Telephone solicitation prohibition revisions re cellular telephones, small businesses, verbal notification from residential customer, penalties, and registration fee; facsimile provisions; enforcement and administrative authority transferred to DATCP -
Telephone solicitation prohibition revisions re cellular telephones, small businesses, verbal notification from residential customer, penalties, and registration fee; facsimile provisions; enforcement and administrative authority transferred to DATCP -
Telephone solicitation: residential and nonresidential customer definition expanded to include mobile telephone customers; expiration modified re notice to DATCP for inclusion in nonsolicitation directory; solicitor prohibited from threatening violence or harassment against recipient
Trigger lead information re consumer reports: state law restrictions on dissemination and use of; DATCP, AG, DA, civil action, and penalty provisions [A.Amdt.2: DOJ duties added] -
Trigger lead information re consumer reports: state law restrictions on dissemination and use of; DATCP, AG, DA, civil action, and penalty provisions -
Unfair Sales Act repealed; prohibitions on certain pricing practices by wholesale and retail sellers created; DATCP, DOJ, and DA duties -
Veterinary clinic at which pesticides are used or repackaged: certain DATCP permit requirement eliminated; Veterinary Examining Board prohibited from requiring training and continuing education re pesticide use and disposal
Weights and measures testing and inspection in municipalities over 5,000 population [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1] -
Wind, solar, and gas from anaerobic digestion of agricultural waste: sales and use tax exemptions created [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2419c, 9441 (2j)] -
Wisconsin Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative grants [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 186m, 2594p]
Electrical wiring code; electricians and electrical and other contractors regulations; inspections of electrical wiring; Comm.Dept duties specified and local government provisions -
Electrical wiring code; electricians and electrical and other contractors regulations; inspections of electrical wiring; Comm.Dept duties specified and local government provisions -
Mobile air conditioners: prohibiting DATCP from promulgating or enforcing certain restrictions to substitutes for ozone-depleting refrigerants -
Diesel engines that emit lower levels of nitrogen oxide and used in certain commercial motor vehicles: income and franchise tax credits created; airport development zone program credits provision -
Diesel engines that emit lower levels of nitrogen oxide and used in certain commercial motor vehicles: income and franchise tax credits created; airport development zone program credits provision -
Diesel truck idling reduction grant program revisions [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 3564p-t] -
Emissions limitations for motor vehicles: DNR to promulgate rules identical to the California greenhouse gas exhaust emissions limitations -
Greenhouse gas emissions management: DNR required to approve a plan to reduce; Governor's authority, penalty, and fee provisions; Greenhouse Gas Management Justice Council and Greenhouse Gas Management Economic and Technology Advancement Council created to advise DNR
Greenhouse gas emissions management: DNR required to approve a plan to reduce; Governor's authority, penalty, and fee provisions; Greenhouse Gas Management Justice Council and Greenhouse Gas Management Economic and Technology Advancement Council created to advise DNR
Idle reduction technology: weight limitations may be exceeded for heavy-duty vehicle equipped with, conditions specified [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 3435j, 9348 (5d)]
Indoor environmental quality in public schools: various provisions created; Superintendent to establish a special task force; DPI and school board duties -
Corporate income and franchise tax reporting combined; renewable energy grant and loan program; Wisconsin higher education grants for technical college students; W-2 child care subsidy; manufacturing skills training grants; airport development and technology zones tax credits; fiscal changes; commuter rail transit system; WHEFA bonds for research institutes
Development zones, enterprise development zones, agricultural development zones, technology zones, and airport development zones consolidated; reports and LAB audit provisions -
Development zones, enterprise development zones, agricultural development zones, technology zones, and airport development zones consolidated; reports and LAB audit provisions -
Diesel engines that emit lower levels of nitrogen oxide and used in certain commercial motor vehicles: income and franchise tax credits created; airport development zone program credits provision -
Diesel engines that emit lower levels of nitrogen oxide and used in certain commercial motor vehicles: income and franchise tax credits created; airport development zone program credits provision -
Technology zone tax credits: Comm.Dept may allocate unallocated airport development zone tax credits; conditions set [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, allocation to agricultural development zone, airport development zone designated]
Technology zone tax credits: Comm.Dept may allocate unallocated airport development zone tax credits; conditions set -
Life and military service commended -
Aircraft OWI and prohibited alcohol concentration penalties made the same as motor vehicle penalties; minor passenger, operating in a reckless manner, and alcohol and other drug assessment and treatment provisions
Aircraft OWI and prohibited alcohol concentration penalties made the same as motor vehicle penalties; minor passenger, operating in a reckless manner, and alcohol and other drug assessment and treatment provisions [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 814m, 1819m, 2665g-r, 3315k, s] -
Court order to transfer a minor from one inpatient facility to another: approval process modified (remedial legislation) -
Fermented malt beverages tax rate increased; portion of which will fund law enforcement grants, community aids for AODA treatment services, and substance abuse treatment and prevention programs -
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; equal coverage to treatment of physical condition re deductibles, copayments, etc.; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required
Group health insurance coverage of nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, and AODA: specified minimum amounts of coverage removed; equal coverage to treatment of physical condition re deductibles, copayments, etc.; coverage of annual screening for mental health and substance abuse treatment and prepartum and postpartum depression required
Group home revolving fund repealed [Sec. 410, 1201] -
Inpatient facility reimbursement: county department of community programs reimbursement requirement reduced; DHFS appropriation provision -
Mental health and AODA insurance coverage revisions; consumer price index made basis of change; DHFS report [Sec. 3682-3687, 9325 (3)] -
Outpatient treatment of nervous and mental disorders and AODA problems: coverage by group health insurance policies and defined network plans of treatment by clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors required; MA revisions re service providers and physician prescribed requirement -
Outpatient treatment of nervous and mental disorders and AODA problems: coverage by group health insurance policies and defined network plans of treatment by clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists, and professional counselors required; MA revisions re service providers and physician prescribed requirement -
OWI conviction for 2nd or 3rd offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment
OWI conviction for 2nd or 3rd offense: expanding a pilot program that reduces period of imprisonment if violator completes probation that includes AODA treatment
Patient health care records and treatment records: confidentiality requirements revised; redisclosure provision
Patient health care records and treatment records: confidentiality requirements revised; redisclosure provision
Three-tier intoxicating liquor distribution system modifications [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2757r, 2759c, cm, d-u, v-x, 2780b, d-f] -
Voluntary intoxication as defense to criminal liability eliminated
Auction sale of sealed bottles or containers of wine to raise money for a charitable organization: exception to alcohol beverage licensing requirement created [S.Amdt.1: intoxicating liquor and fermented malt beverage added]
Beauty salon or health spa: Class ``B" license exception created and exception allowing unaccompanied underage person on licensed premises -
Beer taste samples may be provided by a Class ``A" licensee or a brewer, with consent, on Class ``A" licensed premises under set conditions; hours modified that ``Class A" licensee may provide wine taste samples -
Beer taste samples may be provided by a Class ``A" licensee or a brewer, with consent, on Class ``A" licensed premises under set conditions; hours modified that ``Class A" licensee may provide wine taste samples -
Brew-on-premises and winemaking-on-premises permits created; fee, civil liability immunity, and occupational tax exemption -
Brew-on-premises and winemaking-on-premises permits created; fee, civil liability immunity, and occupational tax exemption -
Brewpub permit created; DOR duty set; severability provision -
Brewpub permit created; DOR duty set; severability provision [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2757t-tm, we-ws, 2759b, ca, cb, cec-cLh, um, 2777g, r, 2780cd-cj, m, p, 3425m, 9441 (13d)]
Brewpub permit created; DOR duty set; severability provision -
``Class B" intoxicating liquor licenses: exception to quotas [A.Sub.Amdt.1 or A.Amdt.1; deleted by Conf.Sub.Amdt.1]
``Class B" license: village in Ozaukee County meeting specific criteria permitted one additional license
``Class B" license: village in Ozaukee County meeting specific criteria permitted one additional license [S.Amdt.2: sunset provision added] -
``Class B" licenses: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurants modified -
``Class B" licenses: municipal quota exception for full-service restaurants modified -
``Class D" license created authorizing retail sale of wine by certain restaurants for consumption on or off the premises; penalty provision -
``Class D" license created authorizing retail sale of wine by certain restaurants for consumption on or off the premises; penalty provision -
Culinary or cooking classes that permit wine to be consumed: exception to consumption of alcohol beverages in public places prohibition -
Daylight saving time: federal law changes adopted; closing time for ``Class B" licensed premise revised
Daylight saving time: federal law changes adopted; closing time for ``Class B" licensed premise revised
Intoxicating liquor and wine: production, sale, and distribution revisions; cooperative wholesaler and DOR provisions
Intoxicating liquor and wine: production, sale, and distribution revisions; cooperative wholesaler and DOR provisions [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, wine collectors provision added] -
Intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier permitted to sell or provide free taste samples directly to consumers for consumption on or off the premises; licensing, DOR, and winery permit provisions -
Intoxicating liquor manufacturer or rectifier permitted to sell or provide free taste samples directly to consumers for consumption on or off the premises; licensing, DOR, and winery permit provisions -
National Railroad Museum sales of beer, wine, and liquor [Enrolled SB-40: Sec. 2757w, 2759ce, cs]
Official ID card re purchase of alcohol beverages: definition expanded to include military ID card; alcohol beverage licensee or permittee may require certain documents as proof of age but is not required to accept ID that is not valid or has been altered -
Retail intoxicating liquor license issuance: interest restriction on a member of a municipal governing body modified [A.Amdt.1: violation of the code of ethics for local government officials, employees, and candidates specified]
Retail intoxicating liquor license issuance: interest restriction on a member of a municipal governing body modified
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and place of employment, exceptions specified; other prohibited places listed; exceptions for bowling centers, taverns, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated; enforcement by person in charge of place required -
Smoking prohibitions: designated smoking area prohibited in public places and place of employment, exceptions specified, tobacco retailer provision; other prohibited places listed; exceptions for bowling centers, taverns, restaurants, private halls, and certain facilities eliminated; enforcement by person in charge of place required -