Wetlands property tax exemption created -  AB393
Wetlands property tax exemption created -  SB519
wharfWharf, see Port
wheelchairWheelchair, see Handicapped
wic _women, infants and children program_WIC (Women, infants and children program), see Maternal and infant care
wild animalWild animal, see Game
wildlifeWildlife, see Game
Adoption criteria recreated and family court jurisdiction in child custody, support and physical placement cases revised, unmarried adult provisions; juvenile court jurisdition expanded in guardianship and visitation cases re minor with deceased parents without will provisions -  AB859
Disposition of human remains: right of person to control by written document and to appoint agent to carry out wishes; civil liability immunity provision -  AB943
Probate code revised and updated - AB645
Probate code revised and updated - AB720
Probate code revised and updated - SB368
winnebago countyWinnebago county
$2,087.00 claim for ballot reprinting costs -  AB425
winneshiek, benjamin wWinneshiek, Benjamin W.
Life of Chief of Ho-Chunk nation commended -  AR24
Life of Chief of Ho-Chunk nation commended -  AP8 SR2
wisconsin compensation rating bureauWisconsin compensation rating bureau, see Worker's compensation
wisconsin conservation corpsWisconsin conservation corps
Crew leader wages [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2681m, r] - AB100
Crew leaders: WCC board may extend enrollment period [Sec. 2684, 9326 (1)] -  SB77
Highway landscaping: DNR and DOT to develop plan; Corr.Dept and WCC to provide work crews [Sec. 9137 (6); original bill only] -  AB100
Highway landscaping: DNR and DOT to develop plan; Corr.Dept and WCC to provide work crews [Sec. 9137 (6)]  - SB77
Project funding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2680m] -  AB100
Selective service system: penalties for failure to register re state classified service, U.W. system and WCC positions, state financial assistance for college and motor vehicle operator's license - AB766
Tuition voucher re WCC enrollee: maximum increased [Sec. 2683] -  AB100
Tuition voucher re WCC enrollee: maximum increased [Sec. 2683] -  SB77
UC eligibility of certain WCC enrollees; certain federal law provisions retained [Sec. 2682, 2686]  - AB100
UC eligibility of certain WCC enrollees; certain federal law provisions retained [Sec. 2682, 2686]  - SB77
UC law: various changes re benefits, taxation, employe service companies, determinations and decisions, WCC and Wisconsin service corps coverage; chapter title changed to ``Unemployment insurance and reserves" -  AB571
UC law: various changes re benefits, taxation, employe service companies, determinations and decisions, WCC and Wisconsin service corps coverage; chapter title changed to ``Unemployment insurance and reserves" -  SB327
WCC service appropriations transfer between DILJD and its subunits [Sec. 641, 642; A.Sub.Amdt.1: DILJD changed to DWD; A.Amdt.8: technical change, 642g]  - AB100
WCC service appropriations transfer between DILJD and its subunits [Sec. 641, 642] -  SB77
wisconsin conservation corps boardWisconsin conservation corps board
Crew leaders: WCC board may extend enrollment period [Sec. 2684, 9326 (1)] -  SB77
wisconsin dells resort centerWisconsin Dells resort center, see Public building
wisconsin geography allianceWisconsin geography alliance
Funding for [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 265mp, 2708e] -  AB100
wisconsin lake schooner education associationWisconsin lake schooner education association, see Boat
wisconsin land councilWisconsin land council
Land information board eliminated, duties transferred to DOA; financing of state land information and land use functions [Sec. 44, 51, 133-142, 669, 672, 673, 682-684, 774, 775, 1156, 1164, 2164, 2175-2178, 2489, 9101 (1); original bill only]  - AB100
Land information board eliminated, duties transferred to DOA; financing of state land information and land use functions [Sec. 44, 51, 133-142, 669, 672, 673, 682-684, 774, 775, 1156, 1164, 2164, 2175-2178, 2489, 9101 (1)] - SB77
Land information board repealed; Wisconsin land council created, duties defined [Sec. 44, 51, 55, 97, 142, 669, 672, 9101 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: Land information board restructured, memorandum of understanding, report and sunset provision, 133am-142am, 666g, h, p, q, 669am, 672m, 682ad-684ad, 769ad, 774am, 775am, 1156ad, 1164ad, 2164am-e, 2175aj-c, 2489ad, 9101 (11m), 9456 (3m)] - AB100
Land information board repealed; Wisconsin land council created, duties defined [Sec. 44, 51, 55, 97, 142, 669, 672, 9101 (1), (2)] -  SB77
Land use planning grants: local government, regional planning commission or nonprofit organization may apply for re comprehensive land use plan; DOA duties set; sunset provision  - AB930
Land use planning grants: local government, regional planning commission or nonprofit organization may apply for re comprehensive land use plan; DOA duties set; sunset provision  - SB504
wisconsin school for the visually handicappedWisconsin school for the visually handicapped, see Blind
wisconsin sesquicentennialWisconsin sesquicentennial
Commission membership revised [Sec. 19; original bill only] -  AB100
Commission membership revised [Sec. 19] -  SB77
Historical legacy trust and Historical society endowment funds created; council and program established [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``Historical society"] - AB100
Matching of pledged gifts to the Commission [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3r] -  AB100
Sesquicentennial commission supplemental appropriation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 38g, gm, 48r, s, 9101 (1x), 9128 (1x), 9448 (1f)] -  AB768
Significant events in Wisconsin's history remembered re sesquicentennial celebration -  AJR93
Significant Wisconsin persons who were born or lived in this state re sesquicentennial celebration  - AJR91
Special distinguishing registration plates re Wisconsin sesquicentennial: proceeds from sale to Sesquicentennial commission revised -  AB711
Statehood day weekend proclaimed May 29-31, 1998 -  SJR30
Wisconsin African-Americans: achievements recognized re sesquicentennial celebration -  AJR95
Wisconsin firsts noted re sesquicentennial celebration -  AJR92
Wisconsin lake schooner education association: assistance provided for tall sailing ship to commemorate sesquicentennial [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9101 (12pg); S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-100: DNR to provide assistance, 378m, 9137 (12f), 9437 (10c), deletes 9101 (12pg)] - AB100
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission: specific termination date set [A.Amdt.8 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 19m, 757s, 3306m, 5510em] -  AB100
Wisconsin sesquicentennial recognized -  AJR88
Wisconsin veterans from the Civil War to Somalia honored re sesquicentennial celebration -  AJR89
Wisconsin women's accomplishments and significant events recognized re sesquicentennial celebration  - AJR94
Wisconsin's American Indian tribes, past and present, commended re sesquicentennial celebration  - AJR90
wisconsin state historical societyWisconsin state historical society, see Historical society
wisconsin waterways commissionWisconsin waterways commission
Columbia county park on Lake Winnebago: recreational boating project funding [Sec. 9137 (9)); A.Sub.Amdt.1: percentage matching requirements, 9137 (8tu), deletes 9137 (9)]  - AB100
Lake Superior harbor or refuge construction; exemption from enumeration in state building program [Sec. 760, 1146]  - AB100