re state correctional institutions: license issuance and fishing by inmates prohibited -  SB405
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906] -  AB150
Incarceration costs: reimbursement by prisoner provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6362g, 6364g, 6373m, 6398r, 9312 (3g)] - AB150
Indigent person's case attacking conditions of confinement: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 1108, 7265, 7282, 9344 (1)] -  AB150
Inmate-parents: revisions re court hearing participation, permanency planning, reasonable efforts requirements, assessment of needs, visitation and parental status after conviction  - AB507
Legislative proposals affecting felony crimes: prison impact assessment required -  AB508
Medical and dental services for prisoners: inmate fee authorized [Sec. 6370-6373, 9312 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: collections from third parties, 6369q, 5371g, 9312 (2g)]  - AB150
Prison inmates: state educational grants prohibited -  AB173
Prison operation: DOC contract authority expanded -  AB27
Prison operations: PR appropriations [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 783x] -  AB150
Prisoner actions against DOC prohibited until administrative remedies have been exhausted [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 7141g, 9310 (3x), 9410 (3x)] - AB150
Prisoner committed to DOC custody: contracting for confinement in another state authorized - AB1017
Prisoner committed to DOC custody: contracting for confinement in another state authorized - SB602
Prisoner escapes: notification of victims and witnesses -  SB112
Prisoner payment of postsecondary educational fees required -  AB624
Public records access laws revised [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, provisions re claims against governmental bodies and their officers, employes and agents]  - AB207
Purchased goods, care and services for prisoners at adult institutions: appropriation increased [Sec. 9212 (1), (4)]  - AB933
Purchased goods, care and services for prisoners at adult institutions: appropriation increased [Sec. 9212 (1), (4); S.Sub.Amdt.1: funding revised re population adjustments, funds to be released re increase in intensive sanctions population, 9133 (2), 9212 (3), (5)-(7), 9234 (2), 9400, deletes 9212 (4)] -  SB563
Smoking by prisoners in state prisons prohibited; exceptions re DOC employes and visitors -  AB978
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - AB651
UC law revisions re benefits, tax changes, cooperative sickness care associations, appeals and hearings, wage concealment and evidence of social security number  - SB390
Weight training equipment: use by inmates, guards or others prohibited -  AB574
prison _ building programPrison — Building program, see also Juvenile detention facility
Correctional institution construction or expansion: DOA to provide certain information to Building commission [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 18m, n] -  AB150
Green Bay correctional institution expansion [Sec. 19, 20; original bill only] -  AB150
Green Bay correctional institution expansion -  SB236
Maximum security correctional institution: new facility to be established [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2099g, 6363g, h, 6365g]  - AB150
McNaughton correctional center property in Oneida county: land exchange authorized [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9112 (2x)]  - AB150
Prison expansion project under state building program re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority increased; federal funding provision -  AB1018
Prison expansion project under state building program re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority increased; federal funding provision -  SB617
State building program modifications [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9108 (2), (3)-(7)] -  AB150
prison industries boardPrison industries board
Prison industries products: sale by nonprofit or tax-supported agencies permitted [S.Amdt.3: Prison industries board to review and approve programs] -  SB177
prisoner _ work programPrisoner — Work program
Chain gang work program: DOC authorized to establish -  AB604
Chain gang work program: DOC authorized to establish -  SB367
Child support: revisions re percentage standard, deviation factors, child care expenses, trust fund, Huber prisoner wages, social security benefits and postmajority support for exceptional educational needs children; paternity judgments and blood test costs revised; DHSS studies and reports required  - SB422